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Operates a secure detention center in Prince George's County.Juvenile Detention CentersMore information: Medical, mental health, educational, and substance abuse screening completed during admissionOffers behavior management, life skills, substance use education, and anger management groups Youth have access to medical services and recreational, religious, and volunteer programs Accredited educational and vocational programming is available, including GED programs
Offers behavior modification and case management services to youth with legal violations and those who pose a risk to themselves or others. Juvenile Delinquency PreventionMore information: Includes counseling, evaluation of progress, and coordination of services Screens complaints and assesses actions, needs, and prior history


Juvenile Delinquency Prevention
Case/Care Management
Offers legal representation to individuals who have been arrested or summoned for incarceration. Legal RepresentationMore information: Evaluates and provides an advocate and expert witnesses if eligible Provides extra advocacy for clients with mitigating circumstances


Ex-Offender Legal Assistance
Criminal Law
General Legal Aid
Offers an alternative to detention programs for court-mandated youth.Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Programs
Provides the online tools to assist with child support questions.Child SupportMore information:Offers website with resources to address child support finances


Parents with Past Due Child Support Payments
Child Support Assistance/Enforcement
Checks for possible sexual abuse or harassment in juvenile centers and outside of them.Abuse/Violence Related Support Services