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Provides information about the location of utility lines to prevent damage during times of construction or other activities requiring excavation and/or digging. Utility Line Location Assistance More information: Identifies gas, electric, telephone, water, and other utility piping or cabling lines on properties


Utility Issues
Building and Safety
Specialized Information and Referral
Provides energy utilities to Delaware and the Delmarva Peninsula.UtilitiesMore information: Accepts reports of power outages and electrical emergencies Helps customers who want to apply for budget billing or are having issues with a bill Offers a rebate program on select energy efficient refrigerators, air conditioners, and water heaters Notifies customers about upcoming electrical issues Shares tips to reduce energy usage and conserve resources


Utility Service Providers
Consumer Complaints
Utility Issues
Regulates rates and services for public utilities, gas and electric suppliers, and transportation companies. Utility AssistanceMore information: Responds to related consumer complaints


Transportation Issues
Consumer Complaints
Utility Issues
Manages and maintains Howard County's public water and wastewater systems.Water and Sewer ServiceMore information:Residents connected to the public system who are experiencing a blockage should call the County before a plumber


Consumer Complaints
Utility Service Providers
Utility Issues
Waste Management Services
Provides grants for utility bill related expenses via the Maryland RELIEF Act.Utility AssistanceMore information: BGE offers customer service to answer questions about billing, collections, and emergencies Customers with special needs may be eligible for deferred payment plans


Utility Service Providers
Utility Issues
Consumer Complaints
Utility Bill Payment Plan Negotiation Assistance
Provides water service and bill assistance resources to Anne Arundel County residents.Water ServiceMore information: Emergency Services crews respond to utility-related issues Assists with billing issues, such as lost bills, change of address, and issues paying bills on time Payment plans and leak adjustment for high utility bills may be available Evaluates and resolves issues including sewer backups, dirty/ rust water, water pressure issues, water quality concerns, water leaks, and disruptions in service


Utility Service Providers
Utility Issues
Discounted Water Service
Water Service Payment Assistance
Consumer Complaints
Provides negotiation and advocacy services for customers facing complex utility issues.Utility Bill NegotiationMore information: May be able to help customers with medical issues find financial assistance for utility bills Does not provide direct financial assistance


Utility Issues
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Consumer Complaints
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Utility Bill Payment Plan Negotiation Assistance
Provides BG&E utility bill and bulk fuel assistance to residents in need.Utility Bill AssistanceMore information: Bulk fuel assistance for oil, propane, kerosene, and others is available November 1st to March 31st Utility bill assistance limited to every 12 months


Older Adults
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Utility Bill Payment Plan Negotiation Assistance
Utility Issues
Consumer Complaints
Charities/Grantmaking Organizations
Volunteer Opportunities
Gas Service Payment Assistance