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Provides a range of support services for individuals with disabilities.Supported EmploymentMore information: Includes supported employment, day habilitation, residential services, supported living, and respite Offers activities for recreation, socialization, and integration


Mental Health Issues
Mental Health Information/Education
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Vocational Rehabilitation
Assisted Living Facilities
Offers a residential program for individuals with severe functional limitations due to mental illness.Residential Treatment FacilitiesMore information: Provides overnight supervision, support, and guidance in all residential settings


Volunteer Development
Assisted Living Facilities
Mental Health Issues
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Offers in-home assistance to individuals who require help with daily living activities.In-Home AssistanceMore information: Helps with transportation, housekeeping, budgeting, laundry, and meal preparation


Independent Living Skills Instruction
Errand Running/Shopping Assistance
Personal Care
Home Health Care
Provides support services for individuals diagnosed with mental illness.Mental Health Support ServicesMore information: Includes medication management, case management, and home-based servicesOffers a community rehabilitation day program and a child development programIndividual, couples, family, and group counseling available


Conjoint Counseling
Residential Mental Health Treatment Facilities
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Parenting Education
Group Counseling
Recreational Activities/Sports
Vocational Rehabilitation
Mental Health Information/Education
Mental Health Related Support Groups
Volunteer Opportunities
Early Childhood Education
Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Individual Counseling
Case/Care Management
Family Counseling
Offers community living and in-home services for individuals with developmental disabilities.Supportive Housing, In Home AssistanceMore information: Includes homes with different levels of supervisionProvides a supported living program for individuals who can live independently in their own homes In-home skilled training for daily living needs available


Volunteer Opportunities
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Home Health Care
Intellectual Disabilities
Offers services to children and adults with autism.Autism ServicesMore information: Includes intensive early intervention, private schooling, and a community living program Provides job training and opportunities for employment


Vocational Rehabilitation
Assisted Living Facilities
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Speech and Language Pathology
Mental Health Related Support Groups
Family Counseling
Individual Counseling
Occupational Therapy
Special Education
Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Provides support services for individuals with mental, physical, and developmental disabilities.Disability ServicesMore information:Includes living skills training, job coaching, help with daily tasks, and employment opportunities Offers community activities, volunteer opportunities, and socialization


Developmental Issues
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Volunteer Opportunities
Physical Disabilities
Comprehensive Disability Related Employment Programs
Vocational Rehabilitation
Provides support services for individuals with mental, physical, and developmental disabilities.Disability Services More information: Includes living skills training, peer counseling, youth programs, and advocacyHelps clients fund accessibility modifications to homes and acquire assistive technology Offers community-supported living arrangements Refers to other community resources as needed


Peer Counseling
Home Barrier Evaluation/Removal Services
Assistive Technology Equipment
Assisted Living Facilities
Physical Disabilities
Case/Care Management
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Specialized Information and Referral
Provides residential rehabilitation services to help individuals learn the skills they need to live independently.Life Skills Education/TrainingMore information: Offers instruction on skills related to safety, budgeting, personal care, shopping, meal preparation socialization, integration, medication and symptom management, and transportation


Residential Mental Health Treatment Facilities
Psychiatric Medication Services
Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Chronic/Severe Mental Illness
Provides services for individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities and their families. Developmental Disabilities ServicesMore information: Includes community living, employment and work skills training, and personal supports Provides fully inclusive licensed childcare programs Respite care coordination for caregivers available


Independent Living Skills Instruction
Respite Care
Intellectual Disabilities
Vocational Rehabilitation
Case/Care Management
Assisted Living Facilities
Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Medical Equipment/Supplies
Mental Health Evaluation
Mental Health Issues
Mental Health Information/Education
Volunteer Opportunities
Special Education
Early Childhood Education
Offers support services to individuals who have never lived on their own successfully. Independent Living Skills Instruction More information: Available to individuals living in specialized housing or their own homes


Hearing Loss
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Provides support, resources, and advocacy to families with children who have disabilities.Disability Related Family SupportMore information: Offers trainings and skills development programs


People With Disabilities/Health Conditions
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Volunteer Opportunities
Offers a range of supportive services for veterans.Veterans ServicesMore information: Homelessness Prevention Program provides assistance to families to prevent homelessness Community Support Program offers rental and job assistance, case management, and support Permanent Supportive Housing Program provides on-site supportive housingIndependent Living Skills Program offers one-on-one case management services


Veteran Benefits Assistance
Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing
Veteran Homes
Veteran Reintegration Counseling
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Offers mental health services, including psychiatric evaluation; individual, couples, and family counseling; psychotherapy; and medication monitoring.Mental Health ServicesMore information: Specialized services available for individuals with developmental and physical disabilities Provides psychosocial rehabilitation that includes living skills, job readiness, and recreation Operates supervised group housing for individuals who have recently been discharged Offers residential, community-based, and job training programs for individuals who are deaf-blind


Volunteer Opportunities
Conjoint Counseling
Mental Health Evaluation
Individual Counseling
Vocational Rehabilitation
Assisted Living Facilities
Psychiatric Medication Services
Family Counseling
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Provides assistance with life skills, transportation, medication monitoring, and social events.Life Skills Education/Training


Chronic/Severe Mental Illness
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Psychiatric Medication Services
Provides supports for adults with developmental disabilities who wish to remain at home.Developmental Disabilities Supported LivingMore information: Offers instruction on physical, emotional, social, and cognitive skills


People With Disabilities/Health Conditions
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Volunteer Opportunities
Assesses individuals with developmental disabilities in order to meet employment and therapy needs.Supported EmploymentMore information: Provides vocational training, job placement, and on-site support Offers instruction on daily living skills, such as self-feeding, toileting, and range of motion exercises A recreational program is available 5 days a week


Vocational Rehabilitation
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Day Rehabilitation
Intellectual Disabilities
Volunteer Opportunities
Offers free programs and workshops for individuals who are blind or visually impaired.Disability Related Center-Based EmploymentMore information: Prepares individuals for everyday challenges at home, school, and work


Visual Impairments
Vocational Rehabilitation
Assistive Technology Equipment
Volunteer Opportunities
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Reading Services for People With Disabilities
Provides services and support to individuals with disabilities to help them live independently.Independent Living Skills TrainingMore information: Includes counseling, support groups, advocacy, life skills instruction, and employment services Offers assistance for purchasing assistive technology, durable medical equipment, and other devices Helps clients transition from nursing homes or from education to employmentLinks to resources and agencies at the county and state levels


Assistive Technology Equipment
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Vocational Rehabilitation
Volunteer Opportunities
Medical Equipment Expense Assistance
People With Disabilities/Health Conditions
Adult/Child Mentoring Programs
Home Barrier Evaluation/Removal Services
Provides an intensive outpatient psychiatric treatment program.Mental Health Support ServicesMore information: Meets for at least 3 hours per day, 3 to 5 days per week, with at least 3 therapeutic activities daily Individual and family therapy sessions are included but less frequent Weekly medication management is provided by a psychiatrist


Substance Use Disorder Issues
Substance Use Disorder Day Treatment
Anger Management
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Provides 24-hour crisis intervention and in-home support for families.Family Support ServicesMore information: Includes support groups, counseling, and instruction in independent living skillsOffers psychiatric rehabilitation


Family Preservation Programs
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Mental Health Related Support Groups
Provides support services to individuals with short- and long-term disabilities.Mental Health Support ServicesMore information: Includes adult day services, early intervention, residential camping, and recreational activities Offers assistive technology evaluation, training, and equipment Occupational, physical, and speech therapies available Disability awareness and education provided to the public


People With Disabilities/Health Conditions
Medical Equipment/Supplies
Therapeutic Camps
Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Assistive Technology Equipment
Intellectual Disabilities
Physical Therapy
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Speech and Language Pathology
Respite Care
Occupational Therapy
Caregiver Training
Adult Day Programs
Volunteer Opportunities
Provides programs and services for individuals with mental, physical, and developmental disabilities.Rehabilitation/Habilitation ServicesMore information: Includes peer counseling, individual and system advocacy, living skills instruction, and referrals Offers workshops, training, and consultation on workplace ADA complianceInforms the community on relevant issues through meetings, seminars, and a newsletter


Intellectual Disabilities
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Specialized Information and Referral
Physical Disabilities
Peer Counseling
Helps individuals acquire the necessary skills to secure independent housing, competitive employment, and a supportive peer network.Youth Development Programs


Volunteer Opportunities
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Provides an intensive outpatient psychiatric treatment program.Mental Health Support ServicesMore information: Meets for at least 3 hours per day, 3 to 5 days per week, with at least 3 therapeutic activities daily Individual and family therapy sessions are included but less frequent Weekly medication management is provided by a psychiatrist


Substance Use Disorder Issues
Substance Use Disorder Day Treatment
Anger Management
Independent Living Skills Instruction