Congruent Counseling Services, Mental Health
Offers counseling and support services for individuals, children, and families dealing with mental health issues, including addiction, depression, anxiety, anger management, and grief. Mental Healthcare
Physical Address
1643 Liberty Road, Sykesville, MD 21784
Mon 9am - 5pm; Tue 9am - 5pm; Wed 9am - 5pm; Thu 9am - 5pm; Fri 9am - 5pm; Mon-Fri 9am-5pm.
Application process
Call or visit the website.
Individuals 5 years or older.
Service area
MD, United States Millersville, MD Towson, MD Eldersburg, MD Frederick county, MD Columbia, MD Eldersburg, MD
Agency info
Congruent Counseling Services
Counseling agency offering mental and behavioral health services.