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Provides in-home support to help individuals maintain independence in the home and community. In-Home AssistanceMore information: Helps with personal care, bill paying, shopping, laundry, and meals Offers nursing and transportation services


Disability Related Transportation
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Volunteer Opportunities
Personal Care
Errand Running/Shopping Assistance
Provides assistance to patient families who are waiting for a transplant, have received a transplant, or are receiving kidney dialysis.Health Education/Prevention ProgramsMore information: Includes information on kidney disease research, treatments, and nutrition Offers educational programs to the community and professionals Distributes medical alert identification jewelry upon request


Charities/Grantmaking Organizations
Library Services
Kidney Disease
Medic Alert
Volunteer Opportunities
Offers comprehensive healthcare and social work assistance for older adults.Case ManagementMore information: Provides nursing and physician care, medications, medical equipment, personal care, and recreation Participants receive meals and transportation to and from appointments Caregiver support services available


Older Adults
Adult Day Programs
Personal Care
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Day Rehabilitation
Case/Care Management
Nursing Facilities
Caregiver Training
Offers health insurance benefits for children, individuals who are pregnant, and family members caring for children.Health InsuranceMore information: Local health departments provide assistance with application, enrollment, and education on plans Helps with prescriptions, mental health and substance use services, and medical transportation Benefits include vision and dental care
Provides medical daycare for adults with a mental illness or disability.Medical DaycareMore information: Includes podiatry, optometry, speech language and occupational therapy, and hydrotherapy Participants receive breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack; can accommodate special diets Offers transportation for hospital visits


Adult Day Programs
Volunteer Opportunities
Provides medical examinations and trauma-informed care to victims of sexual assault.Sexual Assault ServicesMore information: Law enforcement officers offer transportation to the nearest SAFE designated facility
Provides 24-hour non-emergency ambulance and wheelchair van transportation services.Paratransit Programs
Provides eligible Medicaid recipients with transportation to and from medical appointments.Medical TransportationMore information: Local trips are available with 48-hour notice; long distance trips with 72-hour notice
Offers health insurance benefits for children, individuals who are pregnant, and family members caring for children.Health InsuranceMore information: Local health departments provide assistance with application, enrollment, and education on plans Helps with prescriptions, mental health and substance use services, and medical transportation Benefits include vision and dental care
Promotes health and social wellness through various services and programs.Wellness ProgramsMore information: Includes in-home care, meal delivery, transportation, care coordination, and hospice care Employment services including job coaching, resume development, and interview preparation Offers individual, family, and group counseling for depression, anxiety, parenting, conflict, and stress


Comprehensive Disability Related Employment Programs
Residential Mental Health Treatment Facilities
Mental Health Evaluation
Volunteer Opportunities
Mental Health Drop In Centers
Post Disaster Mental Health Services
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Substance Use - Service Type
Conjoint Counseling
Personal Care
Group Counseling
Clinical Service Providers
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Individual Counseling
Case/Care Management
Mental Health - Special Programs
Mental Health Related Support Groups
Mental Health Issues
Hospice Care
Mental Health - Service Type
Family Counseling
Bereavement and Grief Counseling
Mental Health Information/Education
Provides Medicaid recipients with non-emergency medical transportation.Medical Transportation
Provides funding for services to help breast cancer patients and their families improve their quality of life.Health Support ServicesMore information: Services include transportation, medical treatment and services, therapy, and family support


Prescription Expense Assistance
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Recreation Related Expense Assistance
Volunteer Opportunities
Charities/Grantmaking Organizations
Personal Care
Offers health insurance benefits for children, individuals who are pregnant, and family members caring for children.Health InsuranceMore information: Local health departments provide assistance with application, enrollment, and education on plans Helps with prescriptions, mental health and substance use services, and medical transportation Benefits include vision and dental care
Offers health insurance benefits for children, individuals who are pregnant, and family members caring for children.Health InsuranceMore information: Local health departments provide assistance with application, enrollment, and education on plans Helps with prescriptions, mental health and substance use services, and medical transportation Benefits include vision and dental care
Provides a variety of activities and services for older adults.Senior CentersMore information: Offers computer classes, ceramics, exercise, nutrition education, quilting, and shopping trips Round-trip transportation service and escort to medical appointments available A free hot lunch is served daily to individuals 65 years and older


Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Senior Centers
Volunteer Opportunities
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Disability Related Transportation
Offers transportation for individuals who need help in emergency and non-emergency situations. Medical Transportation
Offers health insurance benefits for children, individuals who are pregnant, and family members caring for children.Health InsuranceMore information: Local health departments provide assistance with application, enrollment, and education on plans Helps with prescriptions, mental health and substance use services, and medical transportation Benefits include vision and dental care
Offers health insurance benefits for children, individuals who are pregnant, and family members caring for children.Health InsuranceMore information: Local health departments provide assistance with application, enrollment, and education on plans Helps with prescriptions, mental health and substance use services, and medical transportation Benefits include vision and dental care
Offers transportation for medical appointments and other needs.TransportationMore information: Service runs Monday through Friday from downtown to the Hopewell Road areaAccepts Paratransit vouchers or may require a fee for service Offers free employment transportation for employees of Hopewell Road businesses


Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Disability Related Transportation
Homeless Transportation Programs
Offers housing and 24-hour support for older adults who require help with daily living activities.Assisted LivingMore Information: Provides residents with meals, laundry, housekeeping, medical care, and help with transportation In-home physician, therapy, and pharmacy delivery services available
Offers health insurance benefits for children, individuals who are pregnant, and family members caring for children.Health InsuranceMore information: Local health departments provide assistance with application, enrollment, and education on plans Helps with prescriptions, mental health and substance use services, and medical transportation Benefits include vision and dental care
Provides services and support for individuals affected by domestic violence.Domestic Violence ServicesMore information: Includes shelter, a safe pet program, counseling, and virtual forensic medical consultations Helps with temporary protective orders and finding legal representation and court accompaniment Provides referrals for basic necessities, immigration services, and child welfare agencies Transportation is available


Animal Shelters
Mental Health - Service Type
Transportation Expense Assistance
Abuse Counseling
Specialized Information and Referral
Certificates/Forms Assistance
Domestic Violence Shelters
Clinical Service Providers
Mental Health Related Support Groups
Individual Counseling
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Protective/Restraining Orders
Group Counseling
Mental Health Information/Education
Offers information and assistance to veterans applying for healthcare, educational and job training programs, and compensation pension.Veterans Benefits AssistanceMore information: Helps with claim forms, briefs, assembly of evidence to support claims, and appeals Acts as a representative with the US Department of Veteran Affairs


Veteran Benefits Assistance
Volunteer Opportunities
Provides eligible Harford County residents with transportation to medical appointments.Non-Emergency Medical TransportationMore information: Includes mental health appointments, as a last resort option Scheduled pick-ups can be arranged through AAA during bad weather and office closures
Assists with the food and transportation needs of individuals and families.Basic NeedsMore information: Provides transportation to doctor's appointments and grocery stores Delivers meals to individuals with a limited ability to leave home Offers information and referrals to other community resources, including emergency food


Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Volunteer Opportunities
Food Pantries
Home Delivered Meals