Age Group
Payment Options
1-25 of 110
Helps Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries avoid healthcare fraud, error, and abuse.Health Insurance Information/Counseling
Helps Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries avoid healthcare fraud, error, and abuse.Health Insurance Information/Counseling
Medicaid Information/Counseling
Provides home-delivered meals to older adults with a limited ability to leave home.Home Delivered Meals
Provides home-delivered meals to older adults with a limited ability to leave home.Home Delivered Meals
Home Delivered Meals
Volunteer Opportunities
Provides an in-home assessment for individuals who are at risk of being placed in a long-term care facility.In-Home Assessment for Long-Term CareMore information: Develops a plan of care to provide referrals to community resources so that participants may remain at home
Provides an in-home assessment for individuals who are at risk of being placed in a long-term care facility.In-Home Assessment for Long-Term CareMore information: Develops a plan of care to provide referrals to community resources so that participants may remain at home
People With Disabilities/Health Conditions
Older Adults
Activities of Daily Living Assessment
Case/Care Management
Provides activities for older adults related to disease prevention and health promotion. Health Education and Disease PreventionMore information:Offers health and nutrition screenings, physical fitness programs, and nutrition counseling
Provides activities for older adults related to disease prevention and health promotion. Health Education and Disease PreventionMore information:Offers health and nutrition screenings, physical fitness programs, and nutrition counseling
Nutrition Education
Volunteer Opportunities
General Health Education Programs
Recreational Activities/Sports
Administers free COVID-19 vaccinations by appointment.Immunizations More information: Offers both Moderna and Pfizer vaccines Children must have a parent or legal guardian present at the time of vaccination Booster doses available
Administers free COVID-19 vaccinations by appointment.Immunizations More information: Offers both Moderna and Pfizer vaccines Children must have a parent or legal guardian present at the time of vaccination Booster doses available
COVID-19 Immunization Clinics
Provides respite care and support groups for caregivers.Caregiver SupportMore information: Offers funding for a brief period or for summer camp enrollment
Provides respite care and support groups for caregivers.Caregiver SupportMore information: Offers funding for a brief period or for summer camp enrollment
Respite Care
Mental Health - Service Type
Caregiver/Care Receiver Support Groups
Provides health screenings and education programs. Health Education/PreventionMore information: Provides screening, testing, education, resources, and referrals for a wide variety of diseases and health conditionsOffers no cost breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer screening for qualified individualsProvides education in-person or virtual on tobacco/vaping/nicotine prevention with a focus among youth prevention in the community and at schoolsOffers mini grant funding available to organizations seeking to do their own tobacco prevention activitiesProvides enforcement education; no tobacco sales to minors initiative
Provides health screenings and education programs. Health Education/PreventionMore information: Provides screening, testing, education, resources, and referrals for a wide variety of diseases and health conditionsOffers no cost breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer screening for qualified individualsProvides education in-person or virtual on tobacco/vaping/nicotine prevention with a focus among youth prevention in the community and at schoolsOffers mini grant funding available to organizations seeking to do their own tobacco prevention activitiesProvides enforcement education; no tobacco sales to minors initiative
Substance Use - Special Programs
Cancer Clinics
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Cancer Detection
Offers food and nutrition services for pregnant and postpartum women, nursing mothers, and children up to age 5. Food VouchersMore information: Includes free food, education, support for breastfeeding, and referrals for healthcare
Offers food and nutrition services for pregnant and postpartum women, nursing mothers, and children up to age 5. Food VouchersMore information: Includes free food, education, support for breastfeeding, and referrals for healthcare
Provides a range of public and individual health programs and services to the community.Public Services More information:Includes vaccination, HIV and STI testing, family planning, health screenings, and cancer servicesOffers home visits for individuals who are pregnant, adult evaluation, and personal careProvides school health services, outreach, health education, and Naloxone trainingVital Records Department issues certified birth and death certificatesInspects and issues permits for facilities and systems covered by Environmental HealthRefers to additional community resources as needed
Provides a range of public and individual health programs and services to the community.Public Services More information:Includes vaccination, HIV and STI testing, family planning, health screenings, and cancer servicesOffers home visits for individuals who are pregnant, adult evaluation, and personal careProvides school health services, outreach, health education, and Naloxone trainingVital Records Department issues certified birth and death certificatesInspects and issues permits for facilities and systems covered by Environmental HealthRefers to additional community resources as needed
Safety Education Programs
Pregnancy Counseling
Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Intellectual Disabilities
Parents of Infants/Toddlers
Pregnant Individuals
Cancer Detection
Opioid Antidote Distribution
Personal Care
DUI Offender Programs
Public Health Information/Inspection/Remediation
Activities of Daily Living Assessment
Volunteer Opportunities
Substance Use - Service Type
Birth Control
Central Intake/Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening
Case/Care Management
Provides pre-K through 12th grade education services.EducationMore information: Includes home schooling, GED prep, adult basic education, ESL classes, and non-credit classes Support offered to families experiencing homelessness and students with special needs Offers free and reduced breakfast and lunch programs
Provides pre-K through 12th grade education services.EducationMore information: Includes home schooling, GED prep, adult basic education, ESL classes, and non-credit classes Support offered to families experiencing homelessness and students with special needs Offers free and reduced breakfast and lunch programs
Public Schools
Volunteer Opportunities
Adult Basic Education
Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Special Education
Graduation Requirements Programs
English as a Second Language
Mental Health - Special Programs
Provides eligible Medicaid recipients with transportation to and from medical appointments.Medical TransportationMore information: Local trips are available with 48-hour notice; long distance trips with 72-hour notice
Provides eligible Medicaid recipients with transportation to and from medical appointments.Medical TransportationMore information: Local trips are available with 48-hour notice; long distance trips with 72-hour notice
Basic Needs
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Provides activities for older adults related to disease prevention and health promotion. Health Education and Disease PreventionMore information:Offers health and nutrition screenings, physical fitness programs, and nutrition counseling
Provides activities for older adults related to disease prevention and health promotion. Health Education and Disease PreventionMore information:Offers health and nutrition screenings, physical fitness programs, and nutrition counseling
Nutrition Education
Volunteer Opportunities
General Health Education Programs
Recreational Activities/Sports
Provides outpatient clinic based mental health services. Mental Health and Substance Use ServicesMore information:Offers individual, family, and group therapy Includes psychiatry, telepsychiatry, medication management, and more
Provides outpatient clinic based mental health services. Mental Health and Substance Use ServicesMore information:Offers individual, family, and group therapy Includes psychiatry, telepsychiatry, medication management, and more
Mental Health - Service Type
Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Mental Health - Special Programs
Integrated Co-Occurring Disorders Treatment
Psychiatric Case Management
Psychiatric Medication Services
Clinical Service Providers
Persons with co-occuring Mental Health & Intellectual Disabilities
Family Counseling
Individual Counseling
Substance Use - Service Type
Persons with co-occurring Mental Health & Substance Use Disorders
Mental Health Evaluation
Substance Use - Special Programs
Offers food and nutrition services for pregnant and postpartum women, nursing mothers, and children up to age 5. Food VouchersMore information: Includes free food, education, support for breastfeeding, and referrals for healthcare
Offers food and nutrition services for pregnant and postpartum women, nursing mothers, and children up to age 5. Food VouchersMore information: Includes free food, education, support for breastfeeding, and referrals for healthcare
Breastfeeding Individuals
Provides birth and death certificates and vital statistics for the county.Vital Records ServicesMore information: Births must have occurred after 1939 Death must have occurred after January 1st, 2015
Provides birth and death certificates and vital statistics for the county.Vital Records ServicesMore information: Births must have occurred after 1939 Death must have occurred after January 1st, 2015
Offers in-home assistance to older adults who require help with daily living activities.In-Home AssistanceMore information: Includes case management, personal care, housekeeping, and emergency response systems
Offers in-home assistance to older adults who require help with daily living activities.In-Home AssistanceMore information: Includes case management, personal care, housekeeping, and emergency response systems
Personal Care
Older Adults
Case/Care Management
Provides services and programs for older adults, veterans, individuals with disabilities, and those who are medically frail.Support ServicesMore information: Includes computer training, life skills instruction, transportation, and respite careOperates group homes for adults with developmental disabilities
Provides services and programs for older adults, veterans, individuals with disabilities, and those who are medically frail.Support ServicesMore information: Includes computer training, life skills instruction, transportation, and respite careOperates group homes for adults with developmental disabilities
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Clinical Service Providers
Assisted Living Facilities
Intellectual Disabilities
Vocational Rehabilitation
Basic Needs
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Respite Care
Provides social and group activities for older adults.Senior CenterMore Information:Serves a hot lunch dailyProvide transportation to and from the centerOffers monthly bus passes for purchase
Provides social and group activities for older adults.Senior CenterMore Information:Serves a hot lunch dailyProvide transportation to and from the centerOffers monthly bus passes for purchase
Senior Centers
Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Volunteer Opportunities
Offers training and assistance for caregivers working in home and child care centers.Child Care Provider TrainingMore information:Includes certification courses, on-site training, and mentoring on child-focused issuesProject Right Steps helps parents and providers dealing with challenging behaviors in childrenProvides scholarship funds for those seeking an Associate Degree in Early Childhood Education
Offers training and assistance for caregivers working in home and child care centers.Child Care Provider TrainingMore information:Includes certification courses, on-site training, and mentoring on child-focused issuesProject Right Steps helps parents and providers dealing with challenging behaviors in childrenProvides scholarship funds for those seeking an Associate Degree in Early Childhood Education
Child Care Provider Referrals
Child Care Issues
Child Care Referrals
Job Training Formats
Provides home-delivered meals to older adults with a limited ability to leave home.Home Delivered Meals
Provides home-delivered meals to older adults with a limited ability to leave home.Home Delivered Meals
Home Delivered Meals
Volunteer Opportunities
Offers educational workshops for individuals with chronic health conditions.Health EducationMore information:Focuses on managing health to improve quality of life and reduce health complicationsServes as a hub for evidence-based programsServes as the training and learning collaborative for Chronic Disease Self-Management Education, Stepping On and PEARLS programsContracts with multiple health systems across the state of MD as well as Area Agencies on Aging and organizations who serve older adults and adults with disabilities to deliver programsProvides a continuum of care which includes lower health care costs, improved health outcomes and improved quality of life for older adults
Offers educational workshops for individuals with chronic health conditions.Health EducationMore information:Focuses on managing health to improve quality of life and reduce health complicationsServes as a hub for evidence-based programsServes as the training and learning collaborative for Chronic Disease Self-Management Education, Stepping On and PEARLS programsContracts with multiple health systems across the state of MD as well as Area Agencies on Aging and organizations who serve older adults and adults with disabilities to deliver programsProvides a continuum of care which includes lower health care costs, improved health outcomes and improved quality of life for older adults
General Health Education Programs
Teaches students about suicide prevention and how to ask for help.Suicide Prevention EducationMore information: Distributes pamphlets to parents on the signs and symptoms of depression and suicide
Teaches students about suicide prevention and how to ask for help.Suicide Prevention EducationMore information: Distributes pamphlets to parents on the signs and symptoms of depression and suicide
Mental Health - Service Type
Mental Health Information/Education
Provides outpatient mental health services, including evaluation; individual. group, and family therapy; and medication management.Mental Health Evaluation and TreatmentMore information: Offers monthly group sessions for families to discuss substance use disorder issues
Provides outpatient mental health services, including evaluation; individual. group, and family therapy; and medication management.Mental Health Evaluation and TreatmentMore information: Offers monthly group sessions for families to discuss substance use disorder issues
Substance Use - Service Type
Group Counseling
Mental Health - Service Type
Family Counseling
Clinical Service Providers
Mental Health Evaluation
Families/Friends of Individuals With a Drug Use Disorder Support Groups
Psychiatric Medication Services
Individual Counseling
Offers in-home assistance to older adults who require help with daily living activities.In-Home AssistanceMore information: Includes case management, personal care, housekeeping, and emergency response systems
Offers in-home assistance to older adults who require help with daily living activities.In-Home AssistanceMore information: Includes case management, personal care, housekeeping, and emergency response systems
Personal Care
Older Adults
Case/Care Management
Assesses the health and safety of the community and ensures services are available to address needs.Environment and Public Health/ SafetyMore information: Mental health services include screening, counseling, medication, referrals, and aftercare Dental care is provided through school and community-based programs Offers case management, support, and referrals for individuals with developmental disabilitiesFamily planning programs provide pregnancy testing, counseling, and referrals for prenatal care Provides transportation to and from medical appointments for individuals with Medical Assistance Communicable disease services include screenings and vaccinations Inspects food facilities, recreational sites, health facilities, daycares, and schoolsMonitors public water supply, waste disposal, and pollution standards for air and noise Identifies and supervises medical assistance personal care programs Issues certified copies of birth and death certificates Organizes rabies clinics, adult daycare programs, and tobacco use prevention and cessation classes
Assesses the health and safety of the community and ensures services are available to address needs.Environment and Public Health/ SafetyMore information: Mental health services include screening, counseling, medication, referrals, and aftercare Dental care is provided through school and community-based programs Offers case management, support, and referrals for individuals with developmental disabilitiesFamily planning programs provide pregnancy testing, counseling, and referrals for prenatal care Provides transportation to and from medical appointments for individuals with Medical Assistance Communicable disease services include screenings and vaccinations Inspects food facilities, recreational sites, health facilities, daycares, and schoolsMonitors public water supply, waste disposal, and pollution standards for air and noise Identifies and supervises medical assistance personal care programs Issues certified copies of birth and death certificates Organizes rabies clinics, adult daycare programs, and tobacco use prevention and cessation classes
Substance Use - Special Programs
Personal Care
General Health Education Programs
Activities of Daily Living Assessment
HIV Testing
Pregnancy Counseling
Public Health Information/Inspection/Remediation
Adult Day Programs
Clinical Service Providers
Mental Health Evaluation
Nutrition Education
Intellectual Disabilities
Safety Education Programs
Group Counseling
Psychiatric Medication Services
Pregnancy Testing
Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening
Individual Counseling
Substance Use - Service Type
Mental Health - Service Type
Family Counseling
Volunteer Opportunities
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Birth Control
Cancer Detection
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Case/Care Management
Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Dental Care