Developmental Disabilities Administration, Eastern Shore
Offers information on services and programs for individuals with developmental disabilities.Program Screening and ReferralMore information: Includes information on residential services, supportive employment, and case management Helps individuals and families access services through state, local, and private entities and the DDA
Individuals 3 years and older with developmental disabilities.
Service area
Caroline county, MD Cecil county, MD Dorchester county, MD Kent county, MD Queen Annes county, MD Somerset county, MD Talbot county, MD Wicomico county, MD Worcester county, MD
Agency info
Developmental Disabilities Administration
Provides a coordinated service delivery system so that eligible individuals receive appropriate health and human services. these services are provided through the four regional dda offices and a wide array of community-based services. dda takes the leadership role in working with families, providers, local and state agencies, and advocates to assure that eligible individuals and their families have access to appropriate resources.