Age Group
Payment Options
1-25 of 28
Provides workshops and on-site training for parents, teachers, child care providers, and community groups.Education and Training
Provides workshops and on-site training for parents, teachers, child care providers, and community groups.Education and Training
Safety Education Programs
Child Care Issues
Small Business Development
Provides information, collaboration, and advocacy services to small businesses owners.Business DevelopmentMore information: Offers seminars and workshops about business processes and issues
Provides information, collaboration, and advocacy services to small businesses owners.Business DevelopmentMore information: Offers seminars and workshops about business processes and issues
Small Business Development
Provides specialized seminars and workshops, one-on-one and group business counseling, and access to resources for pre-venture, start-up, and existing women-owned businesses.Small Business Development
Provides specialized seminars and workshops, one-on-one and group business counseling, and access to resources for pre-venture, start-up, and existing women-owned businesses.Small Business Development
Small Business Development
Provides consulting, training, and business development for nonprofits, churches, and small businesses.Business Development More information: Programs focus on problem-solving, teamwork, and leadership Offers life coaching and support to employees experiencing difficulties
Provides consulting, training, and business development for nonprofits, churches, and small businesses.Business Development More information: Programs focus on problem-solving, teamwork, and leadership Offers life coaching and support to employees experiencing difficulties
Organizational Consultation/Technical Assistance
Small Business Development
Offers employment programs for job seekers and the employers looking to hire them.Job Training and Employment ProgramsMore information:Provides job seekers with a one-stop career center, training, and career development programs Technical assistance, applicant screening, and on-the-job training available to employers
Offers employment programs for job seekers and the employers looking to hire them.Job Training and Employment ProgramsMore information:Provides job seekers with a one-stop career center, training, and career development programs Technical assistance, applicant screening, and on-the-job training available to employers
Vocational Rehabilitation
Mental Health Information/Education
Small Business Development
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Provides a Standards for Excellence code of conduct and accreditation process for nonprofit organizations.Nonprofit Management
Provides a Standards for Excellence code of conduct and accreditation process for nonprofit organizations.Nonprofit Management
Charities/Grantmaking Organizations
Small Business Development
Provides individual counseling and workshops on starting and managing businesses.Small Business DevelopmentMore information: Guarantees up to 80% on loans to eligible small businesses
Provides individual counseling and workshops on starting and managing businesses.Small Business DevelopmentMore information: Guarantees up to 80% on loans to eligible small businesses
Small Business Development
Business Disaster Loans
Provides specialized seminars and workshops, one-on-one and group business counseling, and access to resources for pre-venture, start-up, and existing women-owned businesses.Small Business Development
Provides specialized seminars and workshops, one-on-one and group business counseling, and access to resources for pre-venture, start-up, and existing women-owned businesses.Small Business Development
Small Business Development
Assists individuals who own or are thinking of starting a small business with their planning, growing, and operations.Small Business DevelopmentMore information: Provides counseling in finance, marketing, planning, record keeping, management, and control measurements Offers a resource library and training for small business problems
Assists individuals who own or are thinking of starting a small business with their planning, growing, and operations.Small Business DevelopmentMore information: Provides counseling in finance, marketing, planning, record keeping, management, and control measurements Offers a resource library and training for small business problems
Small Business Development
Volunteer Opportunities
Offers resources for small business development and neighborhood marketing in Baltimore. Community DevelopmentMore information: Provides grants for block improvement projects Organizes events and neighborhood self-management in the Belair-Edison neighborhood
Offers resources for small business development and neighborhood marketing in Baltimore. Community DevelopmentMore information: Provides grants for block improvement projects Organizes events and neighborhood self-management in the Belair-Edison neighborhood
Small Business Development
Community Development Corporations
Volunteer Opportunities
Provides free financial coaching programs, including housing counseling, credit help, money management, and small business coaching.Financial Management
Provides free financial coaching programs, including housing counseling, credit help, money management, and small business coaching.Financial Management
Personal Financial Counseling
Housing Counseling
Small Business Development
Provides employment services to individuals looking for a job and businesses in need of hiring.Training and Employment ServicesMore information: Offers individual counseling, tuition assistance, and career planning Businesses receive free job postings, recruitment services, new hire training, tax credits and incentives, and funding for staff development
Provides employment services to individuals looking for a job and businesses in need of hiring.Training and Employment ServicesMore information: Offers individual counseling, tuition assistance, and career planning Businesses receive free job postings, recruitment services, new hire training, tax credits and incentives, and funding for staff development
Job Readiness
Young Adults
Youth Job Development
Job Training Formats
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Small Business Development
Offers resources to help businesses grow and attracts new businesses to the area.Business DevelopmentMore information: Provides a business resource center and local market demographic services
Offers resources to help businesses grow and attracts new businesses to the area.Business DevelopmentMore information: Provides a business resource center and local market demographic services
Small Business Development
Provides resources and support to help individuals start and run their own businesses.Business DevelopmentMore information: Includes business counseling, financing, legal services, and advice on federal contracting Offers publications on management assistance
Provides resources and support to help individuals start and run their own businesses.Business DevelopmentMore information: Includes business counseling, financing, legal services, and advice on federal contracting Offers publications on management assistance
Small Business Development
Provides businesses in Maryland with online information and resources related to COVID-19.COVID-19 ResourcesMore information:Includes FAQs for faith-based organizations on participation in PPP and EIDL programs
Provides businesses in Maryland with online information and resources related to COVID-19.COVID-19 ResourcesMore information:Includes FAQs for faith-based organizations on participation in PPP and EIDL programs
Small Business Development
Organizational Consultation/Technical Assistance
Labor and Employment Law
Business Disaster Loans
Serves as an alliance of businesses that works to positively impact the economic climate in Prince George's County. Business AssociationMore information: Offers events, expos, trade shows, awards programs, and workshops Members receive discounts on products and services, referrals, and document publication services
Serves as an alliance of businesses that works to positively impact the economic climate in Prince George's County. Business AssociationMore information: Offers events, expos, trade shows, awards programs, and workshops Members receive discounts on products and services, referrals, and document publication services
Volunteer Opportunities
Specialized Information and Referral
Consumer Issues
Small Business Development
Assists small businesses with obtaining contracts to work on government projects.Business Development
Assists small businesses with obtaining contracts to work on government projects.Business Development
Small Business Development
Organizes community improvement projects and neighborhood loan products.Community DevelopmentMore information: Accepts donations of tools such as brooms, rakes, shovels, gloves, bags, and pick-up trucks
Organizes community improvement projects and neighborhood loan products.Community DevelopmentMore information: Accepts donations of tools such as brooms, rakes, shovels, gloves, bags, and pick-up trucks
Small Business Development
Offers opportunities for networking, sales and marketing workshops, and legislative advocacy.Advocacy and Public Policy
Offers opportunities for networking, sales and marketing workshops, and legislative advocacy.Advocacy and Public Policy
Agencies/Organizations as Recipients
Occupational/Professional Associations
Small Business Development
Offers contracting opportunities on state-funded projects for veteran-owned small businesses.Business Development/Procurement
Offers contracting opportunities on state-funded projects for veteran-owned small businesses.Business Development/Procurement
Small Business Development
Provides information on becoming licensed as a daycare provider, either at a center or a private home.Child Care Provider LicensingMore information:Offers consultations and technical assistance
Provides information on becoming licensed as a daycare provider, either at a center or a private home.Child Care Provider LicensingMore information:Offers consultations and technical assistance
Organizational Consultation/Technical Assistance
Safety Education Programs
Child Care Issues
Small Business Development
Provides current and prospective childcare providers with information, training, and resources.Child Care Provider SupportMore information:Educates employers on work/ family options, including benefits, leave policies, and childcareMaintains a reference-only library with books and tapes on child and family issuesOffers on-site consultation and intervention services
Provides current and prospective childcare providers with information, training, and resources.Child Care Provider SupportMore information:Educates employers on work/ family options, including benefits, leave policies, and childcareMaintains a reference-only library with books and tapes on child and family issuesOffers on-site consultation and intervention services
Organizational Consultation/Technical Assistance
Small Business Development
Library Services
Volunteer Service Programs
Child Care Issues
Provides leadership and support to small businesses in the community.Business AssociationsMore information: Offers information, seminars, and workshops to educate members about important business processes and issues
Provides leadership and support to small businesses in the community.Business AssociationsMore information: Offers information, seminars, and workshops to educate members about important business processes and issues
Disaster Claims Information
Small Business Development
Business Disaster Loans
Offers help and resources for people who want to start or improve a small business.Small Business DevelopmentMore information: Includes counseling, a library of resources, and workshops Mentorship is offered by phone, email, and Zoom
Offers help and resources for people who want to start or improve a small business.Small Business DevelopmentMore information: Includes counseling, a library of resources, and workshops Mentorship is offered by phone, email, and Zoom
Small Business Development
Provides support for new businesses to expand and stay in Oakland.Business DevelopmentMore information: Offers opportunities for advertising
Provides support for new businesses to expand and stay in Oakland.Business DevelopmentMore information: Offers opportunities for advertising
Occupational/Professional Associations
Small Business Development