Age Group
Payment Options
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Offer therapy services for individuals with various speech and language disorders.Speech and Language TherapyMore information: Operates a myofunctional clinic and a voice clinic - Includes articulation therapy, fluency therapy, and post-stroke treatment Post-laryngectomy voice training and augmentative communication training available Provides training for individuals with delayed language and language disabilities
Offer therapy services for individuals with various speech and language disorders.Speech and Language TherapyMore information: Operates a myofunctional clinic and a voice clinic - Includes articulation therapy, fluency therapy, and post-stroke treatment Post-laryngectomy voice training and augmentative communication training available Provides training for individuals with delayed language and language disabilities
Speech and Language Pathology
Offers long-term and short-term rehabilitation, and respite care. Nursing FacilitiesMore information: Physical, speech, and occupational therapy services available
Offers long-term and short-term rehabilitation, and respite care. Nursing FacilitiesMore information: Physical, speech, and occupational therapy services available
Physical Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Nursing Facilities
Speech and Language Pathology
Offers language, speech, and hearing services for individuals with communicative disorders.Speech Impairments, Speech and HearingMore information: A pediatric speech and language clinic is available for children Identifies and rehabilitates hearing loss and central auditory processing disorders Evaluates and treats adults with communication disorders and accent modification needs Offers rehabilitation for a range of neurogenic speech and language disordersEvaluates and treats stuttering and other disorders of speech rate and rhythmAssists with the evaluation and treatment of voice disorders Provides therapy to older adults with communication issues and problems in daily living
Offers language, speech, and hearing services for individuals with communicative disorders.Speech Impairments, Speech and HearingMore information: A pediatric speech and language clinic is available for children Identifies and rehabilitates hearing loss and central auditory processing disorders Evaluates and treats adults with communication disorders and accent modification needs Offers rehabilitation for a range of neurogenic speech and language disordersEvaluates and treats stuttering and other disorders of speech rate and rhythmAssists with the evaluation and treatment of voice disorders Provides therapy to older adults with communication issues and problems in daily living
Hearing Screening
Day Rehabilitation
Speech and Language Pathology
Offers comprehensive care, skilled nursing, and rehabilitation services.Nursing FacilitiesMore information: Short and long-term respite care available Accepts donations
Offers comprehensive care, skilled nursing, and rehabilitation services.Nursing FacilitiesMore information: Short and long-term respite care available Accepts donations
Respite Care
Physical Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Speech and Language Pathology
Volunteer Opportunities
Nursing Facilities
Offers in-home medical services for individuals with health conditions.In-Home HealthcareMore information: Includes skilled nursing; occupational, physical, and speech therapy; and medical social work
Offers in-home medical services for individuals with health conditions.In-Home HealthcareMore information: Includes skilled nursing; occupational, physical, and speech therapy; and medical social work
Speech and Language Pathology
Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy
Home Health Care
Provides short- and long-term care, nursing, and rehabilitation services.Nursing HomesMore information: Offers occupational, physical, and speech therapies; in-house dialysis services; and a special unit for individuals with Alzheimer's disease
Provides short- and long-term care, nursing, and rehabilitation services.Nursing HomesMore information: Offers occupational, physical, and speech therapies; in-house dialysis services; and a special unit for individuals with Alzheimer's disease
Speech and Language Pathology
Day Rehabilitation
Volunteer Opportunities
Physical Therapy
Nursing Facilities
Occupational Therapy
Provides occupational and speech therapies to children and their families.Occupational Therapy, Speech TherapyMore information: Offers a social skills group that covers a range of topics
Provides occupational and speech therapies to children and their families.Occupational Therapy, Speech TherapyMore information: Offers a social skills group that covers a range of topics
Occupational Therapy
Day Rehabilitation
Speech and Language Pathology
Provides speech pathology diagnosis and treatment services.Speech and Language TherapyMore information: Special programs available for individuals with voice disorders or Down syndrome
Provides speech pathology diagnosis and treatment services.Speech and Language TherapyMore information: Special programs available for individuals with voice disorders or Down syndrome
Speech and Language Pathology
Provides nursing and rehabilitation services for adults.NursingMore information: Includes transitional care, cardiac and pulmonary management, and a memory support unit Offers occupational, physical, and speech therapy services
Provides nursing and rehabilitation services for adults.NursingMore information: Includes transitional care, cardiac and pulmonary management, and a memory support unit Offers occupational, physical, and speech therapy services
Occupational Therapy
Nursing Facilities
Physical Therapy
Speech and Language Pathology
Volunteer Opportunities
Provides general medical and specialty services, including emergency, primary care, and urgent care.Medical ServicesMore information: Includes diagnostic testing, surgery, rehabilitation, dialysis, and chronic condition management Specialty care available for cancer, cardiac issues, and sleep disorders Offers home health, hospice, and wound care
Provides general medical and specialty services, including emergency, primary care, and urgent care.Medical ServicesMore information: Includes diagnostic testing, surgery, rehabilitation, dialysis, and chronic condition management Specialty care available for cancer, cardiac issues, and sleep disorders Offers home health, hospice, and wound care
Physical Therapy
Urgent Care Centers
Volunteer Opportunities
Speech and Language Pathology
Medical Equipment/Supplies
Health Care Referrals
Case/Care Management
Home Health Care
Occupational Therapy
Day Rehabilitation
Hospice Care
Nursing Facilities
Adult Day Programs
Offers 24-hour nursing and long-term care.Skilled Nursing FacilitiesMore information: Provides occupational, speech/language, and physical therapies Private and semi-private rooms available
Offers 24-hour nursing and long-term care.Skilled Nursing FacilitiesMore information: Provides occupational, speech/language, and physical therapies Private and semi-private rooms available
Nursing Facilities
Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy
Speech and Language Pathology
Provides individual, couples, and family counseling services.Mental HealthcareMore information: Group therapy is available for adults
Provides individual, couples, and family counseling services.Mental HealthcareMore information: Group therapy is available for adults
Group Counseling
Family Counseling
Speech and Language Pathology
Conjoint Counseling
Individual Counseling
Provides a range of in-home health support services. Health Support ServicesMore information: Includes home health aides; occupational, physical, and speech therapy; and wound care Medical social workers are available to help determine needed assistance
Provides a range of in-home health support services. Health Support ServicesMore information: Includes home health aides; occupational, physical, and speech therapy; and wound care Medical social workers are available to help determine needed assistance
Home Health Care
Speech and Language Pathology
Physical Therapy
Personal Care
Occupational Therapy
Provides in-home skilled nursing, home health aide, and medical social worker services.In-Home Healthcare ServicesMore information: Physical, occupational, and speech therapy available Offers fall prevention, behavioral health nursing, infusion therapy, and nutritional consult services
Provides in-home skilled nursing, home health aide, and medical social worker services.In-Home Healthcare ServicesMore information: Physical, occupational, and speech therapy available Offers fall prevention, behavioral health nursing, infusion therapy, and nutritional consult services
Home Health Care
Physical Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Medical Social Work
Speech and Language Pathology
Specialized Information and Referral
Provides assessment and treatment for developmental, neurological, and physical disorders.Clinical ServicesMore information: Includes comprehensive developmental follow-up for high-risk NICU infants, children, and families Assesses language, hearing, articulation, voice fluency, and speech motor abilities Lead exposure diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up available Provides intervention and post-surgical management services Offers assistive aide and devices
Provides assessment and treatment for developmental, neurological, and physical disorders.Clinical ServicesMore information: Includes comprehensive developmental follow-up for high-risk NICU infants, children, and families Assesses language, hearing, articulation, voice fluency, and speech motor abilities Lead exposure diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up available Provides intervention and post-surgical management services Offers assistive aide and devices
Eating Disorders Treatment
Health/Disability Related Counseling
Nutrition Education
Lead Poisoning Screening
Occupational Therapy
Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Day Rehabilitation
Assistive Technology Equipment
Speech and Language Pathology
Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Supportive Therapies
Hearing Screening
Volunteer Opportunities
Physical Therapy
Mental Health Evaluation
Provides assistance to children with speaking and language difficulties.Speech and Language ServicesMore information: Includes evaluations and treatments for voice, speech, language, and fluency disorders Helps with language-based reading problems and listening Offers spoken language therapy
Provides assistance to children with speaking and language difficulties.Speech and Language ServicesMore information: Includes evaluations and treatments for voice, speech, language, and fluency disorders Helps with language-based reading problems and listening Offers spoken language therapy
Speech and Language Pathology
Volunteer Opportunities
Occupational Therapy
Offers a special education program for children who have communication disorders due to autism, developmental delay, speech-language disability, or hearing impairment. Special Education
Offers a special education program for children who have communication disorders due to autism, developmental delay, speech-language disability, or hearing impairment. Special Education
Volunteer Opportunities
Speech and Language Pathology
Special Education
Offers services to children and adults with autism.Autism ServicesMore information: Includes intensive early intervention, private schooling, and a community living program Provides job training and opportunities for employment
Offers services to children and adults with autism.Autism ServicesMore information: Includes intensive early intervention, private schooling, and a community living program Provides job training and opportunities for employment
Special Education
Vocational Rehabilitation
Occupational Therapy
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Speech and Language Pathology
Family Counseling
Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Mental Health Related Support Groups
Assisted Living Facilities
Individual Counseling
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Provides long-term care and rehabilitation services.Long Term Care FacilitiesMore information: Offers occupational, physical, and speech therapies Includes Alzheimer and dementia care
Provides long-term care and rehabilitation services.Long Term Care FacilitiesMore information: Offers occupational, physical, and speech therapies Includes Alzheimer and dementia care
Older Adults
Speech and Language Pathology
Occupational Therapy
Volunteer Opportunities
Physical Therapy
Nursing Facilities
Offers in-home healthcare services for children and young adults.Home Healthcare
Offers in-home healthcare services for children and young adults.Home Healthcare
Occupational Therapy
Speech and Language Pathology
Home Health Care
Physical Therapy
Coordinates in-home services for adults.Home HealthcareMore information: Includes skilled nursing care; physical, occupational, and speech therapy; and home health aides
Coordinates in-home services for adults.Home HealthcareMore information: Includes skilled nursing care; physical, occupational, and speech therapy; and home health aides
Home Health Care
Occupational Therapy
Speech and Language Pathology
Physical Therapy
Provides rehabilitation treatment and therapy services on both an outpatient and inpatient basis.Rehabilitation ServicesMore information:Driver training services available
Provides rehabilitation treatment and therapy services on both an outpatient and inpatient basis.Rehabilitation ServicesMore information:Driver training services available
Occupational Therapy
Day Rehabilitation
Speech and Language Pathology
Physical Therapy
Volunteer Opportunities
Offers 24-hour nursing and long-term care.Skilled Nursing FacilitiesMore information: Provides occupational, speech/language, and physical therapies-Private and semi-private rooms available
Offers 24-hour nursing and long-term care.Skilled Nursing FacilitiesMore information: Provides occupational, speech/language, and physical therapies-Private and semi-private rooms available
Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy
Nursing Facilities
Speech and Language Pathology
Provides a comprehensive rehabilitation program for youth with neurological, neuromuscular, orthopedic, or burn diagnoses who no longer require acute care.Rehabilitation ServicesMore information:Offers psychology, physical therapy, language and speech pathology, power mobility, and nutritionMatches children with technology tools and equipment for daily living
Provides a comprehensive rehabilitation program for youth with neurological, neuromuscular, orthopedic, or burn diagnoses who no longer require acute care.Rehabilitation ServicesMore information:Offers psychology, physical therapy, language and speech pathology, power mobility, and nutritionMatches children with technology tools and equipment for daily living
Assistive Technology Equipment
Speech and Language Pathology
Hearing Screening
Physical Therapy
Volunteer Opportunities
Day Rehabilitation
Offers 24-hour nursing, long term care, and rehabilitation services.Skilled Nursing FacilitiesMore information: Provides physical, occupational, and speech therapy, as well as Alzheimer's and dementia care
Offers 24-hour nursing, long term care, and rehabilitation services.Skilled Nursing FacilitiesMore information: Provides physical, occupational, and speech therapy, as well as Alzheimer's and dementia care
Speech and Language Pathology
Nursing Facilities
Volunteer Opportunities
Occupational Therapy
Caregiver Training
Physical Therapy