Age Group
Payment Options
1-25 of 92
Provides substance use disorder counseling services to military personnel, retirees, and their families.Substance Use Disorder TreatmentMore information:Includes assessments, group and individual sessions, outpatient aftercare, and education services
Provides substance use disorder counseling services to military personnel, retirees, and their families.Substance Use Disorder TreatmentMore information:Includes assessments, group and individual sessions, outpatient aftercare, and education services
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Families of Military Personnel/Veterans
Substance Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Operates a 24-hour hotline to help veterans who are at risk or experiencing homelessness.Homeless Veteran SupportMore information: Provides referrals to resources and addresses emergency and high-risk needs-Available by phone and online chat
Operates a 24-hour hotline to help veterans who are at risk or experiencing homelessness.Homeless Veteran SupportMore information: Provides referrals to resources and addresses emergency and high-risk needs-Available by phone and online chat
Families of Military Personnel/Veterans
Specialized Information and Referral
Operates a drop-in center that provides services to veterans in need, including showers, laundry services, daily lunches, and clothing. Basic Needs
Operates a drop-in center that provides services to veterans in need, including showers, laundry services, daily lunches, and clothing. Basic Needs
Offers outreach and support for veterans that includes answering questions, discussing benefits, and making referrals.Veteran ServicesMore information: Representatives are available on Thursdays from 1PM to 3PM
Offers outreach and support for veterans that includes answering questions, discussing benefits, and making referrals.Veteran ServicesMore information: Representatives are available on Thursdays from 1PM to 3PM
Specialized Information and Referral
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Provides counseling and referral services for veterans transitioning to civilian life.Mental HealthcareMore information:Includes individual, marital, family, group, and sexual trauma counseling Offers referrals to veterans who are trying to receive their VA benefits
Provides counseling and referral services for veterans transitioning to civilian life.Mental HealthcareMore information:Includes individual, marital, family, group, and sexual trauma counseling Offers referrals to veterans who are trying to receive their VA benefits
Group Counseling
Veteran Reintegration Counseling
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Veteran Support Groups
Conjoint Counseling
Individual Counseling
Helps veterans with medical needs by providing advice, appointment and transportation scheduling, and referrals to specialty services.Veteran ServicesMore information: Available Monday through Friday from 7AM to 11PM; emergency room available after-hours
Helps veterans with medical needs by providing advice, appointment and transportation scheduling, and referrals to specialty services.Veteran ServicesMore information: Available Monday through Friday from 7AM to 11PM; emergency room available after-hours
Volunteer Opportunities
Offers medical care for veterans with heart disease.Medical Care
Offers medical care for veterans with heart disease.Medical Care
Heart Disease
Volunteer Opportunities
Offers primary care medical services to eligible veterans. HealthcareMore information: Includes women's health, eye screening, audiology, hearing aid fitting, optometry, and podiatry Offers mental health services, smoking cessation programs, and nutrition education
Offers primary care medical services to eligible veterans. HealthcareMore information: Includes women's health, eye screening, audiology, hearing aid fitting, optometry, and podiatry Offers mental health services, smoking cessation programs, and nutrition education
Mental Health Evaluation
Veteran Outpatient Clinics
Provides public transportation options throughout the Mid-Shore area.Local TransportationMore information: Offers specialized services for individuals who find it difficult to use the fixed-route system Travel trainers are available to teach riders how to navigate routes, stops, and change buses
Provides public transportation options throughout the Mid-Shore area.Local TransportationMore information: Offers specialized services for individuals who find it difficult to use the fixed-route system Travel trainers are available to teach riders how to navigate routes, stops, and change buses
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Senior Ride Programs
Transportation Organizations
Disability Related Transportation
Offers clinical healthcare services to eligible veterans. HealthcareMore information: Includes mental health treatment, women's health, hearing aid, podiatry, urology, and vision care Provides transportation to and from appointments
Offers clinical healthcare services to eligible veterans. HealthcareMore information: Includes mental health treatment, women's health, hearing aid, podiatry, urology, and vision care Provides transportation to and from appointments
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Veteran Reintegration Counseling
Veteran Outpatient Clinics
Offers free mental health services for combat veterans and their families.Mental Health ServicesMore information: Includes counseling, outreach, alcohol and drug assessment, and referral services
Offers free mental health services for combat veterans and their families.Mental Health ServicesMore information: Includes counseling, outreach, alcohol and drug assessment, and referral services
Families of Military Personnel/Veterans
Veteran Reintegration Counseling
Individual Counseling
Veteran Support Groups
Group Counseling
Suicide Counseling
Family Counseling
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Helps veterans manage their healthcare treatmentHealthcare ServicesMore information: Includes a team consisting of a social worker, dietician, pharmacist, doctor, and nurse practitioner
Helps veterans manage their healthcare treatmentHealthcare ServicesMore information: Includes a team consisting of a social worker, dietician, pharmacist, doctor, and nurse practitioner
Volunteer Opportunities
Provides programs and services to help support individual and family independence.Family Self SufficiencyMore information: Includes budget counseling, workshops, housing counseling, education, and job training Offers rental assistance through the Rental Subsidy Program Helps veteran families find rental housing
Provides programs and services to help support individual and family independence.Family Self SufficiencyMore information: Includes budget counseling, workshops, housing counseling, education, and job training Offers rental assistance through the Rental Subsidy Program Helps veteran families find rental housing
First Time Homeowners
Employment Issues
Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing
Families of Military Personnel/Veterans
Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing
Education Issues
Rent Payment Assistance
Personal Financial Counseling
Specialized Information and Referral
Housing Counseling
Provides support to caregivers. Caregiver Support
Provides support to caregivers. Caregiver Support
Caregiver/Care Receiver Support Groups
Caregiver Training
Operates a 24-hour hotline to help veterans who are at risk or experiencing homelessness.Homeless Veteran SupportMore information: Provides referrals to resources and addresses emergency and high-risk needs-Available by phone and online chat
Operates a 24-hour hotline to help veterans who are at risk or experiencing homelessness.Homeless Veteran SupportMore information: Provides referrals to resources and addresses emergency and high-risk needs-Available by phone and online chat
Families of Military Personnel/Veterans
Specialized Information and Referral
Provides preventive healthcare services for women veterans, including mammography, gynecologic services, contraceptive management, and breast cancer treatment.Women's HealthMore information: Offers screening and treatment for heart disease, cholesterol. blood pressure, and osteoporosis Programs on health education, smoking cessation, and weight management available
Provides preventive healthcare services for women veterans, including mammography, gynecologic services, contraceptive management, and breast cancer treatment.Women's HealthMore information: Offers screening and treatment for heart disease, cholesterol. blood pressure, and osteoporosis Programs on health education, smoking cessation, and weight management available
Nutrition Education
Veteran Outpatient Clinics
Volunteer Opportunities
Offers general healthcare services on an outpatient basis. Healthcare, Transportation ServicesMore information: Includes preventive health, medical screenings, education, and referrals to specialized programs Provides transportation services for medical appointments Some services may be available through telehealth and virtual behavioral health
Offers general healthcare services on an outpatient basis. Healthcare, Transportation ServicesMore information: Includes preventive health, medical screenings, education, and referrals to specialized programs Provides transportation services for medical appointments Some services may be available through telehealth and virtual behavioral health
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Veteran Outpatient Clinics
Volunteer Opportunities
Offers outreach and support for veterans that includes answering questions, discussing benefits, and making referrals.Veteran ServicesMore information: Representatives are available on Thursdays from 1PM to 3PM
Offers outreach and support for veterans that includes answering questions, discussing benefits, and making referrals.Veteran ServicesMore information: Representatives are available on Thursdays from 1PM to 3PM
Specialized Information and Referral
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Provides dental assistance for veterans. Healthcare Referrals
Provides dental assistance for veterans. Healthcare Referrals
Dental Care
Provides counseling for the loved ones of veterans who passed away while serving in the military.Bereavement Counseling
Provides counseling for the loved ones of veterans who passed away while serving in the military.Bereavement Counseling
Veteran Reintegration Counseling
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Bereavement and Grief Counseling
Veteran Support Groups
Specialized Information and Referral
Group Counseling
Active Military
Substance Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Offers weekly and bi-weekly phone calls to provide support to veterans.Telephone Reassurance
Offers weekly and bi-weekly phone calls to provide support to veterans.Telephone Reassurance
Telephone Reassurance
Offers walk-in legal services for eligible veterans needing assistance with service-connected benefits, disability compensation, non-service-connected pensions, and discharge upgrades.Legal ServicesMore information: Available on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays
Offers walk-in legal services for eligible veterans needing assistance with service-connected benefits, disability compensation, non-service-connected pensions, and discharge upgrades.Legal ServicesMore information: Available on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays
Homeless People
General Legal Aid
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Provides veteran families with case management and homelessness prevention services.Veteran ServicesMore information:Offers career assessment, job readiness and skills development, and job placement services Van transportation may be available
Provides veteran families with case management and homelessness prevention services.Veteran ServicesMore information:Offers career assessment, job readiness and skills development, and job placement services Van transportation may be available
Volunteer Opportunities
Vocational Rehabilitation
Comprehensive Disability Related Employment Programs
Case/Care Management
Offers counseling and referral services for veterans who have served in a war zone and are having a hard time adjusting to civilian life.Mental Health Counseling More information:Includes individual, marital, group, and family counseling
Offers counseling and referral services for veterans who have served in a war zone and are having a hard time adjusting to civilian life.Mental Health Counseling More information:Includes individual, marital, group, and family counseling
Individual Counseling
Family Counseling
Veteran Reintegration Counseling
Group Counseling
Conjoint Counseling
Offers case management services to veterans and their families.Case/Care ManagementMore information: Helps with locating and moving into housing, obtaining benefits, and finding employment Provides assistance in obtaining medical and mental healthcare Support with budgeting available
Offers case management services to veterans and their families.Case/Care ManagementMore information: Helps with locating and moving into housing, obtaining benefits, and finding employment Provides assistance in obtaining medical and mental healthcare Support with budgeting available
Families of Military Personnel/Veterans
Veteran Employment Programs
Benefits Screening
Homelessness Prevention Programs
Personal Financial Counseling
Health Care Referrals
Case/Care Management
Moving Services
Homeless Diversion Programs