Age Group
Payment Options
1-25 of 82
Provides multi-disciplinary treatment for psychiatric needs.Inpatient Mental Health TreatmentMore information: Individualized treatment plan includes therapy and medication management Stay include 24-hour nurse care and typically last 7 to 9 days
Provides multi-disciplinary treatment for psychiatric needs.Inpatient Mental Health TreatmentMore information: Individualized treatment plan includes therapy and medication management Stay include 24-hour nurse care and typically last 7 to 9 days
Mental Health - Service Type
Inpatient Mental Health Facilities
Emergency Mental Health Services
Mental Health Evaluation
Clinical Service Providers
Offers 24-hour confidential phone support to residents of Western Maryland.Crisis Intervention More information:Provides information, referrals to local resources, supportive listening, and crisis interventionPresentations on suicide prevention may be requested for community groups and agencies
Offers 24-hour confidential phone support to residents of Western Maryland.Crisis Intervention More information:Provides information, referrals to local resources, supportive listening, and crisis interventionPresentations on suicide prevention may be requested for community groups and agencies
Substance Use - Service Type
Suicide Prevention Hotlines
Mental Health - Special Programs
Suicide Counseling
Volunteer Opportunities
Clinical Service Providers
Chronic/Severe Mental Illness
Mental Health - Service Type
General Crisis Intervention Hotlines
Substance Use - Special Programs
211 Systems
Emergency Mental Health Services
Mental Health Information/Education
Offers therapeutic, educational, and vocational services for individuals with disabilities.Education and Social ServicesMore information: Includes early intervention, occupational therapy, speech-language services, and audiology Mental health counseling, job placement and training, and tutoring available Operates a private school for children with autism and language and learning disabilities Provides summer programs for children with special needs Helps program participants of all ages with reading, writing, math, and study skills
Offers therapeutic, educational, and vocational services for individuals with disabilities.Education and Social ServicesMore information: Includes early intervention, occupational therapy, speech-language services, and audiology Mental health counseling, job placement and training, and tutoring available Operates a private school for children with autism and language and learning disabilities Provides summer programs for children with special needs Helps program participants of all ages with reading, writing, math, and study skills
Learning Disabilities
Volunteer Opportunities
Physical Therapy
Intellectual Disabilities
Summer Camps
Inpatient Mental Health Facilities
Special Education
Mental Health Information/Education
Hearing Screening
Occupational Therapy
Tutoring Services
Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Clinical Service Providers
Mental Health - Special Programs
Mental Health Related Support Groups
Mental Health - Service Type
Mental Health Issues
Emergency Mental Health Services
Mental Health Evaluation
Offers inpatient psychiatric treatment and a partial day Gero-psychiatric outpatient program.Geriatric Psychiatry
Offers inpatient psychiatric treatment and a partial day Gero-psychiatric outpatient program.Geriatric Psychiatry
Inpatient Mental Health Facilities
Emergency Mental Health Services
Provides psychiatric rehabilitation services for adults with severe and persistent mental illness.Mental Health Support ServicesMore information:Includes social skills training, medication monitoring, vocational training, and community integration
Provides psychiatric rehabilitation services for adults with severe and persistent mental illness.Mental Health Support ServicesMore information:Includes social skills training, medication monitoring, vocational training, and community integration
Inpatient Mental Health Facilities
Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Mental Health - Service Type
Emergency Mental Health Services
Mental Health Information/Education
Clinical Service Providers
Mental Health Issues
Mental Health Evaluation
Provides intervention and support to individuals experiencing a mental health emergency. Mental Health Crisis Intervention More information:Includes assessment, crisis intervention, counseling, resource referrals, and follow-up servicesWorks with law enforcement and emergency respondersProvides critical incident stress management after a traumatic event or natural disaster
Provides intervention and support to individuals experiencing a mental health emergency. Mental Health Crisis Intervention More information:Includes assessment, crisis intervention, counseling, resource referrals, and follow-up servicesWorks with law enforcement and emergency respondersProvides critical incident stress management after a traumatic event or natural disaster
Clinical Service Providers
Suicide Prevention Hotlines
Mental Health - Service Type
General Crisis Intervention Hotlines
Mental Health Issues
Substance Use - Special Programs
Mental Health - Special Programs
Psychiatric Mobile Response Teams
Specialized Information and Referral
Emergency Mental Health Services
Substance Use - Service Type
Chronic/Severe Mental Illness
Offers 24-hour emergency medical services, including adult and pediatric care, behavioral health counseling, and case management.Emergency ServicesMore information: Diagnostic testing, including CT and X-ray, is available Works closely with EMS
Offers 24-hour emergency medical services, including adult and pediatric care, behavioral health counseling, and case management.Emergency ServicesMore information: Diagnostic testing, including CT and X-ray, is available Works closely with EMS
Occupational Therapy
First Aid Instruction
Psychiatric Day Treatment
Physical Therapy
Mental Health Issues
Pregnancy/Childbirth Support Groups
Volunteer Opportunities
Mental Health - Service Type
Emergency Mental Health Services
Mental Health Information/Education
Mental Health Evaluation
Mental Health Drop In Centers
Childbirth Education
Inpatient Mental Health Facilities
Clinical Service Providers
Provides psychiatric urgent care services for individuals needing immediate mental and behavioral health support. Mental Health Crisis InterventionMore information:Offers comprehensive Psycho-social Assessment and psychiatric evaluations Provides medication management
Provides psychiatric urgent care services for individuals needing immediate mental and behavioral health support. Mental Health Crisis InterventionMore information:Offers comprehensive Psycho-social Assessment and psychiatric evaluations Provides medication management
Mental Health Evaluation
Emergency Mental Health Services
In Person Crisis Intervention
Respond on-site to urgent calls, assist individuals who may have expressed thoughts of suicide, and support families of an individual who died by suicide. Crisis Intervention Hotlines/HelplinesMore information:Accompany the police to psychiatric emergencies, family crises, and traumatic events in the communityAnswers to calls from private residences, workplaces, schools, and public locations
Respond on-site to urgent calls, assist individuals who may have expressed thoughts of suicide, and support families of an individual who died by suicide. Crisis Intervention Hotlines/HelplinesMore information:Accompany the police to psychiatric emergencies, family crises, and traumatic events in the communityAnswers to calls from private residences, workplaces, schools, and public locations
Clinical Service Providers
Psychiatric Mobile Response Teams
Emergency Mental Health Services
Provides psychiatric rehabilitation services to individuals with mental, emotional, and behavioral challenges.Mental Health Support ServicesMore information: Assists with employment, academics, housing, health education, wellness management, legal support, financial and budgeting, therapy compliance, transportation, and more Counselors are available to meet participants in the community
Provides psychiatric rehabilitation services to individuals with mental, emotional, and behavioral challenges.Mental Health Support ServicesMore information: Assists with employment, academics, housing, health education, wellness management, legal support, financial and budgeting, therapy compliance, transportation, and more Counselors are available to meet participants in the community
Mental Health Drop In Centers
Inpatient Mental Health Facilities
Emergency Mental Health Services
Mental Health - Service Type
Mental Health Evaluation
Mental Health Information/Education
Mental Health Issues
Clinical Service Providers
Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Provides 24-hour mobile crisis intervention for residents experiencing a mental health crisis.Crisis InterventionMore information: Includes face-to-face intervention, assessment, evaluation, stabilization, and treatment planning Offers referrals and links to community resources and services Police may respond with mobile crisis staff in order to ensure safetyDebriefing services available following community disasters or crisis eventsEducates first responders and organizations on mental health issues and crisis intervention
Provides 24-hour mobile crisis intervention for residents experiencing a mental health crisis.Crisis InterventionMore information: Includes face-to-face intervention, assessment, evaluation, stabilization, and treatment planning Offers referrals and links to community resources and services Police may respond with mobile crisis staff in order to ensure safetyDebriefing services available following community disasters or crisis eventsEducates first responders and organizations on mental health issues and crisis intervention
Mental Health Evaluation
Emergency Mental Health Services
Clinical Service Providers
Mental Health - Service Type
Specialized Information and Referral
Mental Health Issues
Psychiatric Mobile Response Teams
Home Based Mental Health Services
Psychiatric Medication Services
Provides mental health and 24-hour crisis services. Mental Health ServicesMore information: Includes outpatient services such as diagnosis, evaluation, medication management, and therapy Provides referrals for psychological testing, family and play therapy, and tele-mental health School-based services available
Provides mental health and 24-hour crisis services. Mental Health ServicesMore information: Includes outpatient services such as diagnosis, evaluation, medication management, and therapy Provides referrals for psychological testing, family and play therapy, and tele-mental health School-based services available
In Person Crisis Intervention
Clinical Service Providers
Psychiatric Medication Services
Individual Counseling
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Mental Health - Service Type
Conjoint Counseling
General Crisis Intervention Hotlines
Mental Health - Special Programs
Family Counseling
Emergency Mental Health Services
Substance Use - Service Type
Provides 24-hour emergency services for individuals with mental health and substance use disorders.Mental Healthcare and Addiction ServicesMore information: Offers crisis intervention, inpatient and outpatient care, medication management, and therapy Employers can call for help with employee mental health and addiction issues
Provides 24-hour emergency services for individuals with mental health and substance use disorders.Mental Healthcare and Addiction ServicesMore information: Offers crisis intervention, inpatient and outpatient care, medication management, and therapy Employers can call for help with employee mental health and addiction issues
Substance Use - Service Type
Inpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities
Substance Use Disorder Crisis Intervention
Inpatient Mental Health Facilities
Psychiatric Day Treatment
Substance Use - Special Programs
Mental Health - Service Type
Clinical Service Providers
Opioid Treatment Programs
Substance Use Disorder Day Treatment
Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment
In Person Crisis Intervention
Mental Health Evaluation
Emergency Mental Health Services
Psychiatric Medication Services
Medication Assisted Maintenance Treatment for Substance Use Disorders
Provides outpatient psychiatric care that includes evaluation, play and family therapy, parent guidance, and medication treatment.Mental Healthcare
Provides outpatient psychiatric care that includes evaluation, play and family therapy, parent guidance, and medication treatment.Mental Healthcare
Inpatient Mental Health Facilities
Volunteer Opportunities
Emergency Mental Health Services
Mental Health - Special Programs
Individual Counseling
Bereavement and Grief Counseling
Family Counseling
Substance Use - Service Type
Clinical Service Providers
Mental Health - Service Type
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Operates a crisis intervention hotline for individuals who identify as transgender and those struggling with gender identity.Crisis Intervention HotlinesMore information: Provides support and resources for family and friends Offers microgrants to fund name changes
Operates a crisis intervention hotline for individuals who identify as transgender and those struggling with gender identity.Crisis Intervention HotlinesMore information: Provides support and resources for family and friends Offers microgrants to fund name changes
LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning)
Transgender Individuals
Substance Use - Special Programs
Mental Health - Special Programs
Substance Use - Service Type
Emergency Mental Health Services
General Crisis Intervention Hotlines
Birth Certificate Fee Payment Assistance
LGBTQ2+ Helplines
Mental Health - Service Type
Offers psychiatric medication management services.Mental Health Medication SupportMore information: Provides telehealth and mobile services
Offers psychiatric medication management services.Mental Health Medication SupportMore information: Provides telehealth and mobile services
Clinical Service Providers
Mental Health - Service Type
Telemental Health
Inpatient Mental Health Facilities
Mental Health Information/Education
Psychiatric Medication Services
Emergency Mental Health Services
Mental Health Issues
Provides crisis and mental health services for individuals who have experienced sexual assault or rape.Crisis Center More information: Includes 24-hour hotlines and text lines, counseling, psychiatric services, advocacy, and education Offers services for incarcerated women, youth in foster care, and the Latino/ Hispanic community School-based mental health services available in several counties
Provides crisis and mental health services for individuals who have experienced sexual assault or rape.Crisis Center More information: Includes 24-hour hotlines and text lines, counseling, psychiatric services, advocacy, and education Offers services for incarcerated women, youth in foster care, and the Latino/ Hispanic community School-based mental health services available in several counties
Psychiatric Case Management
Abuse Counseling
Human Trafficking Hotlines
Text Based Counseling Services
Clinical Service Providers
Substance Use - Service Type
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Mental Health Evaluation
Individual Counseling
Sexual Assault Hotlines
Substance Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Emergency Mental Health Services
Hispanic/Latino Community
Mental Health - Service Type
Mental Health - Special Programs
Case/Care Management
Crime Victim Support
In Person Crisis Intervention
Telemental Health
Provides psychiatric rehabilitation services to individuals with mental, emotional, and behavioral challenges.Mental Health Support ServicesMore information: Assists with employment, academics, housing, health education, wellness management, legal support, financial and budgeting, therapy compliance, transportation, and more Counselors are available to meet participants in the community
Provides psychiatric rehabilitation services to individuals with mental, emotional, and behavioral challenges.Mental Health Support ServicesMore information: Assists with employment, academics, housing, health education, wellness management, legal support, financial and budgeting, therapy compliance, transportation, and more Counselors are available to meet participants in the community
Mental Health Drop In Centers
Inpatient Mental Health Facilities
Emergency Mental Health Services
Mental Health - Service Type
Mental Health Evaluation
Mental Health Information/Education
Mental Health Issues
Clinical Service Providers
Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Provides 24/7 mobile mental health crisis intervention that includes face-to-face intervention, assessment, and evaluation.Crisis Intervention ServicesMore information: Offers referrals and links to community resources as needed Police also respond between 9PM and 7AM to ensure safety
Provides 24/7 mobile mental health crisis intervention that includes face-to-face intervention, assessment, and evaluation.Crisis Intervention ServicesMore information: Offers referrals and links to community resources as needed Police also respond between 9PM and 7AM to ensure safety
Emergency Mental Health Services
Clinical Service Providers
Psychiatric Mobile Response Teams
Offers 24-hour behavioral health crisis response services, including medication management, therapeutic services, peer support, and mobile services.Crisis ResponseMore information: Mobile Crisis Team assesses mental health and substance use treatment needs and initiate services Provides immediate opioid treatment at no cost
Offers 24-hour behavioral health crisis response services, including medication management, therapeutic services, peer support, and mobile services.Crisis ResponseMore information: Mobile Crisis Team assesses mental health and substance use treatment needs and initiate services Provides immediate opioid treatment at no cost
Clinical Service Providers
Substance Use Disorder Peer Recovery Coach Services
Substance Use - Service Type
Psychiatric Mobile Response Teams
Individual Counseling
Emergency Mental Health Services
Suicide Counseling
Mental Health - Special Programs
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Substance Use - Special Programs
Provides inpatient psychiatric treatment for individuals who require acute or long-term care. Mental Health FacilitiesMore information: Forensic evaluations and individual intensive treatment plans offered
Provides inpatient psychiatric treatment for individuals who require acute or long-term care. Mental Health FacilitiesMore information: Forensic evaluations and individual intensive treatment plans offered
Emergency Mental Health Services
Inpatient Mental Health Facilities
Operates as a full service, acute care hospital.HealthcareMore information: Includes surgical, emergency services, internal medicine, occupational and physical therapy, psychiatry, radiation oncology and chemotherapy, dental, ophthalmology, obstetrics, diabetes management, home healthcare, social work services, women's health, and specialized care
Operates as a full service, acute care hospital.HealthcareMore information: Includes surgical, emergency services, internal medicine, occupational and physical therapy, psychiatry, radiation oncology and chemotherapy, dental, ophthalmology, obstetrics, diabetes management, home healthcare, social work services, women's health, and specialized care
Medical Social Work
Dental Care
Eye Care
Respite Care
Inpatient Mental Health Facilities
Clinical Service Providers
Emergency Mental Health Services
Occupational Therapy
Case/Care Management
Physical Therapy
Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Home Health Care
Provides comprehensive inpatient mental health services for adults with a psychiatric diagnosis.Inpatient Mental Health FacilitiesMore information: Includes treatment planning, dual diagnosis services, case management, and nursing services Conducts psychosocial assessments and works with patients and families to create discharge plans Psychologists offer individual and group counseling, as well as rehabilitative therapies
Provides comprehensive inpatient mental health services for adults with a psychiatric diagnosis.Inpatient Mental Health FacilitiesMore information: Includes treatment planning, dual diagnosis services, case management, and nursing services Conducts psychosocial assessments and works with patients and families to create discharge plans Psychologists offer individual and group counseling, as well as rehabilitative therapies
Inpatient Mental Health Facilities
Older Adults
Emergency Mental Health Services
Offers psychiatric medication management services.Mental Health Medication SupportMore information: Provides telehealth and mobile services
Offers psychiatric medication management services.Mental Health Medication SupportMore information: Provides telehealth and mobile services
Clinical Service Providers
Mental Health - Service Type
Telemental Health
Inpatient Mental Health Facilities
Mental Health Information/Education
Psychiatric Medication Services
Emergency Mental Health Services
Mental Health Issues
Provides inpatient psychiatric treatment, including assessment and individual and group therapies.Mental HealthcareMore information: Offers psychoeducation groups, life skills development, and occupational therapyAccepts voluntary and involuntary patients; not an emergency facility and cannot receive walk-ins
Provides inpatient psychiatric treatment, including assessment and individual and group therapies.Mental HealthcareMore information: Offers psychoeducation groups, life skills development, and occupational therapyAccepts voluntary and involuntary patients; not an emergency facility and cannot receive walk-ins
Inpatient Mental Health Facilities
Emergency Mental Health Services