Age Group
Payment Options
1-25 of 53
Provides year-round case management services for individuals in need. Homeless Drop In CenterMore information: Assists with obtaining birth certificates, social security cards, and bus tokens Refers individuals to furniture resources when moving Offers a drop-in center with snacks, showers, phones, computers, clothing, toiletries, and a mailing address for personal purposes
Provides year-round case management services for individuals in need. Homeless Drop In CenterMore information: Assists with obtaining birth certificates, social security cards, and bus tokens Refers individuals to furniture resources when moving Offers a drop-in center with snacks, showers, phones, computers, clothing, toiletries, and a mailing address for personal purposes
Volunteer Opportunities
Housing Related Coordinated Entry Participating Agencies
Birth Certificate Fee Payment Assistance
Homeless People
Identification Card Fee Payment Assistance
Homeless Drop In Centers
Case/Care Management
Provides advocacy, outreach, housing, and referrals for individuals experiencing homelessness.Homeless Services
Provides advocacy, outreach, housing, and referrals for individuals experiencing homelessness.Homeless Services
Street Outreach Programs
Specialized Information and Referral
Homeless People
Provides support and transition services for individuals at risk or experiencing homelessness.Homeless Drop-In CenterMore information: Services include showers, laundry, case management, medical care, and employment assistance Donations of clothing, household goods, cereal, and office equipment accepted
Provides support and transition services for individuals at risk or experiencing homelessness.Homeless Drop-In CenterMore information: Services include showers, laundry, case management, medical care, and employment assistance Donations of clothing, household goods, cereal, and office equipment accepted
Office Equipment/Supplies Donation Programs
Clothing Donation Programs
Case/Care Management
Homeless People
Job Search/Placement
Food Donation Programs
Homeless Drop In Centers
Household Goods Donation Programs
Helps people apply for disability income benefits through the Social Security Administration.Benefits AssistanceMore information: Assists with obtaining documents needed to apply, such as birth certificates and photo IDs
Helps people apply for disability income benefits through the Social Security Administration.Benefits AssistanceMore information: Assists with obtaining documents needed to apply, such as birth certificates and photo IDs
Homeless People
Certificates/Forms Assistance
Social Security Disability Insurance
Provides case management services to individuals experiencing homelessness.Case ManagementMore information:Helps participants access shelter, jobs, housing, benefits, and medical treatment
Provides case management services to individuals experiencing homelessness.Case ManagementMore information:Helps participants access shelter, jobs, housing, benefits, and medical treatment
Case/Care Management
Homeless People
Provides preventative and acute healthcare services for individuals experiencing homelessness.Homeless HealthcareMore information: COVID-19 testing, and vaccinations are provided on-site Referrals for specialty cases may also be provided Available in person and telehealth by appointment
Provides preventative and acute healthcare services for individuals experiencing homelessness.Homeless HealthcareMore information: COVID-19 testing, and vaccinations are provided on-site Referrals for specialty cases may also be provided Available in person and telehealth by appointment
Homeless People
COVID-19 Immunization Clinics
Volunteer Opportunities
Community Clinics
COVID-19 Diagnostic Tests
Offers free civil legal representation and advice on issues related to subsidized housing denial, termination, illegal eviction, and shelter termination.Legal ServicesMore information: Does not handle criminal cases
Offers free civil legal representation and advice on issues related to subsidized housing denial, termination, illegal eviction, and shelter termination.Legal ServicesMore information: Does not handle criminal cases
Volunteer Opportunities
Homeless People
Landlord/Tenant Assistance
Offers walk-in legal services for eligible veterans needing assistance with service-connected benefits, disability compensation, non-service-connected pensions, and discharge upgrades.Legal ServicesMore information: Available on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays
Offers walk-in legal services for eligible veterans needing assistance with service-connected benefits, disability compensation, non-service-connected pensions, and discharge upgrades.Legal ServicesMore information: Available on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays
Homeless People
General Legal Aid
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Provides preventative and acute healthcare services for individuals experiencing homelessness.Homeless HealthcareMore information: COVID-19 testing, and vaccinations are provided on-site Referrals for specialty cases may also be provided Available in person and telehealth by appointment
Provides preventative and acute healthcare services for individuals experiencing homelessness.Homeless HealthcareMore information: COVID-19 testing, and vaccinations are provided on-site Referrals for specialty cases may also be provided Available in person and telehealth by appointment
Homeless People
COVID-19 Immunization Clinics
Volunteer Opportunities
Community Clinics
COVID-19 Diagnostic Tests
Offers free legal representation and advice regarding public benefits terminations and denials. Public Benefits AssistanceMore information: Helps with TDAP, TCA, and SNAP; cannot help with social security benefits Does not handle criminal cases
Offers free legal representation and advice regarding public benefits terminations and denials. Public Benefits AssistanceMore information: Helps with TDAP, TCA, and SNAP; cannot help with social security benefits Does not handle criminal cases
General Legal Aid
Homeless People
Volunteer Opportunities
Provides eligible SNAP recipients the opportunity to use their EBT card to purchase prepared or hot meals from approved restaurants. Food Assistance
Provides eligible SNAP recipients the opportunity to use their EBT card to purchase prepared or hot meals from approved restaurants. Food Assistance
People With Disabilities/Health Conditions
Older Adults
Homeless People
Food Stamps/SNAP
Provides clothing at a discount for individuals in need.Clothing AssistanceMore information: Offers a Winter Sale in February that includes free scarves and low-cost coats, gloves, and hats Donations of housewares, books, furniture, and small appliances accepted
Provides clothing at a discount for individuals in need.Clothing AssistanceMore information: Offers a Winter Sale in February that includes free scarves and low-cost coats, gloves, and hats Donations of housewares, books, furniture, and small appliances accepted
Children's Clothing
General Clothing Provision
Household Goods Donation Programs
Homeless People
Volunteer Opportunities
Clothing Donation Programs
Helps families with children who are experiencing homelessness get the support and education they need.Homeless Shelter/Services
Helps families with children who are experiencing homelessness get the support and education they need.Homeless Shelter/Services
Homeless People
Homeless Transportation Programs
Tutoring Services
Public Schools
Volunteer Opportunities
School Clothing
School Supplies
Provides preventative and acute healthcare services for individuals experiencing homelessness.Homeless HealthcareMore information: COVID-19 testing, and vaccinations are provided on-site Referrals for specialty cases may also be provided Available in person and telehealth by appointment
Provides preventative and acute healthcare services for individuals experiencing homelessness.Homeless HealthcareMore information: COVID-19 testing, and vaccinations are provided on-site Referrals for specialty cases may also be provided Available in person and telehealth by appointment
Homeless People
COVID-19 Immunization Clinics
Volunteer Opportunities
Community Clinics
COVID-19 Diagnostic Tests
Operates a day center that provides assistance and support to individuals experiencing homelessness.Homeless Drop In Centers More information: Offers case management, showers, restrooms, and education classesDistributes $10 vouchers to the Bargain Center Works with other local agencies to ensure access to services
Operates a day center that provides assistance and support to individuals experiencing homelessness.Homeless Drop In Centers More information: Offers case management, showers, restrooms, and education classesDistributes $10 vouchers to the Bargain Center Works with other local agencies to ensure access to services
Graduation Requirements Programs
Case/Care Management
Volunteer Opportunities
Homeless People
Homeless Drop In Centers
Helps individuals with serious mental illness find and use community resources to improve their mental healthcare and treatment.Mental Health Case Management
Helps individuals with serious mental illness find and use community resources to improve their mental healthcare and treatment.Mental Health Case Management
Homeless People
Psychiatric Case Management
Provides emergency shelter and support to individuals who are at risk or experiencing homelessness.Emergency ShelterMore information: Length of stay varies based on individual progress in the program Residents receive case management and job skills training
Provides emergency shelter and support to individuals who are at risk or experiencing homelessness.Emergency ShelterMore information: Length of stay varies based on individual progress in the program Residents receive case management and job skills training
Community Shelters
Parenting Education
Families With Children
Graduation Requirements Programs
Homeless People
Case/Care Management
Provides services and supports for individuals in Montgomery County who have low income or are experiencing homelessness. Homeless Drop In CentersMore information: Financial assistance is available for legal evictions, utility turn-offs, and prescriptions A lunch program is available Monday through Saturday Dinner is served on Sundays at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church An on-site psychiatrist is available for group and individual therapy on Wednesday mornings Free clothing is available with a pick-up voucher from the drop-in center The drop-in center offers supportive services and showers Home visits are conducted online with clients who were previously homeless Accepts donations of fresh and nonperishable foods, clothing, and personal hygiene products
Provides services and supports for individuals in Montgomery County who have low income or are experiencing homelessness. Homeless Drop In CentersMore information: Financial assistance is available for legal evictions, utility turn-offs, and prescriptions A lunch program is available Monday through Saturday Dinner is served on Sundays at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church An on-site psychiatrist is available for group and individual therapy on Wednesday mornings Free clothing is available with a pick-up voucher from the drop-in center The drop-in center offers supportive services and showers Home visits are conducted online with clients who were previously homeless Accepts donations of fresh and nonperishable foods, clothing, and personal hygiene products
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Psychiatric Medication Services
Volunteer Opportunities
Homeless Drop In Centers
General Clothing Provision
Rent Payment Assistance
Group Counseling
Eye Care Expense Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Soup Kitchens
Mental Health Information/Education
Homeless People
Individual Counseling
Prescription Expense Assistance
Mental Health Issues
Mental Health Related Support Groups
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Provides assistance to residents at risk of foreclosure or eviction. Housing Counseling and Information More information: Completes a screening, interview, and assessment to determine eligibility Offers landlord/ tenant mediation, counseling, information, and referral to other resourcesOffers a hotline to for individuals who are experiencing homelessness and need shelter
Provides assistance to residents at risk of foreclosure or eviction. Housing Counseling and Information More information: Completes a screening, interview, and assessment to determine eligibility Offers landlord/ tenant mediation, counseling, information, and referral to other resourcesOffers a hotline to for individuals who are experiencing homelessness and need shelter
Case/Care Management
Homeless People
Specialized Information and Referral
Offers assistance and support to students and families who are experiencing housing insecurity. Homeless ServicesMore information: Helps with transportation, school fees, school supplies, and connecting to community resources
Offers assistance and support to students and families who are experiencing housing insecurity. Homeless ServicesMore information: Helps with transportation, school fees, school supplies, and connecting to community resources
School Clothing
School Supplies
Case/Care Management
Homeless People
Homeless Transportation Programs
Tutoring Services
Provides supportive housing for adults with disabilities who are experiencing homelessness.Supportive HousingMore information: Offers ongoing monthly rental assistance and case management
Provides supportive housing for adults with disabilities who are experiencing homelessness.Supportive HousingMore information: Offers ongoing monthly rental assistance and case management
Homeless People
Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing
Psychiatric Case Management
Distributes bagged lunches and toiletries to individuals experiencing homelessness.Homeless Drop-In CentersMore information: Offers mail services and referrals for clothing and showers Extra food is provided on Fridays for the weekend
Distributes bagged lunches and toiletries to individuals experiencing homelessness.Homeless Drop-In CentersMore information: Offers mail services and referrals for clothing and showers Extra food is provided on Fridays for the weekend
Soup Kitchens
Homeless People
Homeless Drop In Centers
Provides free legal representation and information to individuals in Baltimore City experiencing or at-risk of homelessness with SNAP denials.Legal AssistanceMore information: Does not assist with applying for SNAP benefits
Provides free legal representation and information to individuals in Baltimore City experiencing or at-risk of homelessness with SNAP denials.Legal AssistanceMore information: Does not assist with applying for SNAP benefits
Volunteer Opportunities
General Legal Aid
Homeless People
Food Stamps/SNAP
Provides beauty services to individuals who have experienced homelessness or abuse, and who would like to return to the workforce.Personal Care/Beauty Services
Provides beauty services to individuals who have experienced homelessness or abuse, and who would like to return to the workforce.Personal Care/Beauty Services
Homeless People
Natural Hair/Wig Donation Programs
Personal/Grooming Supplies
Provides assessment and case management services for families experiencing homelessness.Emergency Housing AssistanceMore information: Determines eligibility for financial assistance and provides referrals to community resources Financial assistance includes rent and mortgage assistance, utilities, burial assistance, and more
Provides assessment and case management services for families experiencing homelessness.Emergency Housing AssistanceMore information: Determines eligibility for financial assistance and provides referrals to community resources Financial assistance includes rent and mortgage assistance, utilities, burial assistance, and more
Case/Care Management
Community Shelters
Rent Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Homeless People
Mortgage Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance