1-10 of 10
Offers emergency mental health services, including assessment, hospital admissions, critical incident stress management, and urgent psychiatric appointments.Mental Health Assessment and Treatment


Psychiatric Mobile Response Teams
Suicide Prevention Hotlines
Specialized Information and Referral
Chronic/Severe Mental Illness
Mental Health Information/Education
Mental Health Evaluation
Mental Health Issues
Offers a crisis and suicide prevention lifeline for LGBTQIA+ youth. Suicide Prevention LifelineMore information: Chat and text-based support available


Suicide Prevention Hotlines
Provides intervention and support to individuals experiencing a mental health emergency. Mental Health Crisis Intervention More information:Includes assessment, crisis intervention, counseling, resource referrals, and follow-up servicesWorks with law enforcement and emergency respondersProvides critical incident stress management after a traumatic event or natural disaster


Specialized Information and Referral
Suicide Prevention Hotlines
Psychiatric Mobile Response Teams
Chronic/Severe Mental Illness
General Crisis Intervention Hotlines
Mental Health Issues
Operates a 24-hour hotline that provides crisis intervention and information on community resources.Crisis Intervention Hotlines/HelplinesMore information: May dispatch local law enforcement if necessary


Sexual Assault Hotlines
Child Abuse Hotlines
General Crisis Intervention Hotlines
Chronic/Severe Mental Illness
Suicide Prevention Hotlines
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Operates a 24-hour hotline for individuals with mental health or substance use concerns. Crisis Intervention Hotlines/HelplinesMore information: Trained counselors evaluate each caller's situation and make referrals to appropriate resources, which may include detox placement and health insurance registration


Substance Use Disorder Issues
Chronic/Severe Mental Illness
General Crisis Intervention Hotlines
Specialized Information and Referral
Suicide Prevention Hotlines
Substance Use Disorder Hotlines
Offers crisis hotline 24/7 to provide immediate assistance to individuals and families experiencing a mental health crisis.Crisis Hotline


Chronic/Severe Mental Illness
Specialized Information and Referral
Mental Health Issues
Suicide Prevention Hotlines
General Crisis Intervention Hotlines
Offers 24-hour suicide and crisis prevention and intervention services.Crisis Intervention Hotlines/HelplinesMore information: Available by phone, online chat, and by texting 988 Provides online safety planning


Suicide Prevention Hotlines
Offers 24-hour confidential phone support to residents of Western Maryland.Crisis Intervention More information:Provides information, referrals to local resources, supportive listening, and crisis interventionPresentations on suicide prevention may be requested for community groups and agencies


Mental Health Information/Education
211 Systems
Volunteer Opportunities
General Crisis Intervention Hotlines
Suicide Counseling
Suicide Prevention Hotlines
Chronic/Severe Mental Illness
Operates a counseling center and hotline for individuals who need help with personal, mental health, or substance use issues. Crisis Intervention Hotlines/HelplinesMore information: Certified as a suicide prevention center


Volunteer Opportunities
General Crisis Intervention Hotlines
Suicide Prevention Hotlines
In Person Crisis Intervention
Offers problem-solving assistance and counseling on issues like pregnancy, running away, suicide, gang involvement, eating disorders, depression, and abuse.Crisis Intervention Hotlines/HelplinesMore information: Available by phone, chat, email, and text Referrals to local resources provided for long-term problems


Runaway/Homeless Youth Helplines
Suicide Prevention Hotlines
Crisis Pregnancy Hotlines
Telephone Reassurance