Prince George's County Health Department - Largo Government Center

Offers programs for individuals who are pregnant and young children. Maternal and Child ServicesMore information: Offers home visits and support to promote healthy pregnancies Provides information and referrals to programs like WIC, financial assistance, and housingInspects and issues permits for places like restaurants, nursing homes, and swimming pools Investigates hazardous materials, air quality, solid waste, and rodent issues

Physical Address

9201 Basil Court, Upper Marlboro, MD 20774


Healthy Start - Mon-Fri, 8:30AM-4:30PM; Environmental Health- Mon-Fri, 7:30AM-4PM.


Residents of Prince George's County.

Service area

Prince George's county, MD

Agency info

Prince Georges County Health Department

Serves as an architect and catalyst for needed policy development and change in the health and human service systems of prince georges county. provides advocacy and leadership necessary to ensure the protection and promotion of the health of prince georges county citizens.