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Focuses on preventing environmental diseases and promoting community health and safety.Environmental HealthMore information: Provides cautionary advisories and interventions Health tips are offered to help reduce and protect against environmental pollution


Public Health Information/Inspection/Remediation
Pollution Control
Safety Education Programs
Lead Poisoning
Offers information and referral for various city services, including police, housing inspections, health department, solid waste, water issues, parks and recreation, public works, public health, safety, community service programs, and animal control.Information and Referral


911 Services
Volunteer Opportunities
Consumer Complaints
Waste Management Services
Building and Safety
Prescription Drug Return/Reuse/Recycling Programs
Public Health Information/Inspection/Remediation
Animal Control
Smoke Alarms
Crime Reporting
Law Enforcement Agencies
Pollution Control
Information Sources
Disaster Relief/Recovery Organizations
Provides information on Baltimore County government offices and services.Government Information Services


Waste Management Services
Disaster Declarations Information
Building and Safety
Public Health Information/Inspection/Remediation
Consumer Complaints
Pollution Control
Information Sources
Provides waste management services for Howard County. Solid Waste ManagementMore information: Manages landfill, recycling programs, and residential curbside collection Bulk trash and scrap metal services available at Alpha Ridge Landfill; may offer pick-up Accepts unlimited amounts of recycling
Oversees public water supplies and individual wells in order to ensure that Marylanders have enough safe drinking water.Water Supply


Pollution Control
Public Health Information/Inspection/Remediation
Lead Poisoning
Ensures that vehicles have clean emissions by requiring inspections every two years and fixing vehicles that don't meet standards. Environmental Quality and Pollution Control