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Helps students who are facing disciplinary actions or experiencing homelessness with education-related issues.Education Advocacy Groups More information: Represents students who are facing suspension, expulsion, send-homes, transfers to alternative schools, school-based arrest, or other disciplinary removals from schoolAlso assists students who are experiencing homelessness, including those who are doubled up with friends or family


General Legal Aid
Volunteer Opportunities
School System Advocacy
Helps families with children who have special needs access community resources. Family Support ServicesMore information: Offers support, education, advocacy, coaching, information and referral, and follow-up services


Case/Care Management
School System Advocacy
Helps students and families with truancy and attendance issues.Truancy Counseling/SupportMore information: Provides counseling, referrals, and a school liaison Holds district meetings with advocates, parents, and community partners Accepts donations that can serve as attendance incentives


Public Schools
Juvenile Delinquency Prevention
School System Advocacy
Offers resources and support for families with children who have disabilities or delays.Family Support ServicesMore information: Includes training for parents, support groups, and IEP advocacy services Provides access to school and community services
Helps individuals and families learn, navigate, and manage systems of care. Family Resource CenterMore information: Includes care coordination, case management, educational and community support, and referral