Age Group
Payment Options
1-15 of 15
Helps victims of intimate partner violence or sexual violence find housing options and support.Homeless Prevention ProgramsMore information:Screens applicants and reviews eligibility for rapid rehousing or other permanent housing Assists with food, relocation transportation, moving expenses, lock changes, and document fees
Helps victims of intimate partner violence or sexual violence find housing options and support.Homeless Prevention ProgramsMore information:Screens applicants and reviews eligibility for rapid rehousing or other permanent housing Assists with food, relocation transportation, moving expenses, lock changes, and document fees
Domestic Violence Issues
Sexual Assault Issues
Homelessness Prevention Programs
Housing Related Coordinated Entry Participating Agencies
Offers case management services to veterans and their families.Case/Care ManagementMore information: Helps with locating and moving into housing, obtaining benefits, and finding employment Provides assistance in obtaining medical and mental healthcare Support with budgeting available
Offers case management services to veterans and their families.Case/Care ManagementMore information: Helps with locating and moving into housing, obtaining benefits, and finding employment Provides assistance in obtaining medical and mental healthcare Support with budgeting available
Case/Care Management
Veteran Employment Programs
Health Care Referrals
Benefits Screening
Homeless Diversion Programs
Homelessness Prevention Programs
Families of Military Personnel/Veterans
Personal Financial Counseling
Moving Services
Offers case management and financial assistance to individuals at risk or experiencing homelessness. Homelessness Prevention More information:Funds may be available for rent payments and utility shut offsRapid Rehousing provides rental assistance for clients experiencing homelessness to assist in getting clients into housing through a housing first approach. Clients must qualify through required HUD guidelines
Offers case management and financial assistance to individuals at risk or experiencing homelessness. Homelessness Prevention More information:Funds may be available for rent payments and utility shut offsRapid Rehousing provides rental assistance for clients experiencing homelessness to assist in getting clients into housing through a housing first approach. Clients must qualify through required HUD guidelines
Volunteer Opportunities
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Homelessness Prevention Programs
Offers various housing programs for residents based on a needs assessment.Housing CounselingMore information: Case management is provided as part of all programs The Emergency Solutions Grant may provide up to 6 months of rental stipends for homeless families
Offers various housing programs for residents based on a needs assessment.Housing CounselingMore information: Case management is provided as part of all programs The Emergency Solutions Grant may provide up to 6 months of rental stipends for homeless families
Volunteer Opportunities
Rent Payment Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
Homeless Diversion Programs
Families With Children
Homelessness Prevention Programs
Provides financial assistance and case management services to help eligible families prevent eviction or utility shut-off.Homelessness Prevention
Provides financial assistance and case management services to help eligible families prevent eviction or utility shut-off.Homelessness Prevention
Homelessness Prevention Programs
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Families With Children
Rent Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Provides financial assistance and case management for families at risk of losing permanent housing. Homelessness Prevention More information: Funds may be used for eviction prevention and utility bills Requires families to participate in year-long case management
Provides financial assistance and case management for families at risk of losing permanent housing. Homelessness Prevention More information: Funds may be used for eviction prevention and utility bills Requires families to participate in year-long case management
Families With Children
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Homelessness Prevention Programs
Rent Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Provides a drop-in center for individuals experiencing homelessness.Homeless Drop In Centers More information: Offers showers and laundry services each Monday and Wednesday from 9AM to 1PM during the summer months
Provides a drop-in center for individuals experiencing homelessness.Homeless Drop In Centers More information: Offers showers and laundry services each Monday and Wednesday from 9AM to 1PM during the summer months
Homeless Drop In Centers
Homelessness Prevention Programs
Provides assistance with rent and utilities to eligible residents at risk of losing their home.Homeless Diversion Programs
Provides assistance with rent and utilities to eligible residents at risk of losing their home.Homeless Diversion Programs
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Families With Children
Homelessness Prevention Programs
Rent Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Provides financial assistance to help eligible residents cover expenses related to eviction prevention, housing security deposits, prescription medications, and utilities.Emergency Services
Provides financial assistance to help eligible residents cover expenses related to eviction prevention, housing security deposits, prescription medications, and utilities.Emergency Services
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
Prescription Expense Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Volunteer Opportunities
Rent Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Homelessness Prevention Programs
Families With Children
Provides financial assistance to prevent eviction or utility shut-off.Financial AssistanceMore information: Limited funding is available to help find housing for individuals experiencing homelessness
Provides financial assistance to prevent eviction or utility shut-off.Financial AssistanceMore information: Limited funding is available to help find housing for individuals experiencing homelessness
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Volunteer Opportunities
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Rapid Re-Housing Programs
Homeless People
Homelessness Prevention Programs
Rent Payment Assistance
Provides case management services for veterans experiencing or at risk of homelessness.Homeless Veterans ServicesMore information: Helps with rent, utilities, and referrals to obtain housing
Provides case management services for veterans experiencing or at risk of homelessness.Homeless Veterans ServicesMore information: Helps with rent, utilities, and referrals to obtain housing
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Homeless Diversion Programs
Rent Payment Assistance
Homelessness Prevention Programs
Specialized Information and Referral
Case/Care Management
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Provides financial assistance and case management for families at risk of losing permanent housing. Homelessness PreventionMore information: Requires families to participate in year-long case management
Provides financial assistance and case management for families at risk of losing permanent housing. Homelessness PreventionMore information: Requires families to participate in year-long case management
Homelessness Prevention Programs
Rent Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Families With Children
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Provides financial assistance and case management for families at risk of losing permanent housing. Homelessness PreventionMore information: Funds are limited and cover 6 to 9 months of expensesFamilies participate in year-long intensive case management
Provides financial assistance and case management for families at risk of losing permanent housing. Homelessness PreventionMore information: Funds are limited and cover 6 to 9 months of expensesFamilies participate in year-long intensive case management
Families With Children
Rent Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Homelessness Prevention Programs
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Provides financial assistance for rent, utilities, and other housing needs.Housing Expense Assistance More information: Occasionally assists with emergency prescription needsCan help individuals obtain birth certificates and IDsOpen on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9AM to 1PM
Provides financial assistance for rent, utilities, and other housing needs.Housing Expense Assistance More information: Occasionally assists with emergency prescription needsCan help individuals obtain birth certificates and IDsOpen on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9AM to 1PM
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Homelessness Prevention Programs
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Birth Certificate Fee Payment Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
Identification Card Fee Payment Assistance
Prescription Expense Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Offers a day center to support individuals with basic needs such as food, clothing, shower, hygiene products, and laundry services.Housing ServicesMore information:Partners with other programs to provide individuals with ongoing human services and resources Lists participating programs on the website focused on prevention of homelessness
Offers a day center to support individuals with basic needs such as food, clothing, shower, hygiene products, and laundry services.Housing ServicesMore information:Partners with other programs to provide individuals with ongoing human services and resources Lists participating programs on the website focused on prevention of homelessness
Homeless Drop In Centers
Homelessness Prevention Programs