Age Group
Payment Options
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Provides a place to sleep, shower, and receive laundry assistance.Emergency Shelter, Weather ShelterMore information:Supplies personal hygiene products, pillows, and blanketsIncludes case management servicesExtends the overnight shelter when either a freeze warning is in effect or when winter precipitation is expected. Police can assist with transportation. People who have previously been banned and those from outside of Frederick County are allowed access until the freeze warning lifts.
Provides a place to sleep, shower, and receive laundry assistance.Emergency Shelter, Weather ShelterMore information:Supplies personal hygiene products, pillows, and blanketsIncludes case management servicesExtends the overnight shelter when either a freeze warning is in effect or when winter precipitation is expected. Police can assist with transportation. People who have previously been banned and those from outside of Frederick County are allowed access until the freeze warning lifts.
Basic Needs
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Housing / Shelter
Extreme Weather Shelters
Provides a food pantry, food distribution and mobile food pantry, and resource center to those in need. Food and Clothing PantriesMore information:All food is available on a first-come, first-serve basis until resources run outFresh food and canned goods offered, quantity and quality are subject to changePlease bring a bag or cart with you when arriving at a distributionProvides items available for pick-up at the resource center including clothing, shoes, non-perishable food items, diapers, cleaning supplies, hygiene kits and more
Provides a food pantry, food distribution and mobile food pantry, and resource center to those in need. Food and Clothing PantriesMore information:All food is available on a first-come, first-serve basis until resources run outFresh food and canned goods offered, quantity and quality are subject to changePlease bring a bag or cart with you when arriving at a distributionProvides items available for pick-up at the resource center including clothing, shoes, non-perishable food items, diapers, cleaning supplies, hygiene kits and more
Food Banks & Pantries
Food Pantries
Food Banks/Food Distribution Warehouses
Families with children
Provides a food pantry and thrift store. Food Pantries, Thrift StoresMore information:All food is available on a first-come, first-serve basis until resources run outFresh food and canned goods offered, quantity and quality are subject to changePlease bring a bag or cart with you when arriving at a distribution
Provides a food pantry and thrift store. Food Pantries, Thrift StoresMore information:All food is available on a first-come, first-serve basis until resources run outFresh food and canned goods offered, quantity and quality are subject to changePlease bring a bag or cart with you when arriving at a distribution
Thrift Shops
Families with children
Food Pantries
Food Banks/Food Distribution Warehouses
Food Banks & Pantries