1-25 of 30
Provides emergency and transitional housing for women experiencing homelessness. Shelter, Transitional HousingMore information: Includes case management, budgeting workshops, life skills training, and counseling Offers shelter for women experiencing domestic violence Operates an overnight freezing weather shelter when temperatures fall below 32 degrees Stays limited to 45 days in emergency shelter and 24 months in transitional shelter


Transitional Housing/Shelter
Community Shelters
Extreme Weather Shelters
Domestic Violence Shelters
Volunteer Opportunities
Offers a range of services for individuals affected by domestic violence and/or sexual assault. Domestic Violence SheltersMore information: Provides a hotline, shelter, counseling, advocacy, accompaniment, outreach services, and more Includes abuse intervention services for those wishing to change abusive behaviors


Abuse Counseling
Volunteer Opportunities
Domestic Violence Support Groups
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Domestic Violence Shelters
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Provides services and support for individuals affected by domestic violence.Domestic Violence ServicesMore information: Includes shelter, a safe pet program, counseling, and virtual forensic medical consultations Helps with temporary protective orders and finding legal representation and court accompaniment Provides referrals for basic necessities, immigration services, and child welfare agencies Transportation is available


Domestic Violence Shelters
Mental Health Information/Education
Mental Health Related Support Groups
Individual Counseling
Transportation Expense Assistance
Animal Shelters
Abuse Counseling
Protective/Restraining Orders
Certificates/Forms Assistance
Group Counseling
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Specialized Information and Referral
Provides information, support, and crisis intervention to victims of sexual violence.Victim AdvocacyMore information:Conducts a risk assessment and helps with safety planningOffers transportation to a safe place, lock changes, advocacy, and helps with protective orders DC Safe Advocate provides follow-up by phone or in-person Intake available at one of two domestic violence intake centers


Transportation Issues
Crime Victim Support
Domestic Violence Issues
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Domestic Violence Shelters
Provides information, support, and crisis intervention to victims of sexual violence.Victim AdvocacyMore information:Conducts a risk assessment and helps with safety planningOffers transportation to a safe place, lock changes, advocacy, and helps with protective orders DC Safe Advocate provides follow-up by phone or in-person Intake available at one of two domestic violence intake centers


Transportation Issues
Crime Victim Support
Domestic Violence Issues
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Domestic Violence Shelters
Offers a crisis shelter and transitional housing for victims of domestic violence. Crisis ShelterMore information: Accepts donations of nonperishable food, hygiene items, diapers, paper products, new sheets and towels; cannot accept used toys and clothing


Domestic Violence Shelters
Volunteer Service Programs
Household Goods Donation Programs
Food Donation Programs
Personal/Grooming Supplies Donation Programs
Provides temporary housing for individuals who are experiencing domestic violence until they can move to a more permanent arrangement.Domestic Violence Shelters
Provides support to individuals who have experienced domestic violence.Domestic Violence ServicesMore information: Offers a 24-hour helpline, counseling, educational support groups, and court support Refers to emergency shelter, legal services, and other community resources Does not provide couples counseling while an abusive situation is ongoing


Specialized Information and Referral
Domestic Violence Shelters
Domestic Violence Issues
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Volunteer Service Programs
Abuse Counseling
Provides services for individuals who have experienced domestic violence, sexual assault, abuse, and other traumas.Crisis Counseling and Intervention More information:Includes a 24-hour hotline, crisis counseling, individual and group counseling, and shelter referral Offers a 26-week program for men involved in domestic violence


Individual Counseling
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Domestic Violence Shelters
Crime Victim Support
Crime Victims
Group Counseling
Domestic Violence Intervention Programs
Abuse Counseling
Volunteer Opportunities
Offers shelter for women and children who are victims of domestic violence.Domestic Violence SheltersMore information: Men may receive assistance on a case-by-case basis


Volunteer Opportunities
Domestic Violence Shelters
Provides temporary housing for individuals who are experiencing domestic violence until they can move to a more permanent arrangement.Domestic Violence Shelters
Offers support to survivors of crimes, including domestic violence, elder abuse, and sexual assault. Victim ServicesMore information: Provides resources for shelter and housing, court companionship, and transportation to safe houses and shelters


Domestic Violence Hotlines
Domestic Violence Intervention Programs
Elder Abuse Hotlines
Sexual Assault Hotlines
Crime Victim Support
Provides support to individuals experiencing domestic violence.Domestic Violence ServicesMore information: Offers a 24-hour crisis line, counseling for victims and abusers, referrals, and emergency shelter Helps victims seek legal protections for themselves and their children Sends speakers to community groups and events to raise awareness on domestic violence


Mental Health Issues
Mental Health Related Support Groups
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Community Action/Social Advocacy Groups
Domestic Violence Shelters
Abuse Counseling
Specialized Information and Referral
Domestic Violence Issues
Domestic Violence Intervention Programs
Mental Health Information/Education
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Helps individuals who require immediate relocation from their homes due to domestic violence, incest, rape, sex trafficking, and sexual abuse. Emergency ShelterMore information:Does not provide shelter but can assist with shelter placement


Volunteer Opportunities
Domestic Violence Shelters
Helps individuals who require immediate relocation from their homes due to domestic violence, incest, rape, sex trafficking, and sexual abuse. Emergency ShelterMore information:Does not provide shelter but can assist with shelter placement


Volunteer Opportunities
Domestic Violence Shelters
Provides services and supports for individuals and families affected by domestic violence.Domestic Violence SupportMore information: Includes a 24-hour crisis line, emergency housing, counseling, support groups, and education Crisis case-management services available to connect clients with community resources Operates the Family Justice Center, a one-stop for survivors of domestic violence


Crime Victim Support
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Safety Education Programs
Domestic Violence Issues
Domestic Violence Intervention Programs
Domestic Violence Shelters
Volunteer Opportunities
Offers housing and support to women who have been hurt by their partners, and their children.Domestic Violence SheltersMore information: Stays are limited to 6 weeks or 45 days


Volunteer Opportunities
Domestic Violence Shelters
Provides emergency intervention services for women and children who have experienced domestic violence, sexual crisis, or trafficking. Domestic Violence ServicesMore information: Offers a 24-hour crisis hotline, shelter, counseling, advocacy, and hospital accompaniment Education and training, support groups, art therapy, and an abuser intervention program available


Domestic Violence Intervention Programs
Abuse Counseling
Domestic Violence Shelters
Volunteer Opportunities
Human Trafficking Hotlines
Provides temporary housing for individuals who are experiencing domestic violence until they can move to a more permanent arrangement.Domestic Violence Shelters
Provides information, support, and crisis intervention to victims of sexual violence.Victim AdvocacyMore information:Conducts a risk assessment and helps with safety planningOffers transportation to a safe place, lock changes, advocacy, and helps with protective orders DC Safe Advocate provides follow-up by phone or in-person Intake available at one of two domestic violence intake centers


Transportation Issues
Crime Victim Support
Domestic Violence Issues
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Domestic Violence Shelters
Provides shelter and support services for victims of domestic violence.Domestic Violence ServicesMore information: Offers referrals to community resources like crisis counseling, legal advocacy, healthcare, and more Average shelter stay is 3 months, but some extensions may be granted Accepts donations of money, household goods, personal care products, and in-season clothing


Domestic Violence Shelters
Personal/Grooming Supplies Donation Programs
Clothing Donation Programs
Volunteer Opportunities
Household Goods Donation Programs
Provides crisis intervention services for victims of intimate partner violence, sexual assault, sexual abuse, and stalking.Domestic Violence SheltersMore information: Includes a 24-hour hotline, shelter, court and medical accompaniment, and emergency cell phones Shelter offers meals, clothing, personal supplies, counseling, case management, and education Offers a supervised visitation and exchange program on-site Abuser intervention available for both court-ordered or voluntary participants


Volunteer Opportunities
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Abuse Counseling
Domestic Violence Shelters
Anger Management
Sexual Assault Hotlines
Provides a range of services for victims of domestic violence.Domestic Violence ServicesMore information: Includes a 24-hour hotline, crisis intervention, legal services, and short-term hotel placement Offers an abuser intervention program and transitional services with intensive case management Education and training is available to agencies, local groups, and organizations


Abuse Counseling
Domestic Violence Issues
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Domestic Violence Intervention Programs
Anger Management
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Domestic Violence Shelters
Case/Care Management
Volunteer Opportunities
Operates a 24-hour hotline for individuals in crisis and survivors of physical or sexual abuse.Crisis Intervention HotlineMore information: Offers evaluations, counseling, hospital and court accompaniment, and therapy for children Provides group counseling for batterers and support for families and friendsRefers battered women and their children to emergency shelter as neededDomestic violence support groups are available for both males and femalesCoordinates speakers on topics related to child abuse, sexual abuse, and domestic violence


Domestic Violence Hotlines
Sexual Assault Hotlines
Domestic Violence Shelters
Sexual Assault Issues
Volunteer Opportunities
Abuse Counseling
Domestic Violence Intervention Programs
Domestic Violence Support Groups
Individual Counseling
Offers temporary housing for families for up to 90 days.Emergency ShelterMore information:Donations of nonperishable food, baby formula, diapers, toiletries, and paper products accepted


Food Donation Programs
Household Goods Donation Programs
Domestic Violence Shelters
Personal/Grooming Supplies Donation Programs
Volunteer Opportunities