Arundel House of Hope, Community Recovery Center
Offers activities and services to individuals recovering from substance use disorder, living with mental illness, or experiencing trauma.Substance Use, Mental HealthMore information:Supported by community volunteersPartners with Anne Arundel County Department of HealthProvides detox services, legal assistance, employment training, and support groupsIncludes classes, social clubs, and recreational activities
Physical Address
514 North Crain Highway, Glen Burnie, MD 21061
Mon 8am - 2pm; Tue 8am - 2pm; Wed 8am - 2pm; Thu 8am - 2pm; Fri 8am - 2pm; Sat 8am - 12pm; Mon-Fri 8am-2pm, Sat 8am-12pm.
Application process
Call, email, or visit in person.
Individuals 18 years and older.
Service area
Anne Arundel county, MD
Agency info
Arundel House Of Hope
Provides a continuum of services to homeless persons in anne arundel county. programs include an emergency winter shelter a housing first program for men and women a transitional housing program for men in recovery permanent housing program for men and a day and resource center for referral to services.