Family Crisis Resource Center
Provides crisis intervention services for victims of intimate partner violence, sexual assault, sexual abuse, and stalking.Domestic Violence SheltersMore information: Includes a 24-hour hotline, shelter, court and medical accompaniment, and emergency cell phones Shelter offers meals, clothing, personal supplies, counseling, case management, and education Offers a supervised visitation and exchange program on-site Abuser intervention available for both court-ordered or voluntary participants
Physical Address
Operations and Hotline: 24 hours/day, 7 days/week. Supervised visitation takes place mostly on Saturdays and Sunday.
Individuals of all ages affected by rape, incest, sexual abuse, or physical abuse.
Service area
Allegany county, MD
Agency info
Family Crisis Resource Center
Provides a 24 hour hotline and other comprehensive services to survivors of domestic violence and sex crimes.