House of Ruth Maryland, Shelter Program

Provides emergency shelter for victims of intimate partner violence and their children. Domestic Violence ShelterMore information:Residents have access to legal services, counseling, daycare services, and a health clinic Offers brief hotel stays when shelter is full, and funding is availableAverage length of shelter stay is 30 to 60 days Accepts donations of new clothing and household items, wish list available on website

Physical Address

2201 Argonne Drive, Baltimore, MD 21218


Office hours, hotline is available 24 hours/ day, 7 days/week.


Victims of intimate partner violence and their children 17 years and younger, who are at risk of harm or homelessness.

Service area

MD, United States

Agency info

House Of Ruth, Maryland

Provides counseling and assistance to victims of physical and emotional intimate partner violence through a 24-hour crisis hotline, emergency shelter, legal help and educational programs. also provides domestic violence intervention counseling for perpetrators, court appointed or voluntary.