Age Group
1-25 of 34
Helps veterans who are blind access VA benefits, training, medical equipment, and prosthetics.Veterans Benefits Assistance
Helps veterans who are blind access VA benefits, training, medical equipment, and prosthetics.Veterans Benefits Assistance
Volunteer Opportunities
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Visual Impairments
Helps individuals with vision loss find resources to maintain their independence and quality of life.Vision Impairment Services
Helps individuals with vision loss find resources to maintain their independence and quality of life.Vision Impairment Services
Visual Impairments
Specialized Information and Referral
Volunteer Opportunities
Eye Care
Provides counseling and support to veterans who are visually impaired.Veteran Support Services
Provides counseling and support to veterans who are visually impaired.Veteran Support Services
Individual Counseling
Visual Impairments
Case/Care Management
Volunteer Opportunities
Provides support and activities for children and adults who are blind or visually impaired.Recreation/SocialMore information: Organizes monthly meetings, picnics, parties, and other local gatherings Provides literature and Aide such as white canes, Braille writing materials, and talking equipment
Provides support and activities for children and adults who are blind or visually impaired.Recreation/SocialMore information: Organizes monthly meetings, picnics, parties, and other local gatherings Provides literature and Aide such as white canes, Braille writing materials, and talking equipment
Volunteer Opportunities
Visual Impairments
Assistive Technology Equipment
Recreational Activities/Sports
Offers services and support for individuals who are losing their eyesight.Vision Rehabilitation ServicesMore information: Provides instruction in braille, typing, low-vision Aide, talking books, and other technologies Teaches cooking, housekeeping, financial management, and other independent living techniques Orientation and mobility training available
Offers services and support for individuals who are losing their eyesight.Vision Rehabilitation ServicesMore information: Provides instruction in braille, typing, low-vision Aide, talking books, and other technologies Teaches cooking, housekeeping, financial management, and other independent living techniques Orientation and mobility training available
Visual Impairments
Assistive Technology Training
Assistive Technology Equipment
Day Rehabilitation
Volunteer Opportunities
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Offers support and training for individuals who are blind, visually impaired, or hearing impaired.Disability Related Center-Based EmploymentMore information: Training in daily living tasks, traveling independently with a cane, and socialization provided Includes instruction in braille, typing, and adaptive equipment Hosts bi-weekly group discussions about blindness-related issues Provides computerized braille production and outreach services Refers to other agencies that sell adaptive equipment and helpful tools
Offers support and training for individuals who are blind, visually impaired, or hearing impaired.Disability Related Center-Based EmploymentMore information: Training in daily living tasks, traveling independently with a cane, and socialization provided Includes instruction in braille, typing, and adaptive equipment Hosts bi-weekly group discussions about blindness-related issues Provides computerized braille production and outreach services Refers to other agencies that sell adaptive equipment and helpful tools
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Vocational Rehabilitation
Visual Impairments
Reading Services for People With Disabilities
Assistive Technology Information
Offers early identification and stimulation programs for individuals who are blind or visually impaired.Early Childhood DevelopmentMore information: Includes at-home evaluations, social and recreational opportunities, summer camps, and parties Assists in finding resources for school-age children
Offers early identification and stimulation programs for individuals who are blind or visually impaired.Early Childhood DevelopmentMore information: Includes at-home evaluations, social and recreational opportunities, summer camps, and parties Assists in finding resources for school-age children
Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Visual Impairments
Recreational Activities/Sports
Specialized Information and Referral
Volunteer Opportunities
Helps businesses, government agencies, and schools provide accessible information and services to the blind community.Disability Related Assistive Technology
Helps businesses, government agencies, and schools provide accessible information and services to the blind community.Disability Related Assistive Technology
Assistive Technology Equipment
Volunteer Opportunities
Reading Services for People With Disabilities
Visual Impairments
Provides job readiness training for individuals with visual impairments.Blind Vocational Services
Provides job readiness training for individuals with visual impairments.Blind Vocational Services
Visual Impairments
Volunteer Opportunities
Comprehensive Disability Related Employment Programs
Offers information and support for veterans with visual impairments and their families.Advocacy and Support Services for Veterans
Offers information and support for veterans with visual impairments and their families.Advocacy and Support Services for Veterans
Volunteer Opportunities
Visual Impairments
Offers services and support for individuals who are losing their eyesight.Vision Rehabilitation ServicesMore information: Provides instruction in braille, typing, low-vision Aide, talking books, and other technologies Teaches cooking, housekeeping, financial management, and other independent living techniques Orientation and mobility training available
Offers services and support for individuals who are losing their eyesight.Vision Rehabilitation ServicesMore information: Provides instruction in braille, typing, low-vision Aide, talking books, and other technologies Teaches cooking, housekeeping, financial management, and other independent living techniques Orientation and mobility training available
Visual Impairments
Assistive Technology Training
Assistive Technology Equipment
Day Rehabilitation
Volunteer Opportunities
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Offers free programs and workshops for individuals who are blind or visually impaired.Disability Related Center-Based EmploymentMore information: Prepares individuals for everyday challenges at home, school, and work
Offers free programs and workshops for individuals who are blind or visually impaired.Disability Related Center-Based EmploymentMore information: Prepares individuals for everyday challenges at home, school, and work
Volunteer Opportunities
Vocational Rehabilitation
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Assistive Technology Equipment
Visual Impairments
Reading Services for People With Disabilities
Offers teaching and support services for individuals who are newly blind.Blindness Education/Prevention
Offers teaching and support services for individuals who are newly blind.Blindness Education/Prevention
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Older Adults
Volunteer Opportunities
Visual Impairments
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Offers services and housing options to help older adults and individuals with disabilities live independently.Aging and Disability Services More information: Provides one-time consultations and care management services Home-delivered meals, nutrition counseling, caregiver support, and social activities available Operates a senior center for individuals who are blind or have visual impairments The Seabury Connector offers free transportation to medical and public benefit appointments
Offers services and housing options to help older adults and individuals with disabilities live independently.Aging and Disability Services More information: Provides one-time consultations and care management services Home-delivered meals, nutrition counseling, caregiver support, and social activities available Operates a senior center for individuals who are blind or have visual impairments The Seabury Connector offers free transportation to medical and public benefit appointments
Aging and Disability Resource Centers
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Mental Health Issues
Visual Impairments
Senior Centers
Mental Health Evaluation
Disability Related Transportation
Mental Health Information/Education
Home Delivered Meals
Older Adults
Assists visually impaired veterans with job applications and resumes.Employment Preparation
Assists visually impaired veterans with job applications and resumes.Employment Preparation
Veteran Employment Programs
Volunteer Opportunities
Visual Impairments
Offers activities and support for youth, families, and educators.Youth Development More information: Includes weekend getaways, guidance from mentors, and referrals to other resources
Offers activities and support for youth, families, and educators.Youth Development More information: Includes weekend getaways, guidance from mentors, and referrals to other resources
Specialized Information and Referral
Youth Enrichment Programs
Visual Impairments
Provides supports and services to veterans who are blind or visually impaired.Veteran Support ServicesMore information: Offers career development, life skills services, peer support, scholarships, and referrals
Provides supports and services to veterans who are blind or visually impaired.Veteran Support ServicesMore information: Offers career development, life skills services, peer support, scholarships, and referrals
Veteran Employment Programs
Visual Impairments
Volunteer Opportunities
Provides case management and services for individuals and families affected by visual impairment.Vision ImpairmentsMore information: Offers support groups for social interaction and encouragement
Provides case management and services for individuals and families affected by visual impairment.Vision ImpairmentsMore information: Offers support groups for social interaction and encouragement
Volunteer Opportunities
Case/Care Management
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Visual Impairments
Provides job readiness training for individuals with visual impairments.Blind Vocational Services
Provides job readiness training for individuals with visual impairments.Blind Vocational Services
Visual Impairments
Volunteer Opportunities
Comprehensive Disability Related Employment Programs
Offers education on the rights and responsibilities of guide dog handlers and users.Advocacy and InformationMore information: Promotes legislation related to equal employment and recreation opportunitiesProvides access to guide dog training programs throughout the world Hosts seminars allowing active or prospective guide dog users to discuss concerns
Offers education on the rights and responsibilities of guide dog handlers and users.Advocacy and InformationMore information: Promotes legislation related to equal employment and recreation opportunitiesProvides access to guide dog training programs throughout the world Hosts seminars allowing active or prospective guide dog users to discuss concerns
Service Animals
Visual Impairments
Information Sources
Provides human eye tissue for corneal transplants and supports research on blindness.Medical Equipment/Supplies
Provides human eye tissue for corneal transplants and supports research on blindness.Medical Equipment/Supplies
Anatomical Gifts
Visual Impairments
Provides information and referral services related to retinal degenerative diseases, including retinitis pigmentosa, macular degeneration, and Usher syndrome.Information and ReferralMore information: Offers an e-newsletter on coping strategies, research updates, and Foundation news Hosts a bi-annual national conference
Provides information and referral services related to retinal degenerative diseases, including retinitis pigmentosa, macular degeneration, and Usher syndrome.Information and ReferralMore information: Offers an e-newsletter on coping strategies, research updates, and Foundation news Hosts a bi-annual national conference
Specialized Information and Referral
Visual Impairments
Provides jobs in manufacturing to individuals with visual and hearing impairments.Employment/Job TrainingMore information: Employees assemble products or install and service vending machines Available at 4 locations in Baltimore, Cumberland, Raleigh, and Salisbury
Provides jobs in manufacturing to individuals with visual and hearing impairments.Employment/Job TrainingMore information: Employees assemble products or install and service vending machines Available at 4 locations in Baltimore, Cumberland, Raleigh, and Salisbury
Visual Impairments
Job Search/Placement
Provides training on the latest assistive technology, including voice synthesizers, navigators, scanners, large size on-screen software, and braille printers.Assistive Technology TrainingMore information: Offers computer training classes and labs on marketable skills Assists employers in integrating assistive technology into the workplace and training employees
Provides training on the latest assistive technology, including voice synthesizers, navigators, scanners, large size on-screen software, and braille printers.Assistive Technology TrainingMore information: Offers computer training classes and labs on marketable skills Assists employers in integrating assistive technology into the workplace and training employees
Assistive Technology Equipment
Visual Impairments
Volunteer Opportunities
Assistive Technology Training
Awards scholarships to high school and college students who have visual impairments.Scholarships
Awards scholarships to high school and college students who have visual impairments.Scholarships
Student Financial Aid
Visual Impairments