Age Group
Payment Options
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Offers a summer sports camps that includes basketball, soccer, track & field, volleyball, tennis, and flag football.Youth DevelopmentMore information: Each week focuses on a different sport Online registration begins in April
Offers a summer sports camps that includes basketball, soccer, track & field, volleyball, tennis, and flag football.Youth DevelopmentMore information: Each week focuses on a different sport Online registration begins in April
Summer Camps
Volunteer Opportunities
Provides summer camps for youth at 6 different locations within Cecil County.Youth Development
Provides summer camps for youth at 6 different locations within Cecil County.Youth Development
Summer Camps
Offers sports and enrichment summer camps, including soccer, tennis, art, volleyball, and Safetyville Toddler Camp.Recreation ProgramsMore information: Age ranges vary depending on the specific camp offered each week
Offers sports and enrichment summer camps, including soccer, tennis, art, volleyball, and Safetyville Toddler Camp.Recreation ProgramsMore information: Age ranges vary depending on the specific camp offered each week
Volunteer Opportunities
Summer Camps
Offers preschool and traditional programs, specialty camps, and summer camps for children. Youth DevelopmentMore information: Theme weeks include karate, golf, gymnastics, cheerleading, soccer, Lego robotics, and swimming Parents must register child for each week they wish to attend; fees apply
Offers preschool and traditional programs, specialty camps, and summer camps for children. Youth DevelopmentMore information: Theme weeks include karate, golf, gymnastics, cheerleading, soccer, Lego robotics, and swimming Parents must register child for each week they wish to attend; fees apply
Volunteer Opportunities
Summer Camps
Offers a summer camp for youth that includes swimming, weekly field trips, arts & crafts, special events, and educational activities.Summer CampsMore information: Held from July 5 through August 12
Offers a summer camp for youth that includes swimming, weekly field trips, arts & crafts, special events, and educational activities.Summer CampsMore information: Held from July 5 through August 12
Summer Camps
Volunteer Opportunities
Boys/Girls Clubs
Offers a summer camp for youth that includes swimming, weekly field trips, arts & crafts, special events, and educational activities.Summer CampsMore information: Held from July 5 through August 12
Offers a summer camp for youth that includes swimming, weekly field trips, arts & crafts, special events, and educational activities.Summer CampsMore information: Held from July 5 through August 12
Summer Camps
Volunteer Opportunities
Boys/Girls Clubs
Operates summer and day camps for children that offer activities, including horseback riding, canoeing, hiking, swimming, and arts and crafts.Youth Development
Operates summer and day camps for children that offer activities, including horseback riding, canoeing, hiking, swimming, and arts and crafts.Youth Development
Volunteer Opportunities
Summer Camps
Offers a 4-week summer day camp for children.Summer Camps and ProgramsMore information: Operates from 9AM to 3:30PM
Offers a 4-week summer day camp for children.Summer Camps and ProgramsMore information: Operates from 9AM to 3:30PM
Recreational Activities/Sports
Volunteer Opportunities
Summer Camps
Families With Children
Offers a 4-year program for middle school students to develop academic habits, behaviors, and skills.Youth DevelopmentMore information: Provides small group literacy tutoring, homework support, and mentoring Field trips to businesses, organizations, high schools, and colleges are occasionally scheduled Enrollment runs from June through August and can continue into the fall
Offers a 4-year program for middle school students to develop academic habits, behaviors, and skills.Youth DevelopmentMore information: Provides small group literacy tutoring, homework support, and mentoring Field trips to businesses, organizations, high schools, and colleges are occasionally scheduled Enrollment runs from June through August and can continue into the fall
Summer Camps
Youth Enrichment Programs
Offers a variety of recreational activities to the community.Recreation and Leisure ActivitiesMore information: Includes therapeutic and summer camps, arts and crafts, music classes, fitness, pools, and exercise Programs for individuals with disabilities and older adults available Provides a preschool program for children
Offers a variety of recreational activities to the community.Recreation and Leisure ActivitiesMore information: Includes therapeutic and summer camps, arts and crafts, music classes, fitness, pools, and exercise Programs for individuals with disabilities and older adults available Provides a preschool program for children
Youth Enrichment Programs
Mental Health - Special Programs
Mental Health - Service Type
Adult/Child Mentoring Programs
Recreational Activities/Sports
Mental Health Information/Education
Volunteer Opportunities
Summer Camps
Therapeutic Camps
Offers a summer camp for youth that includes swimming, weekly field trips, arts & crafts, special events, and educational activities.Summer CampsMore information: Held from July 5 through August 12
Offers a summer camp for youth that includes swimming, weekly field trips, arts & crafts, special events, and educational activities.Summer CampsMore information: Held from July 5 through August 12
Summer Camps
Volunteer Opportunities
Boys/Girls Clubs
Offers a range of programs and services to the community.Community ProgramsMore information: Child care, mentoring, youth programs, and summer camps available Recreational programs include aquatics, dance, and sports
Offers a range of programs and services to the community.Community ProgramsMore information: Child care, mentoring, youth programs, and summer camps available Recreational programs include aquatics, dance, and sports
Youth Enrichment Programs
Extended Child Care
Adult/Child Mentoring Programs
Food Donation Programs
Volunteer Opportunities
Summer Camps
Disaster Related Goods Donations Management
Recreational Activities/Sports
Offers day camps for K-12 students during school breaks.Day CampsMore information: Includes before and after care
Offers day camps for K-12 students during school breaks.Day CampsMore information: Includes before and after care
Recreational Activities/Sports
Summer Camps
Volunteer Opportunities
Extended Child Care
Offers various programs and assistance for individuals in need.Faith-Based Community Assistance More information: Distributes food, clothing, furniture, backpacks, and holiday toys to low-income families Provides emergency and transitional housing, rehabilitation programs, and job training for men Hosts monthly senior luncheons with Bingo, lunch, and groceries to take homeFree medical, eye, and dental exams are available for homeless individualsOffers a transitional shelter program for veterans experiencing homelessnessOperates a retreat and recreation center with a summer camp for children in Brookeville
Offers various programs and assistance for individuals in need.Faith-Based Community Assistance More information: Distributes food, clothing, furniture, backpacks, and holiday toys to low-income families Provides emergency and transitional housing, rehabilitation programs, and job training for men Hosts monthly senior luncheons with Bingo, lunch, and groceries to take homeFree medical, eye, and dental exams are available for homeless individualsOffers a transitional shelter program for veterans experiencing homelessnessOperates a retreat and recreation center with a summer camp for children in Brookeville
Food Pantries
Eye Care
Job Training Formats
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Computer Literacy Training Programs
Veteran Employment Programs
Adult Basic Education
School Supplies
General Clothing Provision
Holiday Gifts/Toys
Graduation Requirements Programs
General Furniture Provision
Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Dental Care
Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing
Summer Camps
Older Adults
Offers 8-week summer day camps at Mowbray Park and Kennard Elementary Schools.Summer Day CampsMore information: Activities include sports, arts and crafts, and games Campers must bring a bag lunch, two snacks, and water; sunscreen and bug spray recommended
Offers 8-week summer day camps at Mowbray Park and Kennard Elementary Schools.Summer Day CampsMore information: Activities include sports, arts and crafts, and games Campers must bring a bag lunch, two snacks, and water; sunscreen and bug spray recommended
Summer Camps
Maintains community parks and offers recreational and educational programs to the community.Parks/Recreation AreasMore information: Offers summer camps, boating, hiking, sports leagues, shooting ranges, events, and tours
Maintains community parks and offers recreational and educational programs to the community.Parks/Recreation AreasMore information: Offers summer camps, boating, hiking, sports leagues, shooting ranges, events, and tours
Public Parks
Volunteer Opportunities
Summer Camps
Recreational Activities/Sports
Offers a 5-week summer program for children during the summer months.Youth Enrichment ProgramsMore information: Includes lunch and snacks, arts and crafts, educational activities, and field trips
Offers a 5-week summer program for children during the summer months.Youth Enrichment ProgramsMore information: Includes lunch and snacks, arts and crafts, educational activities, and field trips
Volunteer Opportunities
Summer Camps
Offers a variety of recreational activities, including group exercise, aquatics, arts and crafts, personal training, and sports.Recreation and Leisure ActivitiesMore information: Provides childcare and summer day camps Classes in diabetes prevention, nutrition, blood pressure, and parent-child interaction available Dance, gymnastics, and music classes are offered at the Ayrlawn Center
Offers a variety of recreational activities, including group exercise, aquatics, arts and crafts, personal training, and sports.Recreation and Leisure ActivitiesMore information: Provides childcare and summer day camps Classes in diabetes prevention, nutrition, blood pressure, and parent-child interaction available Dance, gymnastics, and music classes are offered at the Ayrlawn Center
Volunteer Opportunities
Youth Enrichment Programs
Summer Camps
Recreational Activities/Sports
Extended Child Care
Provides various child care programs and services.Child Care CentersMore information: Includes preschool programs, school-aged child care, and summer camps
Provides various child care programs and services.Child Care CentersMore information: Includes preschool programs, school-aged child care, and summer camps
Child Care Centers
Day Camps
Summer Camps
Youth Enrichment Programs
Boys/Girls Clubs
Volunteer Opportunities
Provides summer day camp programming for children over 7 weeks.Youth Development
Provides summer day camp programming for children over 7 weeks.Youth Development
Volunteer Opportunities
Summer Camps
Offers various sports camps and fall sports programs for youth.Youth Sports ProgramsMore information: Includes field hockey, soccer, basketball, softball, swimming, and T-Ball camps
Offers various sports camps and fall sports programs for youth.Youth Sports ProgramsMore information: Includes field hockey, soccer, basketball, softball, swimming, and T-Ball camps
Recreational Activities/Sports
Summer Camps
Volunteer Opportunities
Provides a summer day camp for children and young adults with disabilities.Disability Related Day Camps More information: Participants engage in activities both at Dove Pointe and in their local community
Provides a summer day camp for children and young adults with disabilities.Disability Related Day Camps More information: Participants engage in activities both at Dove Pointe and in their local community
Intellectual Disabilities
Physical Disabilities
Summer Camps
Offers a 3-week summer day camp for children who have emotional and/or behavioral disorders.Summer Day CampsMore information: Includes swimming, sports-lite, cooperative games, rock climbing, arts & crafts, and drama
Offers a 3-week summer day camp for children who have emotional and/or behavioral disorders.Summer Day CampsMore information: Includes swimming, sports-lite, cooperative games, rock climbing, arts & crafts, and drama
Therapeutic Camps
Mental Health - Special Programs
Day Camps
Summer Camps
Offers recreational opportunities and services for the community.RecreationMore information: Supervises and maintains county parks and public landings Offers before and after school care and summer camps for children, including those with disabilities Maintains historical and cultural activities Manages the Wicomico Shores public golf course
Offers recreational opportunities and services for the community.RecreationMore information: Supervises and maintains county parks and public landings Offers before and after school care and summer camps for children, including those with disabilities Maintains historical and cultural activities Manages the Wicomico Shores public golf course
Recreational Activities/Sports
Extended Child Care
Public Parks
Summer Camps
Youth Enrichment Programs
Volunteer Opportunities
Offers a summer camp for youth that includes swimming, weekly field trips, arts & crafts, special events, and educational activities.Summer CampsMore information: Held from July 5 through August 12
Offers a summer camp for youth that includes swimming, weekly field trips, arts & crafts, special events, and educational activities.Summer CampsMore information: Held from July 5 through August 12
Summer Camps
Volunteer Opportunities
Boys/Girls Clubs