Age Group
Payment Options
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Offers subsidized housing for older adults and individuals with disabilities.Affordable Housing
Offers subsidized housing for older adults and individuals with disabilities.Affordable Housing
Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing
Physical Disabilities
Older Adults
Provides low-income housing with included utilities in a senior independent living community.Low Income/Subsidized Rental HousingMore information: Includes 1- and 2-bedroom apartments with no furnishings Accepts housing vouchers
Provides low-income housing with included utilities in a senior independent living community.Low Income/Subsidized Rental HousingMore information: Includes 1- and 2-bedroom apartments with no furnishings Accepts housing vouchers
Independent Living Communities/Complexes
Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing
Older Adults
Offers rental properties and homes for sale to income-eligible individuals and families.Housing AssistanceMore information: Operates and rents several apartment buildings in Bladensburg, Hyattsville, and Mt. Rainer Rehabilitates single-family homes in Prince George's County and sells them to first-time homebuyers Provides counseling on homebuyers' education, foreclosure prevention, and financial capabilities
Offers rental properties and homes for sale to income-eligible individuals and families.Housing AssistanceMore information: Operates and rents several apartment buildings in Bladensburg, Hyattsville, and Mt. Rainer Rehabilitates single-family homes in Prince George's County and sells them to first-time homebuyers Provides counseling on homebuyers' education, foreclosure prevention, and financial capabilities
Housing Counseling
Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing
Subsidized Home Acquisition
Offers housing for income-eligible older adults.Affordable Housing
Offers housing for income-eligible older adults.Affordable Housing
Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing
Older Adults
Offers subsidized housing for older adults.Affordable Housing
Offers subsidized housing for older adults.Affordable Housing
Older Adults
Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing
Provides affordable housing for men.Housing/ShelterMore information: Residents share common spaces like kitchens, lounges, dining rooms, and bathrooms Offers job search assistance, mental health counseling, education, healthcare, and advocacy Accepts donations of bedding and hygiene items
Provides affordable housing for men.Housing/ShelterMore information: Residents share common spaces like kitchens, lounges, dining rooms, and bathrooms Offers job search assistance, mental health counseling, education, healthcare, and advocacy Accepts donations of bedding and hygiene items
Personal/Grooming Supplies Donation Programs
Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing
Volunteer Opportunities
Household Goods Donation Programs
Provides affordable housing for individuals with HIV/Aide.Section 8 HousingMore information: Offers HUD home purchase counseling, information, and other housing resources
Provides affordable housing for individuals with HIV/Aide.Section 8 HousingMore information: Offers HUD home purchase counseling, information, and other housing resources
Consumer Complaints
Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing
Volunteer Opportunities
Offers subsidized housing for older adults.Affordable HousingMore information: A service coordinator is available to help residents access community resourcesSupport services include case management, support groups, and a food program
Offers subsidized housing for older adults.Affordable HousingMore information: A service coordinator is available to help residents access community resourcesSupport services include case management, support groups, and a food program
Older Adults
Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing
Maintains a website that lists affordable rental properties.Housing Search AssistanceMore information: Includes all eligibility-based programs and housing options, such as the Section 8 Program
Maintains a website that lists affordable rental properties.Housing Search AssistanceMore information: Includes all eligibility-based programs and housing options, such as the Section 8 Program
Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing
Provides information and referrals to various programs that encourage economic independence and self-sufficiency.Information and ReferralMore information: Includes pre-GED classes, child-rearing, youth development, education, employment, housing retention, health, household management, and service coordination Offers crisis intervention as needed
Provides information and referrals to various programs that encourage economic independence and self-sufficiency.Information and ReferralMore information: Includes pre-GED classes, child-rearing, youth development, education, employment, housing retention, health, household management, and service coordination Offers crisis intervention as needed
Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing
Specialized Information and Referral
Provides residents with information on buying a home, renting a property, and avoiding foreclosure.Housing CounselingMore information: Provides financial assistance for down payments and closing costs Offers workshops, counseling on foreclosure and delinquency, and information on development
Provides residents with information on buying a home, renting a property, and avoiding foreclosure.Housing CounselingMore information: Provides financial assistance for down payments and closing costs Offers workshops, counseling on foreclosure and delinquency, and information on development
Mortgage Delinquency and Default Counseling
Home Purchase/Construction Financing/Refinancing
Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing
Housing Counseling
Offers income-based housing for older adults and individuals with disabilities.Affordable HousingMore information:A service coordinator is available to help residents access community resources
Offers income-based housing for older adults and individuals with disabilities.Affordable HousingMore information:A service coordinator is available to help residents access community resources
Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing
Older Adults
People With Disabilities/Health Conditions
Provides programs and services to help support individual and family independence.Family Self SufficiencyMore information: Includes budget counseling, workshops, housing counseling, education, and job training Offers rental assistance through the Rental Subsidy Program Helps veteran families find rental housing
Provides programs and services to help support individual and family independence.Family Self SufficiencyMore information: Includes budget counseling, workshops, housing counseling, education, and job training Offers rental assistance through the Rental Subsidy Program Helps veteran families find rental housing
Rent Payment Assistance
Specialized Information and Referral
Housing Counseling
Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing
First Time Homeowners
Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing
Education Issues
Personal Financial Counseling
Employment Issues
Families of Military Personnel/Veterans
Offers affordable efficiency apartments.Affordable Housing
Offers affordable efficiency apartments.Affordable Housing
Physical Disabilities
Older Adults
Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing
Provides affordable housing options for older adults and individuals with disabilities.Subsidized HousingMore information: Accessible units are available for those with mobility, visual, or hearing impairments Locations available in Baltimore City and Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Garrett, and Harford counties
Provides affordable housing options for older adults and individuals with disabilities.Subsidized HousingMore information: Accessible units are available for those with mobility, visual, or hearing impairments Locations available in Baltimore City and Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Garrett, and Harford counties
Physical Disabilities
Volunteer Opportunities
Older Adults
Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing
Provides older adults with affordable apartments designed specifically to meet their needs.Subsidized Housing for SeniorsMore information: Includes wheelchair accessibility and safety features
Provides older adults with affordable apartments designed specifically to meet their needs.Subsidized Housing for SeniorsMore information: Includes wheelchair accessibility and safety features
Older Adults
Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing
Volunteer Opportunities
Offers studio and 1-bedroom apartments for older adults.Senior Housing
Offers studio and 1-bedroom apartments for older adults.Senior Housing
Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing
Offers housing programs to help individuals achieve affordable housing and financial stability.Homeownership EducationMore information: Provides homeownership opportunities and affordable rental housing communitiesNorth Market Apartments offer one, two, and three-bedroom apartmentsWeinberg House Senior Apartments offer one-bedroom apartments for income- eligible older adults Housing counseling and financial education available to the community at no cost
Offers housing programs to help individuals achieve affordable housing and financial stability.Homeownership EducationMore information: Provides homeownership opportunities and affordable rental housing communitiesNorth Market Apartments offer one, two, and three-bedroom apartmentsWeinberg House Senior Apartments offer one-bedroom apartments for income- eligible older adults Housing counseling and financial education available to the community at no cost
Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Services
Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing
Personal Financial Counseling
Subsidized Home Acquisition
Housing Counseling
Offers affordable housing for older adults with low income.Affordable Housing
Offers affordable housing for older adults with low income.Affordable Housing
Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing
Older Adults
African American Community
Volunteer Opportunities
Provides subsidized workforce housing for working families.Subsidized Housing
Provides subsidized workforce housing for working families.Subsidized Housing
Volunteer Opportunities
Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing
Provides affordable housing for older adults.Affordable HousingMore Information: Housing is based on income and may include Project Section 8 housing On-site Resident Services Coordinator helps residents with resources and referrals
Provides affordable housing for older adults.Affordable HousingMore Information: Housing is based on income and may include Project Section 8 housing On-site Resident Services Coordinator helps residents with resources and referrals
People With Disabilities/Health Conditions
Older Adults
Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing
Offers affordable housing and supportive services to those in need. Supportive HousingMore information: Acquires, owns, leases, and operates rental units Maintains the relationship between homeowner associations and public housing residents Provides counseling and updated information on available housing programs
Offers affordable housing and supportive services to those in need. Supportive HousingMore information: Acquires, owns, leases, and operates rental units Maintains the relationship between homeowner associations and public housing residents Provides counseling and updated information on available housing programs
Housing Counseling
Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing
Volunteer Opportunities
Offers subsidized housing for older adults and individuals with disabilities.Affordable Housing
Offers subsidized housing for older adults and individuals with disabilities.Affordable Housing
Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing
Physical Disabilities
Older Adults
Offers subsidized housing for older adults.Affordable HousingMore information: A resident coordinator is available to help access community resources
Offers subsidized housing for older adults.Affordable HousingMore information: A resident coordinator is available to help access community resources
Physical Disabilities
Older Adults
Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing
Maintains a list of subsidized housing programs for older adults in Baltimore City.Low-Income/Subsidized Rental Housing for Seniors
Maintains a list of subsidized housing programs for older adults in Baltimore City.Low-Income/Subsidized Rental Housing for Seniors
People With Disabilities/Health Conditions
Older Adults
Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing