Ray of Hope Mission Center - Thrift Shop and Clothing Vouchers
Sells clothing, small household items, furniture, personal hygiene items, food, electronics, jewelry, and shoes via thrift shop. Also provides clothing vouchers for qualified individuals. Thrift ShopMore information: Accepts donations of new and used clothing, shoes, and household itemsHosts a 'Coats for Kids' winter event
Physical Address
960 Craigtown Road, Port Deposit, MD 21904
Hours are by appointment only.
Residents of Cecil County who income or other household guidelines.
Service area
Charlestown, MD Colora, MD Conowingo, MD North East, MD Perryville, MD Port Deposit, MD Rising Sun, MD
Agency info
Ray Of Hope Mission Center
Coalition of area churches providing limited emergency financial assistance, a food pantry, clothing, household items, and an information center on social and human services resources.