Age Group
Payment Options
1-25 of 76
Serves as a temporary overnight shelter providing warm relief for the community.Warming Center, Weather ShelterMore information:Requires Individuals be free from possession of drugs, alcohol, and/or weaponsDirects individuals needing general or long-term shelter to call the Crisis Response Warmline
Serves as a temporary overnight shelter providing warm relief for the community.Warming Center, Weather ShelterMore information:Requires Individuals be free from possession of drugs, alcohol, and/or weaponsDirects individuals needing general or long-term shelter to call the Crisis Response Warmline
Extreme Weather Shelters
Families With Children
Extreme Cold Warming Centers
Provides shelter and case management services for victims of intimate partner violence.Domestic Violence Shelters More information: Offers shelter for women with or without children, and hotel stays for males who are victims Maximum stay for residents is approximately 8 weeks
Provides shelter and case management services for victims of intimate partner violence.Domestic Violence Shelters More information: Offers shelter for women with or without children, and hotel stays for males who are victims Maximum stay for residents is approximately 8 weeks
Domestic Violence Shelters
Volunteer Opportunities
Offers temporary shelter during the winter months for individuals needing a warm place to stay.Emergency ShelterMore information: Open January to March; confirm availability with the Kent County Department of Social Services
Offers temporary shelter during the winter months for individuals needing a warm place to stay.Emergency ShelterMore information: Open January to March; confirm availability with the Kent County Department of Social Services
Extreme Weather Shelters
Families With Children
Provides veterans with a range of healthcare services, including women's health, mental health evaluations and treatment, and cancer screenings.General Medical Care, Mental HealthcareMore information: Includes homebound and long term care services Offers counseling for veterans who experienced sexual harassment or trauma during service Management and screening for chronic conditions available
Provides veterans with a range of healthcare services, including women's health, mental health evaluations and treatment, and cancer screenings.General Medical Care, Mental HealthcareMore information: Includes homebound and long term care services Offers counseling for veterans who experienced sexual harassment or trauma during service Management and screening for chronic conditions available
Veteran Outpatient Clinics
Advocates for issues affecting women and children.Women's Advocacy Groups
Advocates for issues affecting women and children.Women's Advocacy Groups
Discrimination Assistance
Offers a sober and peer supported living environment for women in recovery.Transitional Housing/Shelter
Offers a sober and peer supported living environment for women in recovery.Transitional Housing/Shelter
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Provides support services for women who are ex-offenders and at risk of homelessness upon release. Ex-Offender SupportMore information: Includes counseling, jail release planning, support groups, and information and referral services In-home case management may be available for individuals under electronic monitoring
Provides support services for women who are ex-offenders and at risk of homelessness upon release. Ex-Offender SupportMore information: Includes counseling, jail release planning, support groups, and information and referral services In-home case management may be available for individuals under electronic monitoring
Volunteer Opportunities
Ex-Offender Reentry Programs
Provides transitional housing and support for women experiencing homelessness.Transitional HousingMore information:Includes case management, daily living assistance, counseling, job readiness, and education Career counseling, scholarship aid, and assistance in obtaining permanent housing available Offers drug/ alcohol screenings, a financial assistance and savings program, and mentoring Assistance limited to 12 months for single women and 2 years for women with children Facilities are not emergency shelters and cannot immediately house anyone
Provides transitional housing and support for women experiencing homelessness.Transitional HousingMore information:Includes case management, daily living assistance, counseling, job readiness, and education Career counseling, scholarship aid, and assistance in obtaining permanent housing available Offers drug/ alcohol screenings, a financial assistance and savings program, and mentoring Assistance limited to 12 months for single women and 2 years for women with children Facilities are not emergency shelters and cannot immediately house anyone
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Volunteer Opportunities
Provides outpatient and intensive outpatient substance use disorder treatment.Substance Use Disorder Treatment More information: Offers groups for women, inpatient rehabilitation, dual diagnosis care, and DUI/DWI classes
Provides outpatient and intensive outpatient substance use disorder treatment.Substance Use Disorder Treatment More information: Offers groups for women, inpatient rehabilitation, dual diagnosis care, and DUI/DWI classes
DUI Offender Programs
Inpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities
Substance Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Mental Health Evaluation
Mental Health Drop In Centers
Volunteer Opportunities
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Central Intake/Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Integrated Co-Occurring Disorders Treatment
Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Provides outpatient and intensive outpatient substance use disorder treatment.Substance Use TreatmentMore information: Includes assessment, treatment planning, individual and group counseling, and aftercare planning Offers urinalysis, drug and alcohol screenings, DUI/DWI education, and anger management Vivitrol is available for clients struggling with alcohol or opioid dependence
Provides outpatient and intensive outpatient substance use disorder treatment.Substance Use TreatmentMore information: Includes assessment, treatment planning, individual and group counseling, and aftercare planning Offers urinalysis, drug and alcohol screenings, DUI/DWI education, and anger management Vivitrol is available for clients struggling with alcohol or opioid dependence
Substance Use Disorder Education/Prevention
DUI Offender Programs
Medication Assisted Maintenance Treatment for Substance Use Disorders
Drug/Alcohol Testing
Alcohol Use Disorder Support Groups
Substance Use Disorder Day Treatment
General Addictions/Substance Use Disorder Support Groups
Drug Use Disorder Support Groups
Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Provides treatment for adults with substance use disorders in a residential setting.Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Provides treatment for adults with substance use disorders in a residential setting.Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Inpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities
Provides preventive healthcare services for women veterans, including mammography, gynecologic services, contraceptive management, and breast cancer treatment.Women's HealthMore information: Offers screening and treatment for heart disease, cholesterol. blood pressure, and osteoporosis Programs on health education, smoking cessation, and weight management available
Provides preventive healthcare services for women veterans, including mammography, gynecologic services, contraceptive management, and breast cancer treatment.Women's HealthMore information: Offers screening and treatment for heart disease, cholesterol. blood pressure, and osteoporosis Programs on health education, smoking cessation, and weight management available
Nutrition Education
Veteran Outpatient Clinics
Volunteer Opportunities
Provides shelter and support services for women who are pregnant or have children.Homeless ShelterMore information: Includes access to clothes, food, and shower facilities Residents must attend church service and leave the shelter from 8AM to 4PM daily Stays are limited to 3 months
Provides shelter and support services for women who are pregnant or have children.Homeless ShelterMore information: Includes access to clothes, food, and shower facilities Residents must attend church service and leave the shelter from 8AM to 4PM daily Stays are limited to 3 months
Pregnant Individuals
Volunteer Opportunities
Community Shelters
Helps women in the Washington region become financially stable through education, training, and development.Women's Employment
Helps women in the Washington region become financially stable through education, training, and development.Women's Employment
General Health Education Programs
Volunteer Development
Job Training Formats
Job Training Expense Assistance
Specialized Information and Referral
Offers a halfway house for women with a substance use disorder who are also experiencing homelessness.Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities
Offers a halfway house for women with a substance use disorder who are also experiencing homelessness.Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities
Recovery Homes/Halfway Houses
Offers clothing for children, women, and men.Clothing Assistance
Offers clothing for children, women, and men.Clothing Assistance
Volunteer Opportunities
Children's Clothing
General Clothing Provision
Provides clothing at a discount for individuals in need.Clothing AssistanceMore information: Offers a Winter Sale in February that includes free scarves and low-cost coats, gloves, and hats Donations of housewares, books, furniture, and small appliances accepted
Provides clothing at a discount for individuals in need.Clothing AssistanceMore information: Offers a Winter Sale in February that includes free scarves and low-cost coats, gloves, and hats Donations of housewares, books, furniture, and small appliances accepted
Children's Clothing
General Clothing Provision
Household Goods Donation Programs
Homeless People
Volunteer Opportunities
Clothing Donation Programs
Operates a drop-in center for single women and women with children.Drop-In Center, Cooling Center, Warming CenterMore information: Provides meals, showers, laundry, mail services, and limited storage space for personal items during the day onlyOffers on-site case management, behavioral health, and life skills trainingMakes referrals for other services, such as medical care, job training, and night shelterHolds Narcotics Anonymous meetings on Tuesdays and ThursdaysServes as a warming center during Code Blue declarations and a cooling center during Code Red declarationsAccepts donations of nonperishable food, clothing, personal items, and cleaning products
Operates a drop-in center for single women and women with children.Drop-In Center, Cooling Center, Warming CenterMore information: Provides meals, showers, laundry, mail services, and limited storage space for personal items during the day onlyOffers on-site case management, behavioral health, and life skills trainingMakes referrals for other services, such as medical care, job training, and night shelterHolds Narcotics Anonymous meetings on Tuesdays and ThursdaysServes as a warming center during Code Blue declarations and a cooling center during Code Red declarationsAccepts donations of nonperishable food, clothing, personal items, and cleaning products
Volunteer Opportunities
Clothing Donation Programs
Household Goods Donation Programs
Soup Kitchens
Personal/Grooming Supplies Donation Programs
Food Donation Programs
Housing Related Coordinated Entry Participating Agencies
Extreme Cold Warming Centers
Homeless Drop In Centers
Offers a range of services for individuals and families experiencing homelessness.Housing/Shelter ServicesMore information: Offers transitional, permanent, and emergency housing and placement assistanceCounseling for employment and substance use issues available
Offers a range of services for individuals and families experiencing homelessness.Housing/Shelter ServicesMore information: Offers transitional, permanent, and emergency housing and placement assistanceCounseling for employment and substance use issues available
Community Shelters
Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing
Job Search/Placement
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Offers transportation to overflow shelters for individuals and families experiencing homelessness.Homeless Emergency Shelter Shuttle TransportationMore information: Has designated pick-up and drop-off sites Those seeking transportation to the shelter should arrive between 4:00PM and 7:30PM
Offers transportation to overflow shelters for individuals and families experiencing homelessness.Homeless Emergency Shelter Shuttle TransportationMore information: Has designated pick-up and drop-off sites Those seeking transportation to the shelter should arrive between 4:00PM and 7:30PM
Community Shelters
Families With Children
Provides emergency shelter and transitional shelter placement for women experiencing homelessness. Transitional Shelter, Emergency Shelter, Weather ShelterMore information: Includes case management, budgeting workshops, life skills training, and counseling Offers shelter from domestic violence Operates an overnight freezing weather shelter when temperatures fall below 32 degrees Limits stays to 45 days in emergency shelter and 24 months in transitional shelter
Provides emergency shelter and transitional shelter placement for women experiencing homelessness. Transitional Shelter, Emergency Shelter, Weather ShelterMore information: Includes case management, budgeting workshops, life skills training, and counseling Offers shelter from domestic violence Operates an overnight freezing weather shelter when temperatures fall below 32 degrees Limits stays to 45 days in emergency shelter and 24 months in transitional shelter
Community Shelters
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Volunteer Opportunities
Domestic Violence Shelters
Extreme Weather Shelters
Provides services and support to victims of abuse. Domestic Violence SupportMore information: Includes counseling referrals, legal services, advocacy, and community educationOffers support groups for childhood sexual trauma and self-careA live chat feature is available on the website
Provides services and support to victims of abuse. Domestic Violence SupportMore information: Includes counseling referrals, legal services, advocacy, and community educationOffers support groups for childhood sexual trauma and self-careA live chat feature is available on the website
Domestic Violence Support Groups
Elder Abuse Hotlines
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Elder Abuse Shelters
Volunteer Opportunities
Abuse Counseling
Sexual Assault Issues
Provides temporary shelter and long-term supportive housing with case management assistance.Emergency Shelter/HousingMore information: Assistance is limited to 12 weeks in shelter and 1 year in supportive housing Case managers work with residents to create a case plan within the first 2 weeks
Provides temporary shelter and long-term supportive housing with case management assistance.Emergency Shelter/HousingMore information: Assistance is limited to 12 weeks in shelter and 1 year in supportive housing Case managers work with residents to create a case plan within the first 2 weeks
Volunteer Opportunities
Community Shelters
Families With Children
Offers counseling services to members of the LGBTQ+ community. Specialized Counseling Services
Offers counseling services to members of the LGBTQ+ community. Specialized Counseling Services
Mental Health Related Support Groups
LGBTQ2+ Support Groups
Mental Health Evaluation
LGBTQ2+ Individuals
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Conjoint Counseling
Individual Counseling
Provides emergency shelter and support to individuals who are at risk or experiencing homelessness.Emergency ShelterMore information: Length of stay varies based on individual progress in the program Residents receive case management and job skills training
Provides emergency shelter and support to individuals who are at risk or experiencing homelessness.Emergency ShelterMore information: Length of stay varies based on individual progress in the program Residents receive case management and job skills training
Community Shelters
Parenting Education
Families With Children
Graduation Requirements Programs
Homeless People
Case/Care Management