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Offers training and job placement for individuals with intellectual disabilities.Vocational Training


Volunteer Opportunities
Job Search/Placement
Vocational Rehabilitation
Helps youth with schoolwork, college preparation, and career readiness.Youth Development ProgramsMore information: Offers self-development workshops and college campus visits once a monthService opportunities, support, and leadership available for individuals continuing their education


Volunteer Opportunities
Group Counseling
Consumer Issues
Family Counseling
Specialized Information and Referral
Youth Enrichment Programs
Tutoring Services
Job Search/Placement
Individual Counseling
Literacy Programs
Operates a family support center that offers counseling, crisis intervention, and education services. Family Support Centers/OutreachMore information: Provides a 10-week GED exam course and tutoringConnects teens to job opportunities mowing lawns, babysitting, snow shoveling, and more Holds anger management groups in both the spring and fall


Tutoring Services
Mental Health Information/Education
Volunteer Opportunities
Mental Health Related Support Groups
Graduation Requirements Programs
Job Search/Placement
Anger Management
Family Counseling
Provides career coaching and planning to help individuals find sustainable employment. Employment ServicesMore information: Offers resume and interview support, access to technology, and job placement services Works in partnership with the Mayor's Office of Employment Development (MOED)Hosts employer recruitment events and job fairs


Computer Literacy Training Programs
Job Readiness
Volunteer Opportunities
Job Search/Placement
Offers a 2-year housing program to help stabilize residents while they find permanent housing.Transitional HousingMore information:Includes case management and resource referrals


Education Issues
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Job Search/Placement
Specialized Information and Referral
Families With Children
Employment Issues
Provides job readiness and placement services, including life skills training, money management counseling, resume writing, interview skills, networking, employment retention skills, and case management.Employment


Volunteer Opportunities
Ex-Offender Employment Programs
Job Search/Placement
Comprehensive Disability Related Employment Programs
Offers vocational training and employment support for individuals with a mental health diagnosis.Employment ServicesMore information: Collaborates with employers to identify opportunities and helps clients obtain and maintain a job


People With Disabilities/Health Conditions
Comprehensive Disability Related Employment Programs
Job Search/Placement
Hearing Loss
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Intellectual Disabilities
Volunteer Opportunities
Learning Disabilities
Chronic/Severe Mental Illness
Physical Disabilities
Offers a range of services for individuals and families experiencing homelessness.Housing/Shelter ServicesMore information: Offers transitional, permanent, and emergency housing and placement assistanceCounseling for employment and substance use issues available


Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Community Shelters
Job Search/Placement
Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Provides jobs in manufacturing to individuals with visual and hearing impairments.Employment/Job TrainingMore information: Employees assemble products or install and service vending machines Available at 4 locations in Baltimore, Cumberland, Raleigh, and Salisbury
Offers vocational rehabilitation services to individuals with disabilities who have little to no work history.Employment PreparationMore information: Includes skills training, job placement, on-the-job training, job coaching, and follow-up support


Job Search/Placement
Vocational Rehabilitation
Job Readiness
Mental Health Information/Education
Connects youth to workforce and personal development services.Youth DevelopmentMore information: Includes alternative school, GED and pre-GED classes, and online courses to earn a diploma Provides job readiness and placement services, career screening, and trainingOffers life skills, clubs, social events, a fitness center, and a recording studio


Alternative Education
Adult Basic Education
Job Training Formats
Graduation Requirements Programs
Youth Enrichment Programs
Youth Job Development
Job Readiness
Young Adults
Job Search/Placement
Offers vocational training and employment support for individuals with a mental health diagnosis.Employment ServicesMore information: Collaborates with employers to identify opportunities and helps clients obtain and maintain a job


People With Disabilities/Health Conditions
Comprehensive Disability Related Employment Programs
Job Search/Placement
Hearing Loss
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Intellectual Disabilities
Volunteer Opportunities
Learning Disabilities
Chronic/Severe Mental Illness
Physical Disabilities
Connects youth to workforce and personal development services.Youth DevelopmentMore information: Includes alternative school, GED and pre-GED classes, and online courses to earn a diploma Provides job readiness and placement services, career screening, and trainingOffers life skills, clubs, social events, a fitness center, and a recording studio


Alternative Education
Adult Basic Education
Job Training Formats
Graduation Requirements Programs
Youth Enrichment Programs
Youth Job Development
Job Readiness
Young Adults
Job Search/Placement
Helps DSS clients find and keep employment.Employment Preparation and TrainingMore information: Services include job readiness, job search assistance, and referrals to job training programs Offers assistance with transportation, child care, and other job-related expenses
Provides programs and services to help youth in the areas of education and employment.Youth DevelopmentMore information: Offers individual and group counseling for mental health and substance use issuesWorkforce development services include job search tips, skills development, and job placement Provides GED classes and preparation, mentoring, and ESL classes Case management available for safety net needs and assistance with tattoo removal services


Graduation Requirements Programs
Mental Health Related Support Groups
Job Readiness
English as a Second Language
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Volunteer Opportunities
Case/Care Management
Group Counseling
Adult/Child Mentoring Programs
Young Adults
Job Search/Placement
Individual Counseling
Mental Health Information/Education
Helps individuals with disabilities find and keep employment.EmploymentMore information: Includes career assessments and coaching, resume and cover letter services, interview preparation, job leads, and employment support services


Job Readiness
People With Disabilities/Health Conditions
Job Search/Placement
Offers classes and educational materials for women, day laborers, and tenants. Adult EducationMore information: Seven levels of ESOL classes available


Job Training Formats
Hispanic/Latino Community
Personal Financial Counseling
Volunteer Opportunities
English as a Second Language
Computer Literacy Training Programs
Job Search/Placement
Helps individuals find jobs by connecting them with employers for temporary or permanent work. Employment Services


Job Search/Placement
Job Training Formats
Volunteer Opportunities
Hispanic/Latino Community
Computer Literacy Training Programs
Offers vocational training and employment support for individuals with a mental health diagnosis.Employment ServicesMore information: Collaborates with employers to identify opportunities and helps clients obtain and maintain a job


People With Disabilities/Health Conditions
Comprehensive Disability Related Employment Programs
Job Search/Placement
Hearing Loss
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Intellectual Disabilities
Volunteer Opportunities
Learning Disabilities
Chronic/Severe Mental Illness
Physical Disabilities
Provides employment support to adults with developmental disabilities who face significant barriers to employment due to a history of substance abuse.Employment Services More information: Includes education on relapse prevention, life skills, and work adjustment skills Offers customized supports, follow-up support, and links to other community services


Vocational Rehabilitation
Job Search/Placement
Mental Health Information/Education
Job Readiness
Intellectual Disabilities
Helps individuals with psychiatric disabilities find and maintain employment and develop skills for independent living.Supported Employment, Psychiatric RehabilitationMore Information: Includes job application and resume assistance, employment matching, and on-the-job coaching Offers a psychiatric rehabilitation program


Job Search/Placement
Job Training Formats
Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Chronic/Severe Mental Illness
Mental Health Issues
Provides job training, placement, and education assistance for at-risk youth.Education and TrainingMore information: Training in construction skills available Provides assistance to obtain a high school diploma or GED


Volunteer Opportunities
Literacy Programs
Graduation Requirements Programs
Young Adults
Job Search/Placement
Job Readiness
Offers classes, assessments, and training to help individuals find employment.Employment ServicesMore information: Includes counseling, resume and interview help, skills assessment, and computer training Provides technical skills training in fields such as automotive repair, HVAC/R, and CDL Workshops are available in-person and virtually; registration is required


Job Readiness
Volunteer Opportunities
Job Search/Placement
Offers library services including book, magazine, and E-resource loan; classes and special events; and meeting rooms.Library ServicesMore information: Provides access to online resources, computers, Wi-Fi, printing, and inter-library loans


Volunteer Opportunities
Literacy Programs
Library Services
Tutoring Services
Job Search/Placement
Provides vocational services for adults with intellectual disabilities, including sheltered and supported employment opportunities.Employment Preparation and PlacementMore information: Offers paid employment through local business subcontracts Transportation, training, and additional supports can be arranged as needed


Vocational Rehabilitation
Comprehensive Disability Related Employment Programs
Volunteer Opportunities
Intellectual Disabilities
Job Search/Placement
Job Training Formats