Bloom Health Centers - Psychiatry and Medication Management

Offers outpatient mental health services including psychiatry and medication management. Outpatient Mental Health ServicesMore information:Counseling available in individual, family, and couples sessionsNeurostar Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) available to treat major depression

Physical Address

120 Sister Pierre Drive, Towson, MD 21204


Mon 8am - 5pm; Tue 8am - 5pm; Wed 8am - 5pm; Thu 8am - 5pm; Fri 8am - 5pm; Sat 8am - 5pm; Sun 8am - 5pm; Mon-Sun 8am-5pm.Providers may see patients outside of these hours.

Application process

Call our office to request an appointment.


Individuals 5 years and older.

Service area

Baltimore county, MD Baltimore City county, MD Harford county, MD Howard county, MD

Agency info

Bloom Health Centers

Comprehensive outpatient mental health care agency.