Community Services for Autistic Adults & Children
Offers services to children and adults with autism.Autism ServicesMore information: Includes intensive early intervention, private schooling, and a community living program Provides job training and opportunities for employment
Vocational RehabilitationAssisted Living FacilitiesAutism Spectrum DisorderSpeech and Language PathologyMental Health Related Support GroupsFamily CounselingIndividual CounselingOccupational TherapySpecial EducationEarly Intervention for Children With Disabilities/DelaysIndependent Living Skills Instruction
Physical Address
8615 East Village Avenue, Montgomery Village, MD 20886
Individuals of all ages with a primary diagnosis of autism.
Service area
Washington county, DC MD, United States
Agency info
Community Services for Autistic Adults and Children
Provides early intervention, education, residential and employment services to children and adults with autism.