Anne Arundel County Department of Social Services, Annapolis Family Support Center
Serves as a familiy support center offering educational and health-related services to parents and their children.Family Support CentersMore information:Offers a home-visiting programOffers infant and toddler assessments, education, and development careProvides parenting and health education resources, and connections to community servicesOffers adult basic education which includes instruction in fundamental learning skills and basic job readiness training
Physical Address
80 West Street, Annapolis, MD 21401
Mon 8am - 4:30pm; Tue 8am - 4:30pm; Wed 8am - 4:30pm; Thu 8am - 4:30pm; Fri 8am - 4:30pm; Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm.
Application process
Call or visit in person.
Families with children 3 years or younger residing within Anne Arundel County.
Service area
Anne Arundel county, MD
Agency info
Anne Arundel County Department of Social Services
County Department that provides services for community, financial, and economic assistance.