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Provides grants to help residents improve the safety of homes exposed to lead.Home Safety and Modification
Provides various public and individual health programs and services to the community.Public HealthMore information: Includes family planning, maternal and child health, early head start, immunizations, and elder care Offers non-emergency medical transportation, personal care, adult evaluation, and home visits Advocates for individuals with developmental disabilities and connects them to services Programs on narcan training, smoking cessation, and cancer prevention available Monitors diseases and environmental health Issues certified birth and death certificates


Activities of Daily Living Assessment
Early Childhood Education
Intellectual Disabilities
Home Health Care
Psychiatric Case Management
Lead Poisoning Screening
Opioid Antidote Distribution
Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening
Parenting Education
Personal Care
HIV Testing
Birth Control
Case/Care Management
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Substance Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Veterinary Services
Cancer Detection
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Volunteer Opportunities
Graduation Requirements Programs