Age Group
1-6 of 6
Provides crisis and mental health services for individuals who have experienced sexual assault or rape.Crisis Center More information: Includes 24-hour hotlines and text lines, counseling, psychiatric services, advocacy, and education Offers services for incarcerated women, youth in foster care, and the Latino/ Hispanic community School-based mental health services available in several counties
Provides crisis and mental health services for individuals who have experienced sexual assault or rape.Crisis Center More information: Includes 24-hour hotlines and text lines, counseling, psychiatric services, advocacy, and education Offers services for incarcerated women, youth in foster care, and the Latino/ Hispanic community School-based mental health services available in several counties
Case/Care Management
Text Based Counseling Services
Substance Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Adoption/Foster Care/Kinship Care Issues
General Legal Aid
Psychiatric Mobile Response Teams
Individual Counseling
Abuse Counseling
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Hispanic/Latino Community
In Person Crisis Intervention
Psychiatric Case Management
Human Trafficking Hotlines
Volunteer Opportunities
Sexual Assault Hotlines
Parenting Education
Crime Victim Support
Telemental Health
Mental Health Evaluation
Operates a 24-hour helpline for victims of human trafficking, sexual assault, and domestic violence. Crisis Intervention Hotlines/Helplines More information: Connects callers to crisis intervention, counseling, and other community resourcesOffers Human Trafficking Companion services for victims needing to go to the hospital Text chat line available
Operates a 24-hour helpline for victims of human trafficking, sexual assault, and domestic violence. Crisis Intervention Hotlines/Helplines More information: Connects callers to crisis intervention, counseling, and other community resourcesOffers Human Trafficking Companion services for victims needing to go to the hospital Text chat line available
Human Trafficking Hotlines
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Volunteer Service Programs
Crime Victim Support
Domestic Violence Issues
Helps youth who have been victims of sex trafficking by offering emergency help, basic necessities, and connecting them with other helpful programs. Youth/Young Adult Services
Helps youth who have been victims of sex trafficking by offering emergency help, basic necessities, and connecting them with other helpful programs. Youth/Young Adult Services
Human Trafficking Hotlines
Human Trafficking Support Groups
Provides emergency intervention services for women and children who have experienced domestic violence, sexual crisis, or trafficking. Domestic Violence ServicesMore information: Offers a 24-hour crisis hotline, shelter, counseling, advocacy, and hospital accompaniment Education and training, support groups, art therapy, and an abuser intervention program available
Provides emergency intervention services for women and children who have experienced domestic violence, sexual crisis, or trafficking. Domestic Violence ServicesMore information: Offers a 24-hour crisis hotline, shelter, counseling, advocacy, and hospital accompaniment Education and training, support groups, art therapy, and an abuser intervention program available
Domestic Violence Shelters
Human Trafficking Hotlines
Volunteer Opportunities
Abuse Counseling
Domestic Violence Intervention Programs
Offers resources and a coordinated response to trafficking cases, with a focus on recovery, prevention, education, intervention, and stabilization of victims. Human Trafficking Prevention/InterventionMore information: Investigates trafficking claims Works to address the growing issues of trafficking through a prevention committee
Offers resources and a coordinated response to trafficking cases, with a focus on recovery, prevention, education, intervention, and stabilization of victims. Human Trafficking Prevention/InterventionMore information: Investigates trafficking claims Works to address the growing issues of trafficking through a prevention committee
Crime Victim Support
Human Trafficking Hotlines
Human Trafficking Issues
Operates a hotline that provides information and support to individuals who have experienced sexual assault.Crisis Intervention Hotlines
Operates a hotline that provides information and support to individuals who have experienced sexual assault.Crisis Intervention Hotlines
Human Trafficking Hotlines
Abuse Counseling
Sexual Assault Hotlines
Volunteer Opportunities