Age Group
1-9 of 9
Offers free job training to Baltimore City residents who are unemployed or underemployed.Employment Preparation
Job Training Expense Assistance
Job Readiness
Provides employment and training services for jobseekers.Employment ServicesMore information: Includes career planning, vocational assessment, resume preparation, and interview coaching Helps with technical and job search related questions, skills development, and access to resources Offers workshops, internships, and on-the-job training opportunities Intensive services available for veterans
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Job Training Expense Assistance
Job Training Formats
Veteran Employment Programs
Job Search/Placement
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Offers a variety of services to help individuals develop work skills and find employment. Vocational RehabilitationMore information: Includes work experience, job readiness, placement, and time-limited case management services Ongoing support, such as case management, training, job development, and job coaching available Provides work sites for court-ordered community service hours Assists with placement in community employment settings Offers a 2-week training class on soft skills, financial literacy, education, and warehouse training Operates retail stores which sell recycled clothing, furniture, household goods, and mattresses Accepts donations of clothing, furniture, and household goods; call or visit website for drop off sites
Youth Job Development
Clothing Donation Programs
Job Training Expense Assistance
Vocational Rehabilitation
Thrift Shops
Job Search/Placement
Job Training Formats
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Job Readiness
Household Goods Donation Programs
Offers a variety of services to help individuals develop work skills and find employment. Vocational RehabilitationMore information: Includes work experience, job readiness, placement, and time-limited case management services Ongoing support, such as case management, training, job development, and job coaching available Provides work sites for court-ordered community service hours Assists with placement in community employment settings Offers a 2-week training class on soft skills, financial literacy, education, and warehouse training Operates retail stores which sell recycled clothing, furniture, household goods, and mattresses Accepts donations of clothing, furniture, and household goods; call or visit website for drop off sites
Youth Job Development
Clothing Donation Programs
Job Training Expense Assistance
Vocational Rehabilitation
Thrift Shops
Job Search/Placement
Job Training Formats
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Job Readiness
Household Goods Donation Programs
Offers a variety of services to help individuals develop work skills and find employment. Vocational RehabilitationMore information: Includes work experience, job readiness, placement, and time-limited case management services Ongoing support, such as case management, training, job development, and job coaching available Provides work sites for court-ordered community service hours Assists with placement in community employment settings Offers a 2-week training class on soft skills, financial literacy, education, and warehouse training Operates retail stores which sell recycled clothing, furniture, household goods, and mattresses Accepts donations of clothing, furniture, and household goods; call or visit website for drop off sites
Youth Job Development
Clothing Donation Programs
Job Training Expense Assistance
Vocational Rehabilitation
Thrift Shops
Job Search/Placement
Job Training Formats
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Job Readiness
Household Goods Donation Programs
Offers a variety of services to help individuals develop work skills and find employment. Vocational RehabilitationMore information: Includes work experience, job readiness, placement, and time-limited case management services Ongoing support, such as case management, training, job development, and job coaching available Provides work sites for court-ordered community service hours Assists with placement in community employment settings Offers a 2-week training class on soft skills, financial literacy, education, and warehouse training Operates retail stores which sell recycled clothing, furniture, household goods, and mattresses Accepts donations of clothing, furniture, and household goods; call or visit website for drop off sites
Youth Job Development
Clothing Donation Programs
Job Training Expense Assistance
Vocational Rehabilitation
Thrift Shops
Job Search/Placement
Job Training Formats
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Job Readiness
Household Goods Donation Programs
Helps women in the Washington region become financially stable through education, training, and development.Women's Employment
Job Training Expense Assistance
Specialized Information and Referral
Volunteer Development
General Health Education Programs
Job Training Formats
Helps veteran families secure permanent housing and find civilian careers.Housing/Shelter Services for Veterans More information: Offers job training, case management, and temporary financial assistance May include childcare support, transportation, referrals to legal services, and healthcare services Available in all Maryland counties except Calvert, Montgomery, Prince George's, and St. Mary's
Job Readiness
Job Training Expense Assistance
Veteran Employment Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Job Search/Placement
Child Care Expense Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing
Transportation Expense Assistance
Case/Care Management
Rental Deposit Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Provides financial assistance for rent, mortgage, utilities, prescriptions, and education.Financial AssistanceMore information: Other needs may be considered on a case-by-case basis Assistance is subject to the availability of funds; provides referrals if unable to assist
Mortgage Payment Assistance
Prescription Expense Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Information Sources
Rent Payment Assistance
Job Training Expense Assistance