Age Group
1-11 of 11
Provides information on becoming licensed as a daycare provider, either at a center or a private home.Child Care Provider Licensing/RegulationMore information: Investigates alleged unlicensed daycare center and home operations
Provides information on becoming licensed as a daycare provider, either at a center or a private home.Child Care Provider Licensing/RegulationMore information: Investigates alleged unlicensed daycare center and home operations
Child Care Referrals
Consumer Complaints
Child Care Provider Referrals
Provides information and resources to help prepare children for kindergarten.Information and Referral
Provides information and resources to help prepare children for kindergarten.Information and Referral
Volunteer Opportunities
Child Care Provider Referrals
Child Care Referrals
Oversees childcare centers, family childcare providers, and nursery schools in the tri-county area.Child Care Licensing and RegulationMore information: Issues childcare licenses and provides information on how to register to provide childcare Investigates complaints related to childcare
Oversees childcare centers, family childcare providers, and nursery schools in the tri-county area.Child Care Licensing and RegulationMore information: Issues childcare licenses and provides information on how to register to provide childcare Investigates complaints related to childcare
Child Care Referrals
Consumer Complaints
Child Care Provider Referrals
Oversees the state's childcare center and family childcare provider credentialing system and related inspections.Child Care Licensing and CertificationMore information: Manages programs that help working families pay for childcare
Oversees the state's childcare center and family childcare provider credentialing system and related inspections.Child Care Licensing and CertificationMore information: Manages programs that help working families pay for childcare
Child Care Provider Referrals
Child Care Centers
Child Care Referrals
Consumer Complaints
Maintains an online directory of local government agencies, non-profits, and businesses that serve residents of Harford County.Information and Referral
Maintains an online directory of local government agencies, non-profits, and businesses that serve residents of Harford County.Information and Referral
Specialized Information and Referral
Child Care Referrals
Child Care Provider Referrals
Clinical Service Providers
Mental Health - Service Type
Mental Health Evaluation
Food Pantries
Helps parents find childcare resources and offers information about local outreach and subsidies. Information and ReferralMore information:Includes early childhood behavior interventions, assessments, and educationProvide training and consulting services for childcare providers and familiesOffers technical assistance with licensing and assistance applying for loans and grantsMaintains a full lending library with materials for infant, toddler, preschool, and school programs
Helps parents find childcare resources and offers information about local outreach and subsidies. Information and ReferralMore information:Includes early childhood behavior interventions, assessments, and educationProvide training and consulting services for childcare providers and familiesOffers technical assistance with licensing and assistance applying for loans and grantsMaintains a full lending library with materials for infant, toddler, preschool, and school programs
Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Job Training Formats
Mental Health - Special Programs
Child Care Issues
Child Care Referrals
Child Care Provider Referrals
Volunteer Opportunities
Maintains a list of childcare services in Maryland.Information and ReferralMore information:Includes programs for children with special needs, overnight care, drop-in assistance, and emergency shelterHelps with scholarship applications for some services
Maintains a list of childcare services in Maryland.Information and ReferralMore information:Includes programs for children with special needs, overnight care, drop-in assistance, and emergency shelterHelps with scholarship applications for some services
Child Care Expense Assistance
Certificates/Forms Assistance
Child Care Referrals
Child Care Provider Referrals
Families With Children
Helps parents find licensed childcare options.Child Care Provider Referrals More information:Offers a quarterly newsletter with information on child development, discipline, early childhood education, and community resources
Helps parents find licensed childcare options.Child Care Provider Referrals More information:Offers a quarterly newsletter with information on child development, discipline, early childhood education, and community resources
Child Care Provider Referrals
Child Care Issues
Child Care Referrals
Safety Education Programs
Regulates childcare centers and providers to ensure state regulations are followed.Child Care Provider Licensing/RegulationMore information: Investigates alleged unlicensed daycare center and home operations Provides information on becoming licensed as a daycare provider, either at a center or a private home
Regulates childcare centers and providers to ensure state regulations are followed.Child Care Provider Licensing/RegulationMore information: Investigates alleged unlicensed daycare center and home operations Provides information on becoming licensed as a daycare provider, either at a center or a private home
Consumer Complaints
Child Care Provider Referrals
Child Care Referrals
Regulates childcare centers and providers to ensure state regulations are followed.Child Care Provider Licensing/RegulationMore information: Investigates alleged unlicensed daycare center and home operations Provides information on becoming licensed as a daycare provider, either at a center or a private home
Regulates childcare centers and providers to ensure state regulations are followed.Child Care Provider Licensing/RegulationMore information: Investigates alleged unlicensed daycare center and home operations Provides information on becoming licensed as a daycare provider, either at a center or a private home
Consumer Complaints
Child Care Provider Referrals
Child Care Referrals
Offers training and assistance for caregivers working in home and child care centers.Child Care Provider TrainingMore information:Includes certification courses, on-site training, and mentoring on child-focused issuesProject Right Steps helps parents and providers dealing with challenging behaviors in childrenProvides scholarship funds for those seeking an Associate Degree in Early Childhood Education
Offers training and assistance for caregivers working in home and child care centers.Child Care Provider TrainingMore information:Includes certification courses, on-site training, and mentoring on child-focused issuesProject Right Steps helps parents and providers dealing with challenging behaviors in childrenProvides scholarship funds for those seeking an Associate Degree in Early Childhood Education
Child Care Provider Referrals
Child Care Issues
Child Care Referrals
Job Training Formats