Age Group
Payment Options
1-25 of 153
Provides a range of support services for individuals with disabilities.Supported EmploymentMore information: Includes supported employment, day habilitation, residential services, supported living, and respite Offers activities for recreation, socialization, and integration
Provides a range of support services for individuals with disabilities.Supported EmploymentMore information: Includes supported employment, day habilitation, residential services, supported living, and respite Offers activities for recreation, socialization, and integration
Mental Health Issues
Mental Health Information/Education
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Vocational Rehabilitation
Assisted Living Facilities
Offers information on mental health resources in the community.Mental Health Information and Referral
Offers information on mental health resources in the community.Mental Health Information and Referral
Specialized Information and Referral
Mental Health Information/Education
Volunteer Opportunities
Mental Health Issues
Provides a range of mental health services for children, adolescents, and adults.Mental HealthcareMore information: Includes outpatient, intensive outpatient, partial hospitalization, and inpatient treatment Offers a mood disorders program, psychiatric services, and support groups Mental health professionals are available to speak on a variety of mental health-related topics
Provides a range of mental health services for children, adolescents, and adults.Mental HealthcareMore information: Includes outpatient, intensive outpatient, partial hospitalization, and inpatient treatment Offers a mood disorders program, psychiatric services, and support groups Mental health professionals are available to speak on a variety of mental health-related topics
Mental Health Information/Education
Runaway/Homeless Youth Helplines
Inpatient Mental Health Facilities
Older Adults
Psychiatric Day Treatment
Provides counseling for couples, families, and individuals experiencing mental health issues. Mental Health CounselingMore information: This is a faith-based organization with Christian counselors, but serves individuals of all religions
Provides counseling for couples, families, and individuals experiencing mental health issues. Mental Health CounselingMore information: This is a faith-based organization with Christian counselors, but serves individuals of all religions
Mental Health Evaluation
Family Counseling
Mental Health Information/Education
Individual Counseling
Group Counseling
Mental Health Issues
Provides programs and services to improve the overall development of students.Youth DevelopmentMore information: Offers extra-curricular activities, mentoring, mental health counseling, and on-site health screenings Operates a wellness center where any enrolled high school students may registerLocations include Gaithersburg, Watkins Mill, and Wheaton high schools
Provides programs and services to improve the overall development of students.Youth DevelopmentMore information: Offers extra-curricular activities, mentoring, mental health counseling, and on-site health screenings Operates a wellness center where any enrolled high school students may registerLocations include Gaithersburg, Watkins Mill, and Wheaton high schools
Mental Health Information/Education
Case/Care Management
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Public Schools
Youth Enrichment Programs
Helps children and families who are struggling in school, at home, or in the community. School-Based ServicesMore information: Includes child, group, and family therapy; behavior management; and social skills groups Parenting workshops and support groups available Provides referrals for food, clothing, housing, financial and legal aid, and healthcare Offers health education, nutrition, and adult education classes
Helps children and families who are struggling in school, at home, or in the community. School-Based ServicesMore information: Includes child, group, and family therapy; behavior management; and social skills groups Parenting workshops and support groups available Provides referrals for food, clothing, housing, financial and legal aid, and healthcare Offers health education, nutrition, and adult education classes
Adult Basic Education
Individual Counseling
Mental Health Information/Education
Volunteer Opportunities
Computer Literacy Training Programs
Parenting Education
Group Counseling
Nutrition Education
Family Counseling
Provides in-home assistance with chores, laundry, meal prep, and transportation.Chore Services and Telephone ReassuranceMore information: Offers phone check-ins No emergency services available
Provides in-home assistance with chores, laundry, meal prep, and transportation.Chore Services and Telephone ReassuranceMore information: Offers phone check-ins No emergency services available
Personal Care
Volunteer Opportunities
Senior Ride Programs
Telephone Reassurance
Mental Health Information/Education
Disability Related Transportation
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Provides programs for families impacted by adverse childhood experiences, including divorce, abuse, neglect, alcohol or drug addictions, incarceration, and mental illness.Youth Development
Provides programs for families impacted by adverse childhood experiences, including divorce, abuse, neglect, alcohol or drug addictions, incarceration, and mental illness.Youth Development
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Mental Health Drop In Centers
Tutoring Services
Family Counseling
Mental Health Evaluation
Volunteer Opportunities
Mental Health Information/Education
Mental Health Issues
Individual Counseling
Offers psychiatric rehabilitation services for children, adolescents, and adults with severe and persistent mental illness.Mental Health Support Services
Offers psychiatric rehabilitation services for children, adolescents, and adults with severe and persistent mental illness.Mental Health Support Services
Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Mental Health Issues
Mental Health Information/Education
Provides support services for individuals diagnosed with mental illness.Mental Health Support ServicesMore information: Includes medication management, case management, and home-based servicesOffers a community rehabilitation day program and a child development programIndividual, couples, family, and group counseling available
Provides support services for individuals diagnosed with mental illness.Mental Health Support ServicesMore information: Includes medication management, case management, and home-based servicesOffers a community rehabilitation day program and a child development programIndividual, couples, family, and group counseling available
Conjoint Counseling
Residential Mental Health Treatment Facilities
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Parenting Education
Group Counseling
Recreational Activities/Sports
Vocational Rehabilitation
Mental Health Information/Education
Mental Health Related Support Groups
Volunteer Opportunities
Early Childhood Education
Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Individual Counseling
Case/Care Management
Family Counseling
Offers supportive services for individuals with developmental disabilities who also have serious medical needs.Developmental Disabilities Day ProgramsMore information: Includes day and residential programs, sheltered workshops, rehabilitation, and relationship services
Offers supportive services for individuals with developmental disabilities who also have serious medical needs.Developmental Disabilities Day ProgramsMore information: Includes day and residential programs, sheltered workshops, rehabilitation, and relationship services
Case/Care Management
Developmental Issues
Adult Day Programs
Inpatient Mental Health Facilities
Mental Health Information/Education
Mental Health Drop In Centers
Comprehensive Disability Related Employment Programs
Respite Care
Mental Health Issues
Mental Health Evaluation
Provides mental health services, including individual, couples, and family therapy; medication management; and wellness support.Mental Healthcare
Provides mental health services, including individual, couples, and family therapy; medication management; and wellness support.Mental Healthcare
Mental Health Information/Education
Mental Health Related Community Support Services (CSS)
Group Counseling
Individual Counseling
Mental Health Related Support Groups
Residential Mental Health Treatment Facilities
Telemental Health
Provides programs and services to help youth in the areas of education and employment.Youth DevelopmentMore information: Offers individual and group counseling for mental health and substance use issuesWorkforce development services include job search tips, skills development, and job placement Provides GED classes and preparation, mentoring, and ESL classes Case management available for safety net needs and assistance with tattoo removal services
Provides programs and services to help youth in the areas of education and employment.Youth DevelopmentMore information: Offers individual and group counseling for mental health and substance use issuesWorkforce development services include job search tips, skills development, and job placement Provides GED classes and preparation, mentoring, and ESL classes Case management available for safety net needs and assistance with tattoo removal services
Case/Care Management
Mental Health Related Support Groups
Volunteer Opportunities
English as a Second Language
Mental Health Information/Education
Graduation Requirements Programs
Individual Counseling
Adult/Child Mentoring Programs
Job Search/Placement
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Job Readiness
Group Counseling
Young Adults
Provides services for individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities and their families. Developmental Disabilities ServicesMore information: Includes community living, employment and work skills training, and personal supports Provides fully inclusive licensed childcare programs Respite care coordination for caregivers available
Provides services for individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities and their families. Developmental Disabilities ServicesMore information: Includes community living, employment and work skills training, and personal supports Provides fully inclusive licensed childcare programs Respite care coordination for caregivers available
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Respite Care
Intellectual Disabilities
Vocational Rehabilitation
Case/Care Management
Assisted Living Facilities
Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Medical Equipment/Supplies
Mental Health Evaluation
Mental Health Issues
Mental Health Information/Education
Volunteer Opportunities
Special Education
Early Childhood Education
Provides support for individuals with severe disabilities to encourage employment and independence. Vocational ServicesMore information: Includes vocational counseling, physical and mental restoration, communication and equipment services, job training and placement, and rehabilitation technology services
Provides support for individuals with severe disabilities to encourage employment and independence. Vocational ServicesMore information: Includes vocational counseling, physical and mental restoration, communication and equipment services, job training and placement, and rehabilitation technology services
Comprehensive Disability Related Employment Programs
Mental Health Information/Education
Mental Health Issues
Volunteer Opportunities
Provides assistance and support services for adults with neurological impairments.Disability Support ProgramsMore information: Includes supportive housing, job readiness, social activities, respite care, and independent living skills
Provides assistance and support services for adults with neurological impairments.Disability Support ProgramsMore information: Includes supportive housing, job readiness, social activities, respite care, and independent living skills
Mental Health Related Support Groups
Mental Health Information/Education
Assisted Living Facilities
Inpatient Mental Health Facilities
Respite Care
Comprehensive Disability Related Employment Programs
Neurological Impairments
Helps youth with academic achievement, career development, and avoiding at-risk behaviors.Youth DevelopmentMore information: Offers counseling, case management, summer programs, and a Spanish literacy program Accepts donations of clothing, office equipment, toys, and games
Helps youth with academic achievement, career development, and avoiding at-risk behaviors.Youth DevelopmentMore information: Offers counseling, case management, summer programs, and a Spanish literacy program Accepts donations of clothing, office equipment, toys, and games
Case/Care Management
Mental Health Information/Education
Youth Enrichment Programs
Mental Health Related Support Groups
Group Counseling
Clothing Donation Programs
Volunteer Opportunities
Individual Counseling
Hispanic/Latino Community
Literacy Programs
Graduation Requirements Programs
Offers a home visitation program for expectant and new parents.Home Visiting Programs More information:Includes parent education, developmental assessments, screenings, and immunization monitoringHelps participants explore career and educational optionsOrganizes field trips, group activities, and special center activitiesProvides resources, services, and referrals as needed
Offers a home visitation program for expectant and new parents.Home Visiting Programs More information:Includes parent education, developmental assessments, screenings, and immunization monitoringHelps participants explore career and educational optionsOrganizes field trips, group activities, and special center activitiesProvides resources, services, and referrals as needed
General Health Education Programs
Case/Care Management
Mental Health Information/Education
Families With Children
Parenting Education
Provides psychiatric rehabilitation services to individuals with mental, emotional, and behavioral challenges.Mental Health Support ServicesMore information: Assists with employment, academics, housing, health education, wellness management, legal support, financial and budgeting, therapy compliance, transportation, and more Counselors are available to meet participants in the community
Provides psychiatric rehabilitation services to individuals with mental, emotional, and behavioral challenges.Mental Health Support ServicesMore information: Assists with employment, academics, housing, health education, wellness management, legal support, financial and budgeting, therapy compliance, transportation, and more Counselors are available to meet participants in the community
Mental Health Information/Education
Mental Health Issues
Inpatient Mental Health Facilities
Mental Health Drop In Centers
Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Mental Health Evaluation
Provides individual, family, group, couples, and premarital counseling services.Counseling ServicesMore information: Offers support groups for moms, grief and loss, career understanding, improvisation, and infertility
Provides individual, family, group, couples, and premarital counseling services.Counseling ServicesMore information: Offers support groups for moms, grief and loss, career understanding, improvisation, and infertility
Anger Management
Group Counseling
Mental Health Information/Education
Conjoint Counseling
Individual Counseling
Gender Identity Counseling
Marriage and Relationships Support Groups
Family Counseling
Mental Health Issues
Bereavement and Grief Counseling
Mental Health Related Support Groups
Teaches the public how to recognize and respond to mental health and substance use issues in youth.Mental Health Education and TrainingMore information: Focuses on early intervention and provides tools to help youth in crisis situations Youth Mental Health First Aid is an 8 hour training program
Teaches the public how to recognize and respond to mental health and substance use issues in youth.Mental Health Education and TrainingMore information: Focuses on early intervention and provides tools to help youth in crisis situations Youth Mental Health First Aid is an 8 hour training program
Mental Health Information/Education
Offers psychiatric rehabilitation services for children, adolescents, and adults.Mental Health Support ServicesMore Information:Includes the development of social skills, anger management, care coordination, and familial support
Offers psychiatric rehabilitation services for children, adolescents, and adults.Mental Health Support ServicesMore Information:Includes the development of social skills, anger management, care coordination, and familial support
Mental Health Information/Education
Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Provides one-on-one counseling and referrals to local resources.Information and ReferralMore information: Assists with completing forms for applications such as SNAP, MEAP, Medical Assistance, Childcare Subsidy, Financial Assistance, and more Helps find resources for mental health, domestic violence, grief and loss support, parenting resources, LGBTQIA+ support, senior services, substance abuse, and youth services Drop-in office hours are offered on a first-come, first-served basis
Provides one-on-one counseling and referrals to local resources.Information and ReferralMore information: Assists with completing forms for applications such as SNAP, MEAP, Medical Assistance, Childcare Subsidy, Financial Assistance, and more Helps find resources for mental health, domestic violence, grief and loss support, parenting resources, LGBTQIA+ support, senior services, substance abuse, and youth services Drop-in office hours are offered on a first-come, first-served basis
Specialized Information and Referral
Information Sources
Mental Health Information/Education
Benefits Screening
Child Care Expense Assistance
Temporary Financial Assistance
Certificates/Forms Assistance
Medicaid Information/Counseling
Food Stamps/SNAP
Offers mental health counseling that includes individual, family, couples, and group sessions.Mental Health Assessment and Treatment
Offers mental health counseling that includes individual, family, couples, and group sessions.Mental Health Assessment and Treatment
Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities
Individual Counseling
Telemental Health
Mental Health Issues
Mental Health Information/Education
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Group Counseling
Conjoint Counseling
Family Counseling
Provides education services to children in Charles County. Public SchoolsMore information:Offers guidance counseling, health services, and psychological services for students Provides free or reduced fee breakfast and lunch programs to students who qualify
Provides education services to children in Charles County. Public SchoolsMore information:Offers guidance counseling, health services, and psychological services for students Provides free or reduced fee breakfast and lunch programs to students who qualify
Adult Basic Education
Public Schools
Summer Food Service Programs
Special Education
Early Childhood Education
Alternative Education
Graduation Requirements Programs
Volunteer Opportunities
Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Mental Health Information/Education